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MCP math


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I haven't really settled on a math program. I have just been using some simple workbooks and math games for my 8 yo 2nd grader. However, now I think he needs more of a continual math program that builds more than these workbooks do.


I have several needs:


1) Cost--dh is out of work now, so it needs to be pretty cheap


2) Not too much going on on each page. Ds gets too easily overwhelmed by too much and distracted too easily. (For example--he likes the Explode the Code books for phonics. Very little on each page. VEry simple.)


3) possible to do some of it independently


So, I thought MCP might fit the bill, but I don't know too much about it. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or other suggestions? Thanks.

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MCP would fit your requirements, although there can be a lot of problems on a page. I just cross some out, if I feel it's too much.


My DS has severe dyscalculia, so we will not be staying with MCP, but for a kid who gets math fairly easily, I think it's a great program.


The teacher guides give suggestions for hands-on, mental math, review, and some minor instruction in how to teach each lesson.


You can find the older version of MCP (which is no different from the new version, as far as I can see) used quite easily.

MIchelle T

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I think MCP would fit your requirements quite nicely. You can get the TM's, which I think are necessary for the program to work, fairly cheap on the boards or amazon marketplace. I have even been able to get the workbooks unused and cheap 3 out of 4 times on these boards or marketplace.


There are many problems on the page, but I like the practice and we do them all. It is not cluttered at all, which is one of the main reasons I chose it for ds. He uses Horizons and MCP right now, but I'm bringing him back to MCP exclusively for next year I think.


My ds has sensory and visual processing issues and gets confused by clutter and color on the page. He also needs a largish font and spacing between the numbers. MCP is in black, white, and light red and only includes pictures when necessary to demonstrate the concept.


It is very solid, a great mastery program. I prefer it to Horizons.

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I loved MCP math when I did it with my sons in grades 4, 5, and 6. They went right into Jacob's Algebra in 7th grade with absolutely no difficulty. What did I like about MCP: the price is right, I didn't feel a need for the TE except for the answer keys (because I was doing 2 kids in two different grades at the same time!), the pages were not cluttered, encouraged mastery learning, and best of all...really taught how to do word problems. We did one lesson a day - only the top problems (skipped the horizontal ones in the middle) and did the word problems.



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