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Resources for practice with clocks and time?


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We are also doing Singapore and for some reason the time section in level 2 sas just not cutting it for my daughter. I thought we were *never* going to get through that! Of course, we haven't gotten to that section in Singapore 3 yet;)--I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Data analysis is much easier this year.


In first grade, I had picked up some Disney and Barbie time and money workbooks from the dollar store to help reinforce. She liked the stickers, etc. Last year in second grade, we used a section of Math Mammoth called Clock. I got it as a freebie download from Currclick last year (they offer a different ebook for free each week or so), but it is only $3.50 to download from the author



$3 from Currclick http://www.currclick.com/product_info.php?products_id=15581&it=1


This will cover all the way up to minutes (basically third grade material), so you could do only the appropriate chapters and save the rest for later if you like. I like this series and will probably come to it first for things in which my daughter needs more practice than Singapore gives. The nice thing is that since it is an ebook, it is stored on my computer and I can print out the relevant sections again this year if we turn out to need them.


We had borrowed a large geared teaching clock from a friend


but they have a smaller version of these


Check with a local teacher supply store and see what they have.

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