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Think I've found my philosophy...does this sound crazy?


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It's been giving me sleepless nights but I realise now that I won't know what's going to work until I start it. So... I'm considering pulling my dd soon to be 8 out of school next term and starting with Moving Beyond the Page. With that I will start incorporating some Waldorf (as it suits us) and also purchase FLL/WWE, Right start Maths and SOTW. Hopefully ds 6 will start in Sept so I can use SOTW with him. It seems like an expensive choice but if I can pull dd out next term I'll be saving just over $1300. We paid around $7800 for both of them for the whole year :001_huh::001_huh:. So it's actually going to be great moneysaving buying the above!


I love art and craft and want to integrate that into my children's learning. How does it all look?


I'll think about Science later - I'll make use of the material from MBP and add my own stuff - same for Geography.


Let me know, I need to get on with praying and asking God's help in doing all this!:)



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:) That's great to hear! Are you planning on purchasing a complete curriculum or part? Mine will cost around $740 plus shipping :eek:.


I feel nervous though as it would mean handing our notice over to the school for our daughter's withdrawal by next week. I feel like crying now!!

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No I just want part of it, just one of the concepts in the 6-8 age range. I am going to source the books from amazon.co.uk so I can cut down on the shipping charges. Could you do that? Would save on the shipping? You can check to see whether they are all available easily and then only order the ones you can't source locally

whereabouts are you?

If you are going to order, may I join you as otherwise they won't ship to me!


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Ummof3, I think you have a really complete curriculum plan even WITHOUT buying MBP. I know we've talked about this on the accelerated board, and I don't want to harp, but you really might want to consider buying just *1* unit to start with. You have no clue if you'll even like it, and that's a huge cash outlay. Have you joined the MBP yahoo group? If you watch there, you could probably pick up a guide used. That way you could try it, see what you think, and feel more confident about buying the whole shibang. Also, I agree with the others that you want to check amazon and Rainbow Resource to make sure you're getting the best price for those books and kits. I just checked, and Rainbow Resource doesn't yet carry MBP, bummer. If you do some searching on the web (ebay, etc.), you might be able to find one. I sure wouldn't plunk out $700+ for something when you haven't tried it first. That would be one SERIOUSLY EXPENSIVE trial and possible mistake!

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Ummof3, I think you have a really complete curriculum plan even WITHOUT buying MBP. I know we've talked about this on the accelerated board, and I don't want to harp, but you really might want to consider buying just *1* unit to start with. You have no clue if you'll even like it, and that's a huge cash outlay. Have you joined the MBP yahoo group? If you watch there, you could probably pick up a guide used. That way you could try it, see what you think, and feel more confident about buying the whole shibang. Also, I agree with the others that you want to check amazon and Rainbow Resource to make sure you're getting the best price for those books and kits. I just checked, and Rainbow Resource doesn't yet carry MBP, bummer. If you do some searching on the web (ebay, etc.), you might be able to find one. I sure wouldn't plunk out $700+ for something when you haven't tried it first. That would be one SERIOUSLY EXPENSIVE trial and possible mistake!


Thank you. I'll consider going for one or two concepts but i'm not convinced I already have a complete curriculum with just the WTM to be honest. It hadn't clicked to me to source some of the books here so i'll take a look.


Thanks again :)

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No I just want part of it, just one of the concepts in the 6-8 age range. I am going to source the books from amazon.co.uk so I can cut down on the shipping charges. Could you do that? Would save on the shipping? You can check to see whether they are all available easily and then only order the ones you can't source locally

whereabouts are you?

If you are going to order, may I join you as otherwise they won't ship to me!




Can you tell me which concept you chose and what you are having to buy from MBP. I'm getting confused looking their breakdowns. I presume the only thing available here are the books? You'd have to buy the manuals. What about the kits (eg in Science).



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I am looking at 6-8 community and possibly culture but only the manuals as I can get the rest here (haven't gone through all the culture books but I can get the community ones). There aren't any science kits at this level. I wouldn't buy books from them unless I had to because I can get them from amazon market place and not have to pay the high shipping costs.


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I am looking at 6-8 community and possibly culture but only the manuals as I can get the rest here (haven't gone through all the culture books but I can get the community ones). There aren't any science kits at this level. I wouldn't buy books from them unless I had to because I can get them from amazon market place and not have to pay the high shipping costs.




Would you be getting the activity books?

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ah, I get it now. So you just buy one concept, not the books as you can get those from Amazon.


Oh Elizabeth - NOW I understand where you are coming from :001_huh::001_smile:




Yup, just trying to save you a little agony later. :)


It's a good principle with anything, to try it first, see if it clicks, then buy a little more.


On the "not enough" thing, well that's really relative. WTM is showing you a progression of the basic skills. Some people have to bump up those skill recommendations a grade level or more to make it fit, but the progression is still true and helpful. As far as the amounts, well that's relative too. If you have a very strong reader, of COURSE you're going to need more material and have a harder time keeping them in books than someone whose dc abhors reading and does it only as assigned.


You know what would help you? Do a search through past messages and see threads of what other people have done for 3rd or 4th gr. Or find people you find inspiring and look at their signatures or read their past messages on the boards to see what they do. For instance, I took a fancy to love2read (a poster on the boards here) recently, so I went back through and read a ton of her past messages to learn more of how she does things. I'm always looking to learn new things!


My dd is in 4th this year, and we have the new baby, like what you're facing. For us, it works well to have a balance of things I do with her and things she can do for herself. Our basic daily schedule, which is working well for us, is:


morning laps


sing/memory work/Bible time

history (this is the entire rest of the morning, except on Mondays where she also has a book report to write)



language arts (grammar, handwriting, spelling, writing program, literature)


I dream of getting our science in on the end of that, but it hasn't happened this month. We did a lot of science after the baby was born, because we went down to just the barebones (math, a writing workbook, a spelling workbook, and then the science that I would teach). So give yourself a little grace with getting started and having a new baby to boot.


Now this is just a suggestion, but you know what might be really cool... Do ONLY the MBP stuff when you pull them out and when the baby comes. If you do ONLY mbp, that would be pretty practical, less structured, and help them unwind. Then, when the baby is a few months old and you're up to doing more, you can re-evaluate and decide what else you want to add in.

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