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Should I be concerned with my 10 yo's weight gain?

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My 10 yo ds has gained weight over the last few months. He's always eaten like a horse but he's extremely active. He's always been very lean--skinny but muscular. He isn't fat but the extra weight is quite noticeable. Do 10 yo boys pack on weight before they are ready to grow 3 inches? I figure that is what it is but I also don't want to miss a sign of something else going on. He seems healthy in every other way.

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Yes, they do put on weight at that age. My fourth son is 10 right now, so I have seen this three times before. He is probably about to shoot straight up. My third son grew six inches in about four months when he was 12.


Stock up on jeans in the next size when you find them on sale!

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You might want to write down what he eats and drinks for a few days and add up the calories to see if his appetite is disproportionate to his activity. Also, does he consume foods with corn syrup? It overloads the liver and triggers the storage of body fat. Soy is also an estrogenic food that is not ideal for boys. I have four sons, 13, 20, 22 and 25. None of them put on weight before puberty so I would think a little detective work might be in order. Ours have had a pattern of being chubby babies, slimming down in toddlerhood, maintaining a regular even growth through 12/13, then a growth spurt and appetites to match. Our 5th son is 5 and I will expect a similar pattern. I think I would take him for a check-up at the pediatrician if I couldn't see a clear reason for the weight gain. just my $0.02

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Thanks everyone! We've been working with him on eating slower. He likes to inhale food. Also, we've been limiting the junk food and encouraging him to eat healthier snacks. He's always eaten good foods. He eats a lot of fruit and some vegetables. Our kids have always had whole milk. Maybe we could switch to 2%. I don't know if I want to limit him if he is getting ready to grow though. Maybe we will just limit the junk and let him eat healthy, whole foods. As long as he eats it slowly!

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