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Give me your best science ideas for 5th and 3rd grade, combined!


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Next year, ds 12 will spin off into Apologia Physical Science, leaving me with 2 girlies to combine for science lessons. Here's what we've done the past two years:


Last school year: NOEO Chemistry Level I (I really don't want to go back to NOEO. It was - well - meh. That's all.)


This school year: Trimesters - Human Body the first semester, Currently doing God's Design for Science Machines and Motion, we "should" get around to studying two TOPS books: Electricity and Magnetism, that I have on my shelves and would like to use this year. Due to personal circumstances, I may get only to one of those.


I think year before last we did Apologia Zoology - Flying Creatures and Apologia - the Botany one. The year before maybe we did planets?


Maybe my trouble is that "I" know all these subjects - but I've lost perspective in what my kids know or need to know.


I love the God's Design and the Apologia volumes.


What say ye?:D

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I took my kids out of ps after 1st and 3rd...so this is what I did:


For 2nd and 4th

We studied the human body on our own. We listened to the Lyrical Life Science CD Human Body. We memorized the songs, but did none of the work on the workbook. We checked out books from the library and created a notebook. We also utilized our doctor's appointments. We had the dentists show us models of teeth. My middle one had problems with his tonsils and so the ENT showed us a bunch of stuff. My dh is an orthopaedist, so we have tons of bone models. I think I bought a few cheap kits and had them build a few.


For Spring, we did Apologia Elementary Astronomy and they created a power point presentation of the information instead of a notebook. We capped of the year with a visit to the Davis Observatory and a star party. What a fun year!



For 3rd and 5th

We did Apologia Botony in the spring and Apologia Zoology I in the spring. By this time, I was tired of the Apologia Elementary series.


For 4th and 6th

The 6th grader did General Science at co-op and the younger did magnets and electricity in the co-op.


To be honest, just make it fun. I don't think it really matters. Right now my oldest is doing Apologia Biology as an 8th grader, my 6th grader is doing Zoology I, but then we are taking a trip to Corpus so I have been reading Zoology II aloud to everyone and my 1st grader has been doing free lapbooks I found on the internet. We will be going to Alaska in the fall, so the animals we don't see this spring, we will probably see in the fall.


What are they interested in? What do they want to study? Then just have fun exploring it together. I really like that. It is fun...



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I have a 3rd and 5th this year... we started off doing a hodge podge together and I ended up getting Life Pacs Science for them. They read through each packet and answer the ?'s. We do an experiment here and there, and they take tests. It's not the most fun science ever, but it gets the job done. :>)

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