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Telemarketer/Phone Surveyist...

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I humored her for about 20 min tonight. I was excited to have someone to talk to, you know? She kept pausing in weird places, like she was expecting to get hung up on.


Then baby started crying. She asked if there was a better time for her to call. I'm thinking--if it were a better time, I wouldn't want to talk to you! LOL


So then she wants to send further survey info to us. I'm all ready to say, Nope. I've had enough fun now. Thanks. But she says they pay us to keep a driving diary for a day. Now I'm thinking, since I don't ever drive anywhere, that'd be pretty easy, right?


So she reads me my address, to confirm. It's wrong. It's one I've never heard of. And my paranoia bells start ringing, like the time the credit card co called to offer me a lower rate & then wanted my acct #, lol. That was when it dawned on me, cc co's never OFFER lower rates!


So I tell her no thanks, & she asks me why. I'm thinking, yup. I've been easy all this time while I was bouncing a baby & digging up something for dinner, she thought I was a sure thing.


But now she wants to know why & I have this terrible habit of telling people stuff they ask. I just can't ever think of anything else. So I tell her, you got my address wrong. That creeps me out. You asked for the first names of my kids (which I didn't give her) & me. I don't know if you are who you say you are. And I've got 4 dc & am in the middle of a move, so I don't really care.


She gave me her website & phone # so I could research her & is going to call back on Monday.


I don't know what it is. The last telemarketer who called ended up telling me all about her grandkids & how her daughter was planning to try to hs, etc. Dh comes in & thinks I'm talking to my mom. :lol:


I don't know what my point is. I really can't stand talking on the phone. I guess I don't mind telemarketers as much because they're interesting & low-commitment. I can say I have to go & hang up w/out worrying about them being mad at me come Thanksgiving.

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I have two words for you......caller i.d. It's a beautiful thing. I honestly think we only keep our home phone so the telesellers have a number to call. LOL I don't answer anything that says "no name" or "sales dept." Or anything else I don't recognize. I've also learned to be really rude to these folks and tell them every single time they call that I want to be removed from their calling lists. That is, I tell them when I feel like answering. Usually, I ignore them.


Good luck!




p.s. That would creep me out as well. You are smart for listening to that warning bell ringing in your head.

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