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Lost my voice. Now what?

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I have laryngitis today. My throat isn't very sore, just sort of raw and tired. The girls are all napping now, so I get to give the voice a rest -- NO WHISPERING. But my husband works late tonight, so I need to get my voice back in two hours! I have the "evening shift" with the children, and a voice is nice for that. ;)


Any advice? I am at this moment drinking hot decaf tea with honey and lemon. We'll see if that helps at all......

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Dh has had varying amts of his voice for the last couple of mos--ever since he was hired to be the worship pastor at our new church. :lol:


He says the best thing he's done is gargle w/ warm salt water. He says to get it way back in your throat until you're gagging on it & to make sure you don't use too much salt & that it has a chance to dissolve.


It hurts a lot, but is amazing. He says. I don't try stuff. :lol:

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I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I have a voice disorder in which I get growth on my vocal cords which must be removed periodically. I went through a period of time when I couldn't talk for about 4 months.


I don't know how old your children are, but at the time I lost my voice nearly completely mine were 8, 6, and 3 yo twins. I assigned each one a whistle (yes, just like the baron von Trapp). I spoke as little as possible.


You are right. No whispering. That is worse for your vocal cords. If you want a drink you can try throat coat tea. I like that when I have a sore throat.


I hope you feel better soon.



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Thanks, Aubrey and Tap Tap Tap, for the warm, weak salt water advice. I'll go mix some up and gargle with it right before it's time to get the girls up from afternoon nap.


Jennie, what is "throat coat tea?" Is it tea with honey and lemon, or something else? TIA!




I can get this at my local grocery store. You can also get it from health food stores. It really helps me.



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