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Latin Prep 2

Pam in MA

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Unfortunately, I don't think they have anything like the workbooks.


One possibility is to work through a chapter (or half a chapter) doing all of the odds in each exercise set (this won't work for the translation sections, but for all the phrase or sentence exercises), then go back through that same chapter or partial chapter again doing the evens. I find that provides additional review and the second time through often makes a lot more sense for kids. More than just plowing through the entire exercise the first time.


Also, are you having your student write out the paradigms on a regular basis? I find it helpful to have students write out the principal parts of a verb, then conjugate that verb in all of the tenses they have learned so far. Or have them write out a key word in each of the four conjugations in one of the tenses they have learned. Or write out the complete declension for any given noun or adjective. In LP2, they learn hic, haec, hoc and ille, illa, illud pretty quickly -- again, that should be written out in full pretty regularly as one aid towards memorization. I have students make their own grammar references as they work through LP, so they can look up any forms they're unsure of. Creating their own grammar posters is helpful too...

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