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Looking to remediate (is that a word?) Alg. 1 and move on to Alg. 2, help plz

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Dd has been chugging along nicely through TT Algebra 1 and Geometry concurrently. She had some setbacks last year with other Algebra 1 programs and not being mentally ready for the abstract thinking, so we finally settled on TT to get her through. She will be finishing up Algebra 1 in the next few weeks and Geometry over the summer. Don't get me wrong, she likes TT and we have been pleased that she has finally been able to get through Alg. 1!!! But, as always, discussions regarding TT make me worry about the final result. She is interested in veterinary school so a decent math background is essential.


We are considering having her work through some sort of program to help cover the topics TT doesn't cover in the Alg. 1 book and then have her move to another publisher for Alg. 2 and Pre-Calc., preferably with dvd instructions and solutions. I am not able to teach high school math, so would need to have the dvd/teacher component. We don't like DIVE plus I think one would have had to use Saxon from earlier levels to do well in the upper math levels. We don't want to completely re-do Alg. 1, just go over it quickly and catch and work on any topics not covered in TT...does that make sense?


Is this do-able? And what publisher/program would make this possible? I know some programs build from year-to-year. What do schools do when they change textbooks? Or when families move and a student has to change publishers? I know this can be done...we just need to find the right way to do it!


Thanks in advance.


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TT's Algebra 1 program is not 'that' behind standard texts. Their Algebra 2 program is the one to be careful with (unless you also use their Pre-Calc).


First decide on what program you will be using in Algebra 2. Most good Algebra 2 programs will incorporate some 'review' (because most students take Geometry in between). This 'review' should be enough to catch up. If you ever run into a concept that was 'missed' (like quadratic formula) then you can slow down and work extra problems (use/borrow a reference text). Programs to consider (Chalkdust, Foerster, Lial..) The Lial texts make great reference texts because the older editions can be purchased for just a few dollars.


Another option is to continue with TT through their Pre-Calc and then re-take Pre-Calc using a stronger program to firm up the foundation before Calc.

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I don't mind or have a problem with dd16 continuing the TT sequence if it will come out the same in the end anyway.


My question is this: If dd continues with Algebra 2 (probably starting next month) will she have done an adequate amount of Algebra OVERALL to take the PSAT in October? We are also doing SAT prep through 2 different sources. I can't tell by the table of contents for TT Alg 2 (or Alg 1 for that matter) exactly what is covered because they don't use traditional titles. An interpretation of the the TT vs Traditional textbooks would be SO helpful!!! How much of TT Alg 2 should she complete in order to have covered the necessary topics for PSAT in October and then the SAT next May or June? I know you are a math teacher, so I value your input.


Our original plan was to complete TT through their Pre-Calculus (which would take her through December of her senior year) and then have her take a Spring semester Pre-Calc class at community college before heading off to college the following Fall.


My main concern is: Is she ready for the PSAT/SAT math portions? Language Arts is not problem, but math has been a bit more difficult for her. She is a good student and does really well. I just don't want to underestimate her abilities or short-change her by using something that won't serve her well in the end.


Thanks again,


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I prefer to teach ABOVE the tests. TT teaches TO the tests. If you complete TT's Algebra 2 before she takes the tests AND she works through study guides (I LOVE Chalkdust's SAT Math review) she should do fine. If she starts Algebra 2 soon she should finish before the tests.


Doing 'fine' on the SAT tests is not an indicator of how prepared a student is for college level maths. Your dd will need to take some rigorous college math classes... she needs a firm foundation. A strong foundation makes Calculus a MUCH easier class!


Hope this is clear as mud!

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So, instead of using a program that teaches "to" the test, can you suggest a program she might be able to move into in the next 3 weeks or so that teaches above the test? An Algebra 2 program that has plenty of review at the beginning of the book so we can cover any topics she missed in TT Alg 1? The program must have teaching helps...dvd's, cd-rom, solutions manuals, etc. I CAN NOT teach math...I wish I could, but that's just how it is!


I know you mentioned Chalkdust...would it be possible to move into that once she's done with TT Alg 1...or would she be missing too much to even attempt that program? Keep in mind, she will be working daily on TT Geometry as well.


