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5yo throws mom under the bus...

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So we're at a family birthday party the other day, and I hear through the grapevine about something my 5yo dd said to dh's aunt a few weeks before.


DD has been home from a full-time preschool since the first of the year, which has been the subject of conversation from time to time, but never like this!


Aunt: So, are you enjoying being home and doing school with your sisters?


DD5: Yup. (big smile)


Aunt: What are you learning?


Dd5: Oh, I don't learn anything...I'm homeschooled!




Despite this, let me assure any wary readers that my in-law family is supportive of our homeschooling, thank goodness!:lol:

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Oh, my goodness! That sounds like my kids!


Granny: What are you learning in school?


Ds/dd: Oh...nothing.


Granny (laughing): Nothing?


Ds/dd: We haven't really done school in a while.


This is where I jump in & remind them that just because we've stuck mainly to stuff they like for the last week or 2 doesn't mean it doesn't count.


Or they'll say "We're behind," meaning that we're not on schedule w/ the book we're using. Instead, it comes across, "We're behind for our age." Ack!


Could be worse, though. My mom says I proposed to the school janitor on her behalf.







When I was in jr. high. :001_huh:

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So we're at a family birthday party the other day, and I hear through the grapevine about something my 5yo dd said to dh's aunt a few weeks before.


DD has been home from a full-time preschool since the first of the year, which has been the subject of conversation from time to time, but never like this!


Aunt: So, are you enjoying being home and doing school with your sisters?


DD5: Yup. (big smile)


Aunt: What are you learning?


Dd5: Oh, I don't learn anything...I'm homeschooled!




Despite this, let me assure any wary readers that my in-law family is supportive of our homeschooling, thank goodness!:lol:


One of my students (first grade) said (very straight faced) in class one day when I asked him to read something, "I can't read. I'm homeschooled."

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My little ones said things like this to my parents, who in turn began questioning me...concerned. When I figured out why this had started, I point-blank told them that my kids said all they did at their (grandparents) house, was watch t.v. - they looked horrified and protested that this was not true. Point was taken and the questioning stopped.;)

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My little ones said things like this to my parents, who in turn began questioning me...concerned. When I figured out why this had started, I point-blank told them that my kids said all they did at their (grandparents) house, was watch t.v. - they looked horrified and protested that this was not true. Point was taken and the questioning stopped.;)
:lol: Sounds like my DD. Gram lets me watch that... But Mom lets me watch that...:glare:
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That sounds like something my 5 year old would say. She only considers a tiny portion of what we do to be "school," and it's generally whichever part she isn't enjoying. She was recently asked how she liked school and told someone that it was "pathetic." The concerned near-stranger asked if she would prefer to go to real school, to which dd responded, with horror, "That would be even more of the pathetic part!"

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My little ones said things like this to my parents, who in turn began questioning me...concerned. When I figured out why this had started, I point-blank told them that my kids said all they did at their (grandparents) house, was watch t.v. - they looked horrified and protested that this was not true. Point was taken and the questioning stopped.;)


OH! I love this...I have to use this next time. I always hear what my kids say about us while at my in-laws and I always feel like I have explaining to do! Then we get home and I hear about movies, TV, unhealthy food for every meal, etc.


Time to turn the tables. ;)

Edited by partyof5
because I can't spell before having my coffee!
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OH Man for that's rough!!!! Funny too. :001_smile:


My oldest doesn't consider History, Science, Handwriting, and Latin to be school work. AND she's wary of people quizzing her on the rest. She had my MIL (former elementary teacher) convinced she couldn't read.


I got a bag of M&M's and left them at the next visit with instructions, "give her and M&M for each sentance she reads to you. Pick any book you'd like." MIL has never brought it up again. :D

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