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Great resource for teaching contractions or ABC order?


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Can anyone point me to a good resource for teaching contractions or ABC order? I can make some little worksheets myself but if there is something out there that's fun and inexpensive then I'd rather use that. :)


We have decided to push pause on formal grammar for the time being as FLL3 just got to be too much for his 7 year old brain. But I want to continue with some skills he *is* ready for. Contractions and ABC order came to mind. I want it to be something he can do a few times a week for 10-15 minutes max.

A mini-workbook, game, activity...


Any suggestions?

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I think for beginning ABC order it really helps to have actual things to move around as opposed to a list of words.


To that end, index cards are great.


Start with just 5 or so consecutive letters- say A to F written on cards


Then do random letters as quickly as he can handle them, say ACEGI at first spreading them out as he gets better.


Then do five words with congruent first letters- rope, ship, turtle, uncle, valentine.


Again spreading them out as he gets better.


Finally start on trickier alphabetizing. Do a few that you have to look to the second letter. Again just going up by little steps each time something like- desk, lamp, lunch, table, truck, water.


Working up to words that you almost have to get from the dictionary, because you can only think of two "tra___" words ;).

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Writing out spelling words on index cards (4 "little cards" per 4x6 card is manageable) is one way we did it at that age. If he has Latin vocabulary, that's another one.


What about taking a dictation or copywork passage writing the words out on the cards and alphabetizing those? Select a few words and have him sort them into the parts of speech you've covered so far.

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