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Learning to read question


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I am teaching DD to read using Jolly Phonics (a British program) and making up lots of games and activities etc.


I was wondering how many times a child needs to be exposed to a word (for instance "and" or "the") before they can recognise it immeditely without having to sound it out?

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My daughter learns words much more quickly when they are in context. When I put new words into sentences with words she already knows, she picks them up fairly quickly. Also, I find getting her to print the words helps with retention. I get her to look at the word on the card, turn the card over, print the word, then turn the card back over to check it. We have been working with phonics since September or so and her speed has increased. I would say that if she exposed to a word two or three times for a week she will remember it. Hope this helps,



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I think it depends on the child. My DD basically sight read 'and' and 'the' very quickly after first learning to sound them out phonetically. She doesn't bat an eye at them now. She does know how to sound them and can spell them she just reads them as they should be.


I can imagine for some children it would take a lot of repetition before the get it, especially 'the' because you don't say it as it looks.

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