Just for the record...I had her take the Saxon placement test for Alg 1 and Alg 2...she aced the Alg 1...missed the geometry question and about 3 others on the Alg 2 test...they were topics she hasn't done yet. She was even able to do a problem on the Adv. Math test. I don't think she's too far off from where she should be...just getting the jitters over college testing.


And, while I'm asking...my ds11 is using TT6...he HAS learned a few things he didn't pick up on in Saxon last year, but it doesn't seem terribly challenging imho. Of course, he thinks it's great :)...anyway, would it be difficult for him to move back to Saxon? Or, would he be better served using the Lial's BCM over 7th and 8th? My above referenced dd16 used Lial's in 8th and loved it and learned a ton...things she had NOT learned in ps.


Again, your help is appreciated more than you will ever know.




P.S. We also have quite a zoo...2 guinea pigs, 2 dogs, 1 robo hamster, 2 fish, a Russian tortoise, and....a beardie!!!

Edited by Robin in DFW
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As far as your son goes--if you went back to Saxon he 'might' be able to go into the 8/7 text... but is Saxon the way you want to go in high school? It is a strong program--but it is NOT for every student.


He should be fine going into Lial's BCM. You can easily find free on-line worksheets if he ever needs more practice (the text should offer enough--especially if you have the TE for the even answers).


Your dd should be able to go into Chalkdust's Algebra 2--but again you might want to pick up a Lial's Introductory Algebra (7th edition is cheap) as a reference in case she needs more information than CD offers in a 'review' (introduction to their lesson).


I really think that by using a stronger program your dd's foundation will be solid--especially since she is an above average student.

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We didn't care for TT Alg 1 as far as our aspiring scientist's goals are concerned, and I think that there are better programs out there for developing logic, thinking, etc. She is redoing Alg 1, but she had the luxury of time. What you may want to do get another course and have her test for each chapter. She could then do only the chapters where her knowledge or skill level is lacking.


Disclaimer: We are a fan of rigourous math programs and have mathy kids.

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I am open to all kinds of suggestions that would help us do this. I don't think she lack THAT much...just a few concepts. So I don't think it would take her long to cover a few things and move into Alg 2.


I am now rethinking TT Geometry as well. My gosh! She is so sick of doing those proofs every lesson! I know they are great logic and reasoning exercises, but sheesh...


We are leaning towards Chalk Dust Alg 2 and maybe Geometry to be done concurrently or just continue with TT Geometry and be done with it!




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One program suggested on here that we decided to try (and are liking) is http://www.systemath.com Your daughter could probably review the Algebra I (in less than a semester) and finish Algebra II in less than a year. My ds started in January and we plan to still finish Algebra II at the end of next year. I don't think that will be an issue.


The program uses DVD lessons and "homework." But it doesn't cost nearly as much as some programs and you can buy each section of Algebra I and II (called A< B< C and D) separately.


HTHs some :)

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My daughter has had no problems moving directly from TT algebra I directly into CD Algebra II, and she is on the young side (13). My daughter is certainly not a math genius, but she just keeps plugging away. She had a 96 average in TT last year and has a 95 average in CD this year. TT may not have covered all of the topics, but it provided a strong foundation in the basics. We're just finishing chapter 6 now which is the quadratic formula and related word problem applications. I am actually surprised that it has gone so smoothly. We're a bit behind where I expected to be at this point, but this is only due to chronic health issues she's been struggling with.


Another option for you might be to get the Chalkdust SAT review and go through that first to get exposure to all of the topics in a short period of time and then go back and study Alg II in depth.

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I'll check into your suggestion, Pam.


We found a great Algebra 1 book at the 1/2 Price Books for dd to look through. She is going to take each Chapter assessment and anything she gets stumped on gets reviewed from that chapter. Hopefully, that will help shore up any missed areas. I don't think this will take but a couple of weeks and then she will move right in to CD Alg 2. I'm holding out on that CD SAT set for next spring sometime...she won't take the actual SAT until next year. She will be working through a PSAT book for the upcoming October testing date.


Thanks so much for all your suggestions!

We are excited to begin CD!



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