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what's the worst thing you've ever done?

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Hmmm, if the worst you've ever done is 52 in a 40 mph you're doing pretty well. I'm converting to Catholicism and getting a bit apprehensive about going to confession for the first time. We're talkin' mortal sin(s) here. Ouch. Nothing I'd say on a discussion board, though, sorry.

Which ones are the mortal sins ?


I couldn't judge my "worst" thing - you'd have to narrow it down, to acceptable funny thing anecdotes, things involving cops, things that should have involved cops, or things that were just bad.



Oh I have a good one - but I can't tell it on the internet - I might want to run for president one day - it starts with smoking cigars and drinking at a strip of bars called 21 bars (i think) in puerto rico and ends with throwing beer bottles at cop cars from a rooftop and losing them by running into a wooded area behind the bars.

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Stole a car??


We were talking to some guys we didn't really know. I was visiting a small town in some unnamed state with a friend who shall be known as "Jane Doe". He had a new 1985 Chevy Berlinetta. We took around the corner as a joke while my friend and another girl were talking to them. I was not driving, he and his friends did not think it was funny.


Needless to say they did not stop to talk to us again.


And I was a good kid otherwise. :D


You rebel you!!!

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:lol::lol::lol: What a way to start my day! lol You gals are bad, bad, bad!


I'll fess up...


I had just seperated from my first dh (at the ripe ol' age of 20) and was asked out by this hunk of a man...at 36 he was much too old for me but he was a firefighter and was tall and very muscular and had a killer smile and...I digress. So I accepted his invitation and he picked me up. It was a warm southern evening, stars dotting the sky.


We lived in a *very* small town. The coolest thing going was the recently built Wendy's and I had not asked what he had planned for the evening. We rode along in his noisy old pick-up for some time. We rode out of town. I asked where we were going and he just smiled and said he had something he wanted to show me. We made small talk and drove along.


Then, he turns off on this dirt "road" (it was the entrance to a hunting club with one of those low, metal gates). I inquired again as to our destination and he just replied rather mysteriously "You'll see." He kept flashing that dashing smile. We went along chatting for another minute or two.


By this time we are deep in the woods. There is literally nothing out here except trees, open sky, and the dirt road we are bumping along. He stops the old truck, turns off the lights and smiles at me again. I realize that I am in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night with a strange man. He gets out of the truck. I slowly slide my hand towards the door handle. He puts his seat forward and reveals a space behind the seat. He reaches into that space and pull out...a rifle!!!


I was out of that truck so fast, tearing down that dirt road back towards I don't know where, running for my life! This creep was going to kill me and was all my fault. I came out here blindly, willingly! I hear him call my name a few times but I just keep running and running. I'm thinking how if this were a horror movie, this would be the scene where the *stupid* girl trips over a stick and the killer pounces!


I did not trip but caught up with me nonetheless. He grabbed me from behind and spun me around, shouting "What the h*%@ is wrong with you?!?" I was out of breath and trying to fight him off but I was no match for his strength. He seized my arms and held me tightly. I started screaming at "Let go of me you psycho! I don't want to die!"


"What???" he asked incredulously. I was still struggling to free myself from his arms as he started to chuckle. Then laugh.


"I don't want to hurt you," he said, and told me that he was going behind his seat for a flashlight. A flashlight, not the rifle!


"This is my hunting club. I do come out here to hunt and I keep that old rifle in the truck but I was looking for my flashlight." He was still laughing! "I know you're a city girl and I thought it would be fun to show you some deer. I wanted to take you Deer Shining."


"Wha...what are you talking about? Are you serious?!"


We walked sheepishly back to the vehicle but skipped the Deer Shining (which I had never even heard of). He was very apologetic but kept laughing and I felt like a ninny!


No, we did not "shine deer" that night or any night there after, but we did date for several months afterwards. I don't know what I was thinking! I have a thing for older men.


After we ended our relationship he thought it would be funny to share the story of our first date with everyone in town. :glare:

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Hummmm, I skinny dipped in many a Kansas lake, but especially Tuttle Creek. And Indian sweat lodges in the hills.

Such days of innocence.


OK, just so you know, my parents own 150 acres on Tuttle Creek and we have seen many a skinny-dipper (they sit up overlooking it so there is quite a bird's eye view!) over the past 35 years...


I'm just sayin' is all...;)

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Elizabeth, I have never thought to take a man out poaching on a first date! :lol:

Deer shining is not poaching (not the way I've done it, anyway). You just take a strong flashlight (like a maglight) and walk through the woods. When you shine the flashlight on a deer, it kind of "freezes" in the light. You get a very good look at them.


Now, that does sound a bit cruel, waking deer up and scaring them, but it is a far cry from hunting or poaching.

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I'm surprised at what some of y'all are confessing. Skinny dipping? What's so bad about that?


The worst thing I ever did, I did when I was 11. It was something I didn't do, actually. I watched a girl molest a boy who was a year younger than us, and didn't stop her. There were five other kids there, on her side, but I realized a few days later that if I had simply screamed as loudly as I could have, the kids would've scattered.


It's one of those incidents that you try to make up for the rest of your life.

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I agree that "worst thing" needs to be narrowed down!


I've been a bad, bad girl, but I can only think of one thing that had the potential to seriously harm someone else. I've driven drunk exactly once in my life, and it was about 5 blocks on deserted streets in the middle of the night.


There were about a million things I've done that could have seriously harmed me. Standing up in a jeep, hanging on to the roll bars