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Input from homeschoolers wanted at Getty! HELP!

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We recently went on a tour of the Getty center (Southern California) and while there our docent explained to us he had been assigned a big project. He was put in charge of researching what different museums all over the US offer the growing homeschool community vs. what their needs are and to then put one together at the Getty. He asked for my input regarding my own community. He said his researched showed some groups want the tours to be family oriented while others run more like a school program. Number of kids/adults, ages, information given, etc was in question. Our hour long tour was considered a “story time†where he walked us through 4 pieces of art, each from different artist, each produced approx. 120 years part but each telling the same story of the Roman myth following Jupiter. He interjected what was going on in history at the time of the paintings to explain the representational differences from each artist. The kids & parents were in awe the entire time. At the end of the tour, he spent 20 minutes in the floor with the kids. He gave them each crayons & white cardstock & asked them to draw what the “next scene†would be in the story. It was a fabulous tour! My question to you- what would YOU want/need from such a museum program? Thanks for your input!!;)

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I don't have any great answer for you, but I am excited that your tour went so well. We are headed down there with a group in a couple of weeks.


The one thing that we have experienced so far is the standard school mindset-like being told that only 2-3 adults will be allowed on the guided tour. That is always logistically tough for homeschoolers, but all in all they have been very helpful during the planning and prep stages.

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I don't have any great answer for you, but I am excited that your tour went so well. We are headed down there with a group in a couple of weeks.


The one thing that we have experienced so far is the standard school mindset-like being told that only 2-3 adults will be allowed on the guided tour. That is always logistically tough for homeschoolers, but all in all they have been very helpful during the planning and prep stages.



Thanks for your input~ :D



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I think that making it family oriented is a great idea. DD4 is old enough to start participating in some "school-age" field trips, but the problem is that I don't usually have someone to watch dd2 so I can take her. It would be nice if they offered a tour that catered to families that might need to bring little ones. Maybe short 20 minute sessions broken up by time in an interactive exhibit, or something like that?


I LOVE the Getty! Please let me know what they come up with!!

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