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I am looking for audio books for my ds

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I am looking for books that are above his level and are entertaining enough for both of us. I am wanting them to be something we can discuss. Do you have any suggestions? Also where is the best place to buy as my libraries selection isn't to hot? We are getting ready to start Beric of Briton.

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anything from Great Hall Productions, recorded by Jim Weiss.


Last year at an HSing conference I splurged and bought quite a few of his CD's thinking it a somewhat frivolous purchase at the time.


It turned out to be one of the best investments I ever made. They listen to them over and over again.

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My boys loved him at your son's age. He has so many historical CDs out too. Works great for history. My oldest is 14 and he still gets out the Sherlock Holmes CD occasionally. Our family listens to books on tape/CD daily. It is a wonderful habit to get into IMO. Great for in the car too.


Anyway, some other suggestions would be the Indian in the Cupboard series, The Ralph Mouse series, Hank the Cowdog (even my dh loved these), and when he is a little older, and if you are comfortable with them, the Harry Potter series is great on tape (my boys started reading these around 8 or 9 yo), Dark is Rising series, and Peter and the Star Catchers.


Another suggestion for finding these books is to check different library systems. We have a county system that allows you to download books in audio format. You just have to have a library card number. I haven't done it yet but it is on my list to do. A friend of mine does it regularly and says that the file just stops working after two weeks or so unless you renew it. Also Audible.com has books you can buy. You join and can download a certain number of books each month.


HTH, Heidi

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My kids (5 & 7) are enjoying the My Father's Dragon trilogy right now. One of their favorites of all time was Tomie DePaola's autobiography titled 26 Fairmont Avenue. They must have listened to those CDs 25 times, no exaggeration! My husband and I enjoyed them just as much as the kids. It's really just a bunch of stories about him growing up. The library is full of great books on CD.

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