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Never again will I purchase GATEWAY!!!!!!!

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AAAgh. I bought two Gateway Ones last yr. Spent bouceaux (sp.)bucks. Nice, pretty , and easy......


But, one of them breaks after one yr, unheard of . So I call cust. support and they say to return and it will be fixed , max three wks.


I just got a call and they are willing to replace because it will take at least 60 days to replace a part. I cant wait that long. I have school and bus. to take care of.


Get this, replacement will be refurbished desktop. I dont want refurbished, I dont want desktop. I want a new One. So I said I would settle for new downgraded desktop or laptop.


She said she does not think they will do that and will not let me speak to powers that be...... Ooooooh I am steaming. It states in Gateways warranties you can get new or refurbished replacement, why dont they just say used only. I even asked guy that sold it plus cust ser rep before sent if replace w/new.


Maybe I am being unreasonable. Next time I know buy cheapest model, because if something goes wrong w/expensive if they cant fix you get used, hey maybe its a racket. Hmmmm, I need to investigate. Maybe they break down, they give you cheaper model, refurbished and make the others work fine and resell at another cost. Hmmmm. I dont know my brain is fried.

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we just bought our 3rd mac this weekend. Our first one was a little over a year ago, and we got it because I was so sick and tired of our computers, even new computers- crashing/freezing/getting spy ware and viruses. Even after erasing everything and starting clean, we always had problems.


the kids suddenly were on my mac a lot, so dh just bought me my own to keep in my room!:D


it's mine, all mine...:lol:

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DH bought a laptop off HSN last spring for our son for graduation. He didn't open it for another month ( it was his gift..) It was unaccpetable on a few levels, not enough power, no battery life, not enough whatever to run Vista..etc. When we tried to return it, HSN said call Gateway, Gateway said call HSN. Finally it started having issues and we went round and round for days. Sent it in for repairs, they sent it back in 3 days stating it was fine.

Round and round. We just wanted to return it for one that woudl fit our sons needs.


Finally I filed a report against the supervisor at HSN who was not helpful. And then I called American Express who filed a complaint on our behalf.

We were refunded our money and no one asked for the laptop back!


I am using it now ..it is fine for just reading emails and browsing the boards. I still have my big ole PC for my Quicken and word files.

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DH bought a laptop off HSN last spring for our son for graduation. He didn't open it for another month ( it was his gift..) It was unaccpetable on a few levels, not enough power, no battery life, not enough whatever to run Vista..etc. When we tried to return it, HSN said call Gateway, Gateway said call HSN. Finally it started having issues and we went round and round for days. Sent it in for repairs, they sent it back in 3 days stating it was fine.

Round and round. We just wanted to return it for one that woudl fit our sons needs.


Finally I filed a report against the supervisor at HSN who was not helpful. And then I called American Express who filed a complaint on our behalf.

We were refunded our money and no one asked for the laptop back!


I am using it now ..it is fine for just reading emails and browsing the boards. I still have my big ole PC for my Quicken and word files.


I was afraid that would happen if I did that , so I went straight through company. NO BETTER! I like the card idea, I know we charged it, if I dont hear anything w/in wk. I am going to call credit card co. I am sure we are still making pymts on it.

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I called them back and left a msg. stating I want a refund. I am praying that will happen, than I am running not walking to the Apple store, and buy a laptop., Unfortunately it will be the girls.


MAKE SURE you tell them you're a homeschooler and get the educator's discount. And, get Applecare on a laptop, which you'll also get at the educator's discount price.

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I bought two Gateway Ones last yr. Spent bouceaux (sp.)bucks. Nice, pretty , and easy.....



We've been having similar problems with Gateway. They finally sent an actual person out to our home to try to fix our computer. He had to order parts, etc., etc. Then, when dh took the computer to him to let him replace the parts, dh wound up having to help the computer guy figure out which parts to put where!!! :001_huh:(And the guy said he'd been repairing computers for about 30 years!) I told dh to send both computers back and let's go find a company that's not falling apart and buy one that actually works. But he's determined they're going to fix this mess ... :glare:


Good luck.

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Oh I got burned with Gateway last year. My less than 2 year old lap top never did get fixed. I will never buy another.


I have had a Dell in the past with no problems.(The Dell lasted 5 years and I retired it, it still would be running


I have a HP and its been great so far but its only a year old

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we have an old dell laptop that is still working..tho only the little one plays games on it, it is so slow- but we had good experience with dell.


Dh bought a new Macbook Pro a few months ago. When he got ichat up and running, the sound was really low..he tried to fix it by talking to friends, then called Apple and they tried to help, they then said to take it to the apple store-and they tinkered with it and then gave him a brand new laptop!


I love Apple!


I posted up in the thread that we just brought home our 3rd apple.

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