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Has anyone taken a cake decorating class at Micheals ?

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I don't know the cost. I do remember her saying that the discount you got as a class member, just about paid for the class. I think she got the discount on class night and she used that to buy a lot of her supplies.


Besides the decorating, she got a lot of great tips on how to cook the cake to make it look professional.


The cake she made was beautiful, if that's any indication of how beneficial the class was.


As with anything, it likely depends on the particular instructor that you get.

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I did but I took it in Canada. I didn't find it that expensive and I learned alot. I made some nice cakes. I am going to take it again since it has been a few years and I have not practiced one bit so have forgotten everything but if I had been practicing I don't think it would have been a problem.

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I took the Wilton classes about 15 years ago and learned a lot.

I started making cakes for practice and taking them places like my small-group Bible study, etc. Pretty soon people started asking me to bring cakes for all kinds of things, and not long after that I realized that my budget couldn't bear bringing cakes to every event, and I had to start charging people for cakes.


There's a lot more to cake decorating than Wilton will teach you, because they won't teach any methods that use equipment other than their own brand, but it's a *great* place to start.


The Wilton classes I took were just the start. After I completed the classes I continued with self-education, specialized cake classes from other sources like state cake decorating conventions, and eventually ended up with the wonderful job I have creating specialty desserts for a local restaurant.


I could have built a complete full-time business based on skills that *began* with those Wilton classes. If nothing else, it's kind of fun to take a class with a friend, which is why I went in the first place. :)

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I took them- well, I only took the first 2 and I learned a lot. I can decorate a very pretty cake. I once had to take a cake to a church function where there were lots of decorated cakes. Mine was so pretty no one wanted to cut into it LOL that was fine with me since my ds needed a birthday cake and I didn't want to make a second one!

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I took all three basic courses. Haven't done the newer Gum paste/fondant one.


it was cheap $35 or cheaper? depended on the deal. once you bought the student kit and the class was free. the kit was $20 I think.


I did learn. It was helpful to have someone see your mistakes and correct your hand to get it right. and heck, having to 'practice' and bring samples to the class made sure I did practice, lol.


it was fun and glad I did it. I don't use the skills often anymore...time is precious. but when I need fancy I can do fancy. and I still make the icing for homemade cakes

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My 13yodd and I just did this. We were able to sign up for half price during the month of December. Once you sign up for the class, you are given a 10% discount on any supplies you buy from Michaels. But, you may want to wait and see what type of coupons you get with your receipt after a purchase. I bought many of my supplies with the 40 and 50% off coupons I had.


One thing to consider, and this is coming from someone who doesn't like to cook, I spent a lot of time preparing for the class. My dd and I were making cakes and frosting for two people. It turned into an all day affair on class day. I was a grouchy mom on those days.


I would definitely do it again and honestly wished I had taken the class sooner.


Have fun!


Oh, you have to check out this blog, Cake Wrecks. It is so funny. But, they do have beautiful cakes posted on Sundays.

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