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LIFE OF FRED arrived yesterday, and it's decreasing

Shasta Mom

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The conversation around here goes

Mom "Aren't you done with math yet?"

ds "almost"

Mom "Are you still working on the first lesson?"

ds "no"

Mom "ok, how many have you done? two?"

ds "Well, I'm on the third, you see Fred was..."


Its a terrible problem when you just can't get your day started because math never ends :lol:. My ds has hated math his entire life. Now he just won't stop doing it. Not only does he do it, he gets it. He can do the bridges (tests for non-LoF people) even after cramming a weeks work into two days. He did the first book in less than a month. It has been great!



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Well, my son is in 4th grade, and next week we finish Singapore 4B. He does fine in math, but it's obvious that fractions and decimals are a challenge. So I ordered it as a supplement. We'll continue on with Singapore 5A and keep going with LOF. Hopefully, he will cement fractions into his noggin..........

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Other than how fabulous the books are, the author is readily available to answer questions and help. He has gotten back to me in under 24 hours and he is wonderful.

The website for more information is here.


From the website I quote from the author.."Each of these books contains more math than is normally taught at the college level. These are not skimpy. Solid preparation for SAT exams and upper-division mathematics."




He is of the opinion that his beginning algebra book should not be undertaken until after puberty. So we have done the first two books this year for 7th and will be doing, at his recommendation also, the Beginning Algebra with the Home Companion for 8th. It is our only math program, not a supplement for us.


Math for readers! My daughter has exclaimed time and time again as she chortles her way through a lesson. Can I just say, yeah, like that has EVER happened with Rod and Staff or CLE? NOT!.

So my 8 year old will work through CLE, which is wonderful, until she is old enough for LOF.

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May I ask a quick question, please?


For those of you who use the LoF books, why did you choose them over the Key to... series?? I always thought I'd end up w/ the Keys series to reinforce fractions, etc., but w/ all the good press re: LoF, I just might have to look into this option!


I bought LoF for reinforcement because my son's greatest academic strength is reading. He learns from reading and remembers everything he reads. By putting math into story format, I thought it would be enjoyable and memorable for him because it is playing to his strength.



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This looks amazing. How have I never heard of this before? Is it new?


My oldest is in 7th grade doing Teaching Textbooks 7. If I wanted to switch him over, could I have him do fractions and decimals (both books) in 8th grade?

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I think tat would work fine. You may want to email the author and ask him his opinion. I bought the first 2 books for my 10yr old. He is now begging me to buy the rest!

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