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What is it about hating math


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What is it about math......my 9 1/2 year old dd hates math! Does this tie in with her controlled epilepsy? Her hyperness and having to stay focused on "working" math problems are not a productive combination right now.


Should I worry she'll fall behind? My first response is not to sweat it...what is the big deal to this?


Anyone? Sheryl

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I don't know, but I've just about thrown the calendar across the room and am sitting here in a snit from trying to go over math stuff (calendar) with my 1st grader.


Why are they so resistive to it? I was making it fun and everything and he kept goofing off and I'm sooooo irritated I can hardly stand it.


It makes me want to be mean about it and make him sit at a desk with his hands crossed and have me drill him, instead of bothering to try to make things fun and lighthearted.


I'm just ticked right now. I'm not usually mean like this....sigh.

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I wonder what approach to math you are using? What sort of learner is your dd? Hands on? "Mathematics Their Way" might be fun for her. Pattern blocks? Counting sea shells, sorting buttons, measuring items around the house, let her weigh the produce at the grocery store, estimating the grocery total before you check out, solving real world math problems, draw a number line in the driveway and hop to add and subtract, and playing math games might make it fun for both of you. Chess is fun. Check your library for math related children's books like "The Greedy Triangle." I wouldn't worry about getting behind. Half a lesson a day or breaking math into two shorter lessons, one in the morning and one in the evening, might help. I hope that something here is useful.


Regarding calendars: We print or draw out a new grid each month and let the kiddos fill in the numbers and color a design at the top. They put in birthdays and special days. They enjoy crossing off the days of their own calendars posted on the fridg. Dd,8, has been making up a weather chart each month and had a blast with all the snow days in December (usually our weather chart is filled with a boring blend of cloudy and rainy). JanBrett.com has free printable calendar sheets.

Edited by AnnetteB
calendar fun?
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I wonder what approach to math you are using? What sort of learner is your dd? Hands on?




This kind of resistance sounds to me like a curriculum mismatch. There are many curriculums out there in different styles even for MATH! My son could not handle a spiral curriculum that required lots of writing. Approaches to math can be as creative and varied as any other subject. If your child hates it and can't stay focussed, I'd start shopping! But then, I love curriculum shopping :D



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I wonder what approach to math you are using? What sort of learner is your dd? Hands on?




This kind of resistance sounds to me like a curriculum mismatch. There are many curriculums out there in different styles even for MATH! My son could not handle a spiral curriculum that required lots of writing. Approaches to math can be as creative and varied as any other subject. If your child hates it and can't stay focussed, I'd start shopping! But then, I love curriculum shopping :D



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