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Logic Stage/SOTW and maps...


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What do you use for more advanced map work? Sorry, I am tired and not phrasing/explaining things well. (anyone know how to get a 7month old to go to sleep before midnight?) Thank you.

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I have the cd of Uncle Josh's maps, then you can either put more info in or require more info to be put in by the student. So maybe for my younger I have all the names in there and have him circle things, like often instructed in the AG; with my older maybe I have blanks and he has to fill in the country names/bodies of water, and draw the connecting lines or whatnot, kwim? There's a lot of flexibility there.

Edited by Kate in Arabia
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I am pretty casual about mapwork around here. My 5th grader looks up relevant places in her historical atlas, then finds the same location on our wall world map. We don't have a globe (yet!) or I'd have her find them there too. I am pretty sure this is how WTM recommends it. Between the reading, outlining, and timelines, I am comfortable with this. Her map skills are pretty good, thanks to the SOTW study guide maps we did for 4 years already!

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I've been scanning the AG maps for Ancient History and covering the labels with text boxes with white lines around them so that it just looks like it's unlabelled. Then dd9 just uses the maps in the text to label the cities, rivers, regions etc. I figure I'm doing this once and saving them for the next 3 dcs. I'm pretty sure the Ancient History AG is the only one with such basic map work. The Modern History one required all the labelling to be done anyway. I think I'm going to play down map work this time anyway - she's spending a fair bit of time doing the narrations for her notebook. So far, there's been plenty of material on several of the topics.


It's all fun.



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