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1st attempt at 5th grade plans


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It looks like you've got all the main subjects covered. No Bible or foreign language, but that may be intentional on your part.


Is is Queen's Language Lessons for the Secondary Child that you are considering? If so, that will include some copywork (though not every day). You might not want to do other copywork if you do this.





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Looks good :). The only possible gap I see would be composition. I don't know anything about Language Lessons for the Secondary Child, but I don't think GWG 5 provides sufficient composition work for a fifth grader. You might plan to incorporate composition with other studies (lit, history, etc.), however.


Good luck with your planning!



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So did you decide to stick with the BJU math? I've been wondering how it worked out for you. (remembering your other post about having problems)


Do you have plans for writing? That's the one thing I see missing, unless you have it covered somewhere. Didn't you say your dh told you to dump CW? Or was that someone else? BF has writing assignments, but it would still be good to have a forward progression in writing instruction. It's a real weakness in homeschoolers and something to guard against. Nothing says you have to do CW (which I DON'T think is the "ultimate"), but you want to do SOMETHING, kwim?


Oh foo, you mean we're supposed to do logic in 5th gr? I'm in denial on that one, haha.

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