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IEW Themed Writing (Lit.)...


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The "Fables" book is the easiest in terms of shorter passages and slightly less material. I'm teaching 3rd and 4th graders this year through a co-op with the "American" book, and last year taught 4th and 5th graders with the "Medieval" book, and I would say that of those two, the "Medieval" book has slightly easier content for younger children. From a quick read-through of the "Ancient" book, it seems about on level with the "Medieval" book.


In my experience, you should not start a child on IEW until they are reading very well on their own and are basically done with phonics, regardless of their age. There are some 3rd graders who are truly ready to begin IEW because they are reading well and are ready to put down words and ideas, and there are some 5th graders who would probably be better served focusing on basic literacy.

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The "Fables" book is the easiest in terms of shorter passages and slightly less material. I'm teaching 3rd and 4th graders this year through a co-op with the "American" book, and last year taught 4th and 5th graders with the "Medieval" book, and I would say that of those two, the "Medieval" book has slightly easier content for younger children. From a quick read-through of the "Ancient" book, it seems about on level with the "Medieval" book.


In my experience, you should not start a child on IEW until they are reading very well on their own and are basically done with phonics, regardless of their age. There are some 3rd graders who are truly ready to begin IEW because they are reading well and are ready to put down words and ideas, and there are some 5th graders who would probably be better served focusing on basic literacy. In my opinion, being comfortable with handwritten work is less important. My own 3rd grader dictates most of her assignments to me (she looks on to make sure we get it), and then types her own final drafts. Gradually I'm having her do a paragraph here and there on her own, and I believe that older children should be able to type their first draft once they are familiar with IEW.

Edited by GVA
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