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How to supplement SOTW 2 with more Christian Ed/History/worldview etc. etc. etc.


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My third child will be in 1st grade and I want to fold him into our History cycle. We are on year 2. I've decided on SOTW 2. We tried MOH 1 and it was too dry and just not a good fit. We do like SOTW though. I've got that baby on the way, so I'm trying to do more together. I realize it will probably take us 2 years to get through it anyway, since it's taken about that long to get through SOTW 1.


I know because of the period there will be quite a bit of church history. I'm looking for some supplements or a book to read. I saw that MFW used How the Bible Came to us. I don't know that I like the looks of it, but it might be a nice addition. History Lives is a lot dryer than I thought as well. I don't want to use Biblioplan because I want to keep it simple. If I have a plan I will feel like I'm failing.


I can't put my finger on what I want. If there are some other helpful discussions please link me to them. I couldn't find anything. I want something that shows God moving through this time period, if that makes any sense? I'd love to hear what you used that you loved...even if it was supplements to certain chapters.

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We did use Biblioplan and it did add some church history to SOTW. But there's not a lot out there for early grammar kiddos. We liked Paul Maier's picture book on Martin Luther for the Reformation. Tomie DePaola has several that supplement well--one on St. Patrick and Clown of God come to mind. Maybe one on Columba? I have Trial and Triumph and the Withrow books, but ended up saving them for when the kids are older the next time through. That's about all I can come up with.

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What about MOH 2?


Corresponding Chapters in MOH2 & SOTW-2 (Mystery of History ...


Jean's notes: I compiled these sources primarily to add church history to our history studies and secondarily to find a way to follow one topic or idea or country for a bit of time before jumping to the next idea. For my grammar aged children I have used UILE as a spine reading a 2-page spread followed by MOH or SOTW readings or both. KHE can be used for logic age children.

ALL 84 Lessons in MOH 2 are scheduled. A couple of sections in SOTW 2 have been omitted

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We'll be adding this to SOTW 2 this year:


Veritas History Cards:






I know the cards incorporate Biblical history and have suggested reading from several sources including Victor Journey Through the Bible, The Children's Illustrated Bible, and The Child's Story Bible thru New Testament/Greece & Rome. I believe they include titles like The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History and The Church in History for the Middle Ages. They also include beautiful paintings or photos and have other suggested reading from various secular resources.


OhElizabeth and some other ladies have more experience than myself, so maybe they'll chime in if you have interest in them.



Edited by angela&4boys
Middle Ages info
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