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LLATL & R&S Engl. programs


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Three of my dc are using LLATL. I really like the proram, and am liking it even more as they get to the higher levels - the book study my dd is doing in Green at the moment is excellent.


I use LLATL in conjuction with another program. For example, last year one dd did LLATL three days, and Analytical Grammar on two days. This worked well and we still do the 3days/2days routine. They do two sections of a LLATL lesson on both Monday and Wednesday, and then the final section on Friday, with their grammar (or whatever else they are working on) on the days in between. This way they still complete a whole LLATL lesson each week. It is a really interesting program and I really like that everything is based in literature passages.





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you are thinking of using LLATL orange next year, I can *highly* recommend it! We started the orange program later in the year after GWG sort of flopped. I wish we had used it from the beginning of the year. We still do GWG here and there since we started it previously, and may continue into next year.


The writing assignments are wonderful, varied, and fun. The actual grammar is a little behind other programs but it is all that is needed at this young age. I add a spelling program and other writing, as well as literature.


I absolutely love the dictation excersises that are included. Overall, I think it's a strong program that needs a little extra oomph here and there depending on the strengths of your child.

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I have R&S 5 and LLATL the Tan book (theoretically year 6). I would never substitue LLATL for R&S. R&S is very thorough and the kids learn with R&S and can practice using LLATL (although many times we don't get around to it).


I wish I had not bought LLATL and had saved the $$.


I consider R&S to be like the parts to whole program (like phonics is to reading) and LLATL to be more of a whole to parts (like whole language).

The big picture presented in LLATL is more fun, and less demanding, but I don't think my dc would learn nearly as much as they do in R&S.


However, to some the details of grammar aren't that important. Maybe they are right! My children learned what a predicate nominative is this year. Somehow I made it through college with a good degree (albeit a science one) without ever knowing that!





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We've used LLATL Red and R&S English 2 this year. We're 2/3 of the way through Red and it's on break while we do WWE1, R&S 2 and Pathway readers. I like Penny's whole to parts and parts to whole analogy. That really puts it into perspective. My kids need to see things both ways to put it together. Ds needed both phonics and some sight word practice to take off in reading. R&S is great at the nuts and bolts, but not as good at applying what you know in a broader context. Ds really needs both, but for lots of kids that would be overkill. I will say that it's possible to do both LLATL and R&S at our level without burning anybody out. As we get into more advanced grades, I'm not sure that will be possible.


I agree that LLATL is a bit sneaky. It looks so light but it manages to cover a lot of ground in an engaging way. It doesn't provide as much repetition as R&S, but you may not need that much repetition to get the job done. Now that we're using other rigorous materials, I have more appreciation for the LLATL approach. Ds actually knows quite a bit of what's covered in R&S and his narration skills did improve by using LLATL, too. We tried WWE in September and it was still too much, this go around has been very smooth in part because of the copywork and narration in LLATL.


Good luck finding something you like!

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