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How do I work on word problems?

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Find a technique that works for her. I draw pictures; some people like to make tables and fill in the provided information. Help her learn that certain words in English equate to mathematical operations (for example "is" will often translate to "=").


What math course is she taking? Curriculum?




Edited by Jane in NC
not enough coffee
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"Of" means times, also. Six oranges really means six of oranges or six times orange. Knowing this was important for my children. Also, a lot of beginning word problems reduce to an equation in which one ratio is being set equal to another ratio. Understanding that helped my children. They write out what they know and what they are looking for before they do anything else. Often, they have to draw a picture to be able to do that.

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My dd is strong in math but this is her weakest area..

I find it peculiar considering she is strong reader.

What can I do to remedy this?



My 16yod is also an excellent reader. However, when she's stumped on a word problem and she or I begin to read the problem aloud, she invariably says things like, "Oh! It said ( ) ... not ( )!" and other such things. It almost seems that she's reading way too fast and reading it aloud forces her to slow down and think about what the problem is asking her to do. Reading fast works in almost every other subject, but not so great in math (for her).


Another technique it to draw it, like Jane said. She does this on a small white board. I sometimes have to force her to do this because she wants to go fast (again) and it forces her to slow down (again) and 'plan' more. So she doesn't like it. But it definitely helps.


Another thing that helps is to put it off until the next day. If I see she's reaching her maximum frustration level, I sometimes say, "We'll work on that one some more tomorrow". And, without fail, when she picks it up again the next day, she can solve it. Almost as if her subconscious had continued working on it without her knowing it.:001_smile:


Sometimes, it also helps to let her discuss it with her brothers and sisters (whoever happens to be around). They seem to be able to give her clues that help her instantly.



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