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Can I bring up Kingfisher again?


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Just wondering what you guys would recommend for a person just beginning their hs journey. I know that ds doesn't need it yet, but I'm really wishing *I* had it as a resource for me. I would really prefer to buy something that the kids could use later on, and that '93 KF is going to be almost 20 years old by the time my kids really start using it. I hate to even mention it, b/c I know they're going to be gone if I do, but they're pretty cheap right now. I could pick up that blue & white one for about $25 - but would it be a waste? Did I hear somewhere that there is less nudity in that version or no?

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You know what. I bought it. :tongue_smilie: It was $20. I figure the past isn't going to change, right? (too much!) And it sounds like the resale value is perty decent. What's to lose.

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Just wondering what you guys would recommend for a person just beginning their hs journey. I know that ds doesn't need it yet, but I'm really wishing *I* had it as a resource for me. I would really prefer to buy something that the kids could use later on, and that '93 KF is going to be almost 20 years old by the time my kids really start using it. I hate to even mention it, b/c I know they're going to be gone if I do, but they're pretty cheap right now. I could pick up that blue & white one for about $25 - but would it be a waste? Did I hear somewhere that there is less nudity in that version or no?


No, Monica, you can't! ;)


(Sorry, just had to give you a hard time! ;))


I have the Kingfisher on my shelves. . . .It's the red one, can't remember the date, but I bought it maybe around 2000? It was after the first recommended volume went out of print.


OK, true confessions. We don't use it. Ever. After dd had a DISASTROUS year of the "just outline KF" routine, we've not looked at it.


BUT - I probably should use it. The biggest reason we don't use it, is that it's not scheduled in TOG, which we use and love.


So all that to say - first, you've reminded me to use it. And second, if you can get it for cheap, it's a great resource, if you remember to use it!


Unlike someone who shall remain nameless.:blink:

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