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Is it worth owning a microscope?

Michelle T

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DS periodically comments on wanting a microscope. I'm sure he would enjoy it, but I wonder if that interest would last beyond a week or so.


Those of you who own microscopes, does it get enough use to justify the purchase? Do your kids really use it much?


And if you only had one child, would it still be worth it?

Michelle T

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I have an only child - DS - age 7.

We bought a stereo microscope last year and love it! I can't imagine NOT having it now.

I keep the scope "put up" but we collect nature samples all the time and pile them up on a wooden tray in the living room. Every other week we have a "scope day" where I pull out the microscope and we spend an hour or so looking at everything we have collected - leaves, rocks, acorns, shells, dead bugs. We look at the items whole, then cut/break/smash them to look at the insides.

Also, my son loves to dissect :001_huh: so I bought a dissection kit and we have been working our way through the specimens - earthworm, starfish, clam, etc. Looking at everything under the scope really adds to the study. ;)

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I don't know that I would call it a waste of money because when we want to use it we are grateful to have it. I really wish we'd had it when my two oldest were homeschooling.


But, truthfully, we don't use it frequently. We used it a bunch when my current high schooler was taking biology and I am certain it will get a lot of use as my youngers get to to high school age.

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You might want to check with your nearest university or children's/science museum. Our local university lends us materials for up to 3 weeks at a time. We also have Fort Discovery, a science museum, that does the same. All of this is free for teachers, including homeschool teachers.


My son really wanted a microscope so we borrowed one a few weeks ago with a bunch of prepared slides. He has enjoyed it, but I don't think he still wants to own one.


We also borrow almost anything else we need for science. It is a great resource.

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DS periodically comments on wanting a microscope. I'm sure he would enjoy it, but I wonder if that interest would last beyond a week or so.


Those of you who own microscopes, does it get enough use to justify the purchase? Do your kids really use it much?


And if you only had one child, would it still be worth it?

Michelle T


:lol: :tongue_smilie:

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We are planning on purchasing the brock magiscope for my children with part of our tax refund. I think they will use it a *lot*. I can think of a half-doz. times in the last month or so that *I* would have liked to have used it! I like that it's for field work, so they can take it out this spring and look at all sorts of cool things!

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We use ours all the time!!! (Kids are 5, 3, 2, and 1.) My husband is an epidemiologist, so we didn't have to buy one. It's much better than what we need, but he already had it. :) We *love* using it all the time. We're studying cells in R.E.A.L. science/biology right now, and it's great to actually look at the difference between plant and animal cells, and compare many with each other. Bugs or bug pieces are another big hit. Water. Spit. Blood. Dirt. Salt. We look at lots of things. I think my daughter inherited her papa's love of biology. I'm pretty sure she could look through a microscope all day long and not get bored... :)

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When we first got ours we used it all of the time ( that was 2 years ago). Now that we've had it for this long it doesn't get pulled out as often. I do think having a good microscope is a good investment if you have a child who likes science. Remember that your child has years of schooling left and you never know when one might come in handy.


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Only if it is a good one.

I had one as a kid - it went to 1500 magnification!

We used it ALL THE TIME.

Hair, grass, bug parts, scabs, etc.....

Of course....I love science so that may be why it was always out.

But the ones I have looked at recently are so lame, they have no power at all and where's the fun in that?

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