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Supplementing Horizons Math with Singapore

Teresa in MO

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I use them the other way around. Singapore is our main program and I supplement with Horizons. I think Singapore does a better job at developing mathematical thinking. The text book illustrates how to think about the problems and actually teaches the concepts. Granted I don't have the Horizons TE, but it basically seems like just a bunch of random topics, no teaching of how or why things are done. But I do think the breadth of topics and the regular review of things we've done is beneficial and will help for those pesky standardized tests we have to do. And we don't do all of Horizons--I cross out up to half of each lesson to keep the total workload reasonable.

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I think Horizons and Singapore complement each other really well. Horizons has constant review of all topics, and a great breadth of topics. Singapore is narrower in focus and has little or no review most of the time, but it's stronger with mental math and depth of problem-solving (particularly word-problems).


Since Singapore has very few problems, I found it not too much to expect my kids to do both programs -- but then, I'm not one who feels that Horizons has "too many" problems either.


With Singapore, you can choose to do the textbook and the Intensive Practice book instead of the workbook, if you're doing it as a challenging supplement, not the main program. The Challenging Word Problems books really bring in that extra problem-solving that I think is weakest with Horizons.

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We use Singapore one level behind Horizons, though you can probably go 1/2 level down. We tend to do all the problems in Singapore, but cross out 1/2 of the drill-type problems in Horizons. I really think of Horizons as the drill sheet and Singapore as the concept work. Words problems in Singapore is more challenging.

Edited by langfam
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