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Just Thought I'd Make You Guys Laugh

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Okay....it's been one of those mornings already.


Let me preface this by saying, I have a key lock on my bedroom door because of certain family members that visit.


I took a shower this morning. So I came out of the bathroom in my bath robe and my bedroom door is locked. Then my son tells me, "Mommy, I forgot them in your room." My 5-year-old son locked my keys in my bedroom. :crying: So here I sit trying to reach my husband via email because my cell phone is LOCKED in my car.


Plus, I know that UPS is delivering a package today that I have to sign for. Hopefully I won't have to do that in my bath robe.


Oh....I love being a mom.





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I've left my keys in my bedroom before, AND the spare bedroom key was IN my bedroom, and the door was locked. But my husband was deployed, so I couldn't call him. I had to call maintenance, and the guy was able to break in to our bedroom. I made MORE copies of the bedroom key, house keys, etc. and left the ring of spare keys downstairs in our utility closet after that. At least I had clothes on though :)


Once, when DH was deployed, I was putting a locking door knob on another door. I was inside the room, and had put the outer half of the doorknob on. The strike plate didn't fit, so I wanted to leave it off. I closed the door, to make sure the little thing on the side would still keep the door closed. Oh. My. Goodness. I was STUCK in that room! I felt so stupid for closing the door, and my children were on the other side of the door. I had just had a baby, and my husband was not in the country! :o I had my oldest child run to our neighbors', and ask my friends husband to come help me get out of that room. Now, I was also spring cleaning, so there was laundry and clothes for donation all over the hallway. I was in raggy clothing, because of the work I was doing. I was hormonal. He calmly looked at the door, tried to open it from the outside. That didn't work, but then he said, "Do you have the other half of the doorknob with you?" I looked down, and there it was! I could NOT function though, so I told him that I had it. Then he had to tell me to put it on the door so I could open it. I felt SO stupid, and was incredibly embarrassed. But I was SO thankful that he was home that day, and he had enough sense to get me out of there.

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Secular Mom,


O remember what it was like having a deployed husband. It seemed like everything would break/happen as soon as he would leave. The last time he was deployed I found out two weeks after he left I was pregnant. Two weeks after that I found out it was twins. He was gone for my entire pregnancy and didn't see them until they were 3 months old and we had a 15 month old and 4 yo as well.


Of course after I found out I was pregnant, we had to move to a bigger house. Guess who had to do that? :lol:


Good times.

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Oh yes, the grand moving adventure. Thankfully, I only had to do that once by myself. I found the cheapest apartment for rent that I could find. I wanted to save money, and there really wasn't much available in the time frame I needed. Tee-hee. We ended up living in a not-so-nice area of Chula Vista, CA- near the trolley tracks.

Every afternoon or evening we'd be lying on the floor with all the blinds closed while a police helicopter blasted a description of the suspect they were looking for in our area. Yikes! After that, DH has made sure that he was with me for every move, ROFLOL. Apparently he didn't trust me to pick our living arrangements again.

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once prior to marriage, I was moving into an apartment. I carried some stuff into the bedroom, the door closed and I was locked in. I was on the 2nd floor which overlooked a wooded area. I looked out the window and saw a teen boy and his girlfriend taking a walk and yelled out my problem to them. They went and got some tools and were able to open the door. Nice way to meet the neighbors lol.

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Dd locked herself into my bedroom when she was 2. All she had to do to open it was to turn the little knob on the handle but all attempts to talk her through that failed. I had to get my neighbor who had a tall ladder to go through the screened window from the outside. After that we changed our door lock to one of those that you can poke a metal stick into a hole from the outside to unlock it if needed.

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DH and were attending a work convention in Mpls The first morning we in our hotel room bathroom ( he was in the shower, I was chatting with him.) Door handle broke, wouldn't open. We pounded and shouted for several hours before we were freed from our prison. We were greeted by the hotel manager, the maintenance and several maids.

I was wrapped in a shower curtain to cover up my nightgown, DH was in a towel. We were the topic of many conversations for the rest of the convention!


I wrote up the story and it was published in a book of Hotel disaster stories last year.


Yes, good times.

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The other day my dh said he would be back in time to greet the garage door repair man. So I decided to take a shower. Of course the garage repair man was early by a few min. (When has this ever happened:001_huh:?). My dh is the -right on time or a few min. late kind of guy. So I ended up having to answer the door in my bath robe, with hair up in towel. Poor man he looked shocked, like a deer caught in head lights to see me this way. To make things worse, a little while later (after I was dressed), my dad stopped by. Turns out that this man was one of his customer where he used to work, and they're friends! Hopefully this man decides to never tell my dad. My dad would give me that I'm disappointed in you look :tongue_smilie:. We also live in a very small town, I will probably run into this man, again.

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Plus, I know that UPS is delivering a package today that I have to sign for. Hopefully I won't have to do that in my bath robe.


Quick! Shove some crumpled tissues in your pockets (halfway hanging out), blow your nose a few times, rumple your hair, and start sniffling!

Nobody but us will be the wiser...:leaving:

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