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Anyone here that can give me a review of BJU English 5?


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I was thinking of getting BJU just for the writing portion, as I like that it is very STEP BY STEP....but, now after looking at the grammar...wondering if you all like the grammar?

Do you need the TM for the writing/and or grammar instruction?

Also, is their diagramming in the grammar.


I still really like GWG, but....was just curious what ya'll thought of BJU as a whole....and what you thought of just the writing portion as well.


I guess I am just looking for some reviews! :-)

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We only used grade 3, but the writing is excellent. The step-by-step instructions did not overwhelm my writing phobic ds. However, he did not retain much in the way of grammar. (We are presently using GWG for him... the 11yo.) I can't say that he wouldn't have begun to retain more if we had stuck with it, but I wanted to start IEW and decided to look elsewhere for grammar.


I did want to point out the alternate TM's published by Christian Liberty Press though if you're not already aware. They have only the necessary information and are very reasonably priced.



Edited by angela&4boys
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I used BJU English for grades 3-5 with oldest dd, and now she's doing grade7.She started with FLL and found most of grade 3 was review of what she had already learned.When she did standardized testing in grade 5 she scored in the 94th percentile for the english portion of the test. I'm not a big fan of most of the writing lessons because I've come to subscribe to the WWE/WTM philosophy.It can be very frustrating for children to put their thoughts down on paper when they can't articulate those thoughts well to begin with.I'd use the lower grades again for the grammar and some of the writing assignments but I personally don't plan to stress too much writing in those grades.We did try R&S for grade 7 and it was just draining all the love of english right out of dd.We were both reaching a point where we were dreading it after using it for only a few months.We've gone back to BJU and I don't plan to change it to something else.

BJU does some sentence diagramming but doesn't emphasize it as much as R&S.There are about 1-2 lessons/chapter in the grade 7 book.

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