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Singapore and Skipping Multiplication Lessons


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My dd is currently using 2B. She has her multiplication facts down cold and I was wondering if she can skip those lessons. We are not skipping any of the addition or dividing.


For example can she do Ex. 18, 21, 23 and review this week and skip 15, 16, 17, 20, 22.


Will we miss out if we skip multiplication?


Thank you,

Edited by Homeschooling6
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Depends on how well she understands what she is doing when she multiplies because the theory will matter more as the problems get harder. I am on 2B with a borrowed child at the moment so all of this is fresh in my mind. Does she understand that 4 x 5 is one more group than 4 x 4, or does she just know the answers. Can she apply the multiplication to a story problem? Does she understand that mult. and div. are the reverse of each other? If so, then sure, skip it. The thing I like about Singapore is the little by little theory that is introduced in each lesson, not just the how but the why. Maybe she just understands that intuitively and doesn't need more of it?

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Maybe have her do one or two problems from each lesson and the word problems. Multiplication is covered in more depth in 3a so it isn't going to hurt her to skip them now, but in 3a they go through the lower multiplication facts quickly then jump to two-digit multiplication and then quickly to two digit division. So just make sure she really understands multiplication not just has memorized the facts and don't' skimp on the word problems.

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I never skipped the textbook portion, which we do together. That helped me make sure my child saw all of the teaching points, such as different ways to do a problem. If he easily did the textbook problems correctly, then I skipped the workbook on occasion, especially in the early years when he did know some of the stuff (money, etc). Not sure I've ever skipped 5 workbook exercises, though. I like Karen's idea of doing at least the word problems.


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Will we miss out if we skip multiplication?


Thank you,


If kiddo has the Singapore task down, I zip through the simple workbook, don't do extra practice or intensive practice. I do, however, do some word problems some weeks down the road to "make sure" and to reduce the "fear of word problems" so common to kids.


If kiddo is really down pat with something, he takes great pride in doing the work with me in another room. But he is younger than yours, I bet.

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