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DVD Players in Cars


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We've never been big on these, but were planning a road trip soon and I about fell over when dh said that maybe we should look into one.


Now, he had seen the commercial for the new little playskool portable DVD players. I checked it out and am not interested. 1. The screen is so small and 2. I don't like that the kids can get the DVD out and 3. DD is really too small for that.


So, does anyone have a great portable one to rave about OR what about the kind that hang over the seat? I haven't really done too much research; thought I'd start with you all first. :)


A side note - I don't know how the DVD players work or if this even matters, but we only have a cassette player in our suburban.

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We bought a portable one for way too much money four years ago along with a case that allowed us to strap it in the van, and it's still going strong. We don't use it all the time, but I've taken it to meetings to entertain my children and to doctor offices when I knew that we'd have a long wait (why do ALL orthopedic doctors run at least an hour late?). And of course we've used it in the van. It's a Sony.

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We bought a double set at Sam's club that works really well. The DVDs hang on the back of the front headrests, and plug into the lighter. They can be connected with a wire so they can both view the same movie, or they can be used individually.


I don't think that your little ones would be able to reach the player, as long as they're buckled into their carseat. The car needs to be turned on in order to work the DVD players, though, so your dh will have to start the car, and you'll have to turn it on, before you can move up into the front seat.


FWIW, we never needed anything to entertain our kids when they were that age. They just seemed to "zone out", and stare out the windows. I used to bring little toys and books and gadgets, but they never even played with anything. They'd pick a favorite, and just hold it, while they stared out the window. YMMV.

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