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The new house...

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Oh. my. goodness. I am in HEAVEN. 1100 sf of it, in fact.


The dc are sharing a room that's about the same size as the old one, minus a closet. I mean, there's a box w/ a door that a kid might fit in, but not an actual closet like before.


Mine & dh's room is a smidge smaller, I think. Minus a real closet. I think we could fit 2 dc in ours, lol. I told dh he'd have to keep his clothes elsewhere. So that's the 1st benefit: closet all to myself.


We're down 1/2 a bath, & the tub in the full bath is narrower than either of the old ones, & it gives me the willies a little to share w/ the dc. Who knew?


The kitchen is bigger but w/ less cabinet space. I think there's more countertop space, but it's a galley w/ the oven at the far end, & there are still boxes piled on it, so I'm not sure if we actually come out ahead. BUT we can all be in it at the same time w/out killing ea other. Yay!


There's a laundry room. Now that the internet's hooked up (a week after they said it would be), I might find a W/D on CL or something. In the meantime, though, it was raining & hailing the night we moved in, so the laundry in there is smelling weird.


There's an attic. Dh is excited about that. Not sure why...theoretical storage, I guess, but...he's prone to forgetting things. In fact, I had my hair cut a few mos ago. It was long enough to donate to LofL, but for some reason, it turned out to be too complicated, so I was going to toss it.


Dh loves my hair, hated to see me cut it, & couldn't stand to see it tossed, so he offered to take care of the details. I protested that it would just lay around, etc., & he assured me that I'd never know it was there.


The seminary called this afternoon. Some apt worker *found* it. Apparently, it terrified the poor man to find over a foot of long, thick, blonde hair neatly tied up in a ponytail. Can't you just *imagine*???? Oh. my. goodness. (I'm so embarrassed, too.)


So I'm not sure about using the attic, lol.


But the good part. It's got an actual dining room. That 6-8 people could comfortably sit & eat in. Separate from the kitchen. And gobs of windows everywhere. And the dining room faces west, so we can watch the sun set while we eat. We like to play dominoes w/ the dc over dinner, & there's room to store them & the mic in there, too.


The blinds aren't mini. They're nice & fat.


There's no yard, but somehow the space that's there is very conducive to science experiments. Ds assures me. He's already cut apart a cactus leaf & performed various operations on it to find out how it works.


And BEST of all: the hs room I've always dreamed of. The back room is supposed to be the master bedroom. It has the half bath & it looks like a garage conversion. It's separated fr the rest of the house in a way that gives it a wonderful peaceful feel. I've got TEN bookshelves in there, all together in one place, & room for at least one more if necessary. It's a mini library, & it looks out over the back yard so dc can still be watched.


It's like a tiny classroom, only library style. Their table fits in the middle. I've got room for my sewing & scrapbooking & computer, too. Today, I sat in my own full-sized adult chair while they sat at their table & read their science lesson. 1yo played (cried) at the other end of the room w/ baby.


Ok, so it's not *that* big--I had to fix the crying. And the climbing on the table, lol, enough times that, having started w/ "Welcome to X Elementary School," ds8 said, "This isn't a very good school!"


BUT he also sat & read encyclopedias about nuclear power & hydrogen bombs after today's brief introduction to hydrogen vs. helium. The bookshelves under the window are perfect for growing plants. There's room to keep all of our science experiment kits out in a semi-alluring way.


While my mom & I were unpacking & sorting, we'd look behind us, & ALL 3 of the big dc would be sitting in chairs & corners reading. It's unavoidable in this room. W/out being assigned to do so, they read about bats today, did a fairie search & find, a geography game, addition & subtraction bingo, read to younger sibs, worked a couple of puzzles, & played dress-ups/pretend/acting. PLUS a full, real day of school. With mediocre attitudes. Amazing.


Did I say that I love this place? I always imagined I'd need twice this square footage to be so happy.

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I know how you feel, after ten yrs. of homeschooling, this is our first house w/ a laundry room, a hs room and a pantry. I love them all.



Thank God for space, I am so happy for you and the kids. Finally some breathing room. Oh yeah, and some new creation room, hint , hint.

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I meant writing, not tea. Okay, tea if you want.


LOL--the bedroom door doesn't close all the way, & there's no lock. I'll say no more.


I knew you meant writing, but I can't figure what you're hinting at.


On another (writing) note--did I tell y'all I'm writing an article for a magazine? Unpaid, but ya know. In print & all. If I can get it done. By tomorrow. :lol:

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Oh. my. goodness. I am in HEAVEN. 1100 sf of it, in fact.


Did I say that I love this place? I always imagined I'd need twice this square footage to be so happy.


Congratulations! I have always said that it is not about the number of sq. ft., but how the sq. ft. are laid out. We looked at many houses with about the same number of sq.ft. and most did not suit our needs. Some smaller places accommodated our needs much better than some bigger ones. I am happy this place is working out so well. What a relief for you all.

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Dh loves my hair, hated to see me cut it, & couldn't stand to see it tossed, so he offered to take care of the details. I protested that it would just lay around, etc., & he assured me that I'd never know it was there.


The seminary called this afternoon. Some apt worker *found* it. Apparently, it terrified the poor man to find over a foot of long, thick, blonde hair neatly tied up in a ponytail. Can't you just *imagine*???? Oh. my. goodness. (I'm so embarrassed, too.)






Glad you're enjoying your new place!

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Congratulations! I have always said that it is not about the number of sq. ft., but how the sq. ft. are laid out. We looked at many houses with about the same number of sq.ft. and most did not suit our needs. Some smaller places accommodated our needs much better than some bigger ones. I am happy this place is working out so well. What a relief for you all.


I agree...we've moved a lot and I think my favorite house was the tiniest.


Oh, I would definitely fix the lock on the bedroom door. ;)


-Mrs. F

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