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Question for those who have experience with tendonitis...

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I have an ankle/lower leg issue that I believe is tendonitis. It came on gradually but I ignored the warning signs, kept running ~ including a half-marathon ~ and, foolishly, even ran a couple of times last week. The pain became unbearable enough to make this stubborn mule sit it out since then. So my last run was Thursday; I've done some RICE treatment (rest, ice, etc) but not a great deal, in truth. The swelling has gone down and it no longer hurts to walk, but there is still some pain. Just enough to make me wonder if I can run again. Or rather, whether I should run again. I hate not running, but of course it doesn't make sense to push the issue and then have an even greater setback.


Anyway. Just wondering for those who've had tendonitis (elbow, knee, ankle ~ where ever) how long you've generally had to take it easy. Thanks!

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Elbow - have had it for at least 8 years. Never had any swelling with it..... i'm still waiting for it to go away (it's not going to - i need surgery to reconstruct in there at some point).


Wrists - that went away, again, never any swelling.


Are you sure it's that over a stress fracture?


Either way - i'd stay off it longer than you think is necessary....

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Consider trying bromelain to treat if you aren't allergic to pineapple and can use a mild blood thinner (meaning not on blood thinning medications already).


It is a pineapple enzyme and can be found at health food stores or places were supplements are sold. Taken on an empty stomach and in higher doses, it is quite effective as an anti-inflammatory. Dh and I use it to treat both tendinitis and carpal tunnel effectively. It works better than any drug ever prescribed to us and gets rid of it entirely (for us) for about a year before overuse causes symptoms again.

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are always a good idea, providing you have no contraindications. Turmeric, ginger, and holy basil are rock stars in this category. But I'm concerned about the swelling. I have intermittent tendonitis, including a messy knee, and swelling would send me in for an MRI, and with my history, probably some type of surgery. Sitting out runs isn't a bad idea until you can get in somewhere. In the meantime, I'd also think about opposing muscle groups in that area and whether or not you have something tyring to overcompensate for another area that has then turned into a contribution to the injury, if that makes sense?


Best of luck, madame. Inhibitory pain absolutely bites. :glare:

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I developed severe tendonitis in both my feet/ankles a few years ago (2004). I could barely walk. I began intensive physical therapy, began wearing custom orthotics in my tennis shoes, and wore ONLY tennis shoes for the most part for about 4 years.


This past summer, the pain began to ease such that I could go an entire day without hurting. I found that the orthotics actually began causing some pain so I stopped wearing them, and I cautiously began wearnig other shoes.


I am still careful. My podiatrist told me that I would probably always suffer from it, but it does seem to be under control. My feet still hurt, and I will never be able to run or walk for exercise. If I am going to have to walk for long distances (say at the zoo or something), I know to take ice packs for the pain and swelling, and to take a book--because I'll have to sit down for part of the day. We purchased an eliptical trainer for me for exercise, because it was gentle on my feet while still giving me a pretty good workout. No more treadmill excerise--it is too much like walking.


I hope you improve. Have you seen a doctor? They could probably give you an idea about how long or how severe it is. Be careful though--a friend's mom had tendonitis in her feet, and they told her to walk (!). That was bad advice, and she ended up shredding the tendons in her feet and was facing possible near-crippling because of it. She is doing better now though.


Please keep us updated. I feel badly for you. I know how utterly frustrating it is, not to mention how painful it can be. For awhile, I could barely teach school (sitting down!) because the pain was so intense. I took lots of pain killer/anti inflammatory medicine.




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Oh man! Sit down and stay off it! I woke up on April 29, 2008 and couldnt' walk without pain (I walked anyway, not exercise just normal being a mom walking) and have not had a day since without pain. :tongue_smilie:I tore/shredded my post tibular tendon (the one that holds your arch up) and after icing it three times a day, being put in a cast to make me stay off it, physical therapy, medicine therapy, I finally had tendon transfer surgery on 9/3/08 and I still can't walk without pain but it is getting better.


I would go to a good doctor, ask around, I changed three times before I found someone I trusted. Take his/her advice seriously, I wish I had stayed off it initially more to given it a chance to heal.


Keep us informed.



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I have an ankle/lower leg issue that I believe is tendonitis. It came on gradually but I ignored the warning signs, kept running ~ including a half-marathon ~ and, foolishly, even ran a couple of times last week. The pain became unbearable enough to make this stubborn mule sit it out since then. So my last run was Thursday; I've done some RICE treatment (rest, ice, etc) but not a great deal, in truth. The swelling has gone down and it no longer hurts to walk, but there is still some pain. Just enough to make me wonder if I can run again. Or rather, whether I should run again. I hate not running, but of course it doesn't make sense to push the issue and then have an even greater setback.


Anyway. Just wondering for those who've had tendonitis (elbow, knee, ankle ~ where ever) how long you've generally had to take it easy. Thanks!


If a week of RICE and anti-inflammatories don't work, see a doctor. I had serious tendonitis in my wrist (a "side effect" of a fracture) that only went away after 3 weeks in a cast and stronger medications (that was 3 long weeks in a cast with 6 month old, preemie twins after 3+ weeks in a different cast for the fracture).

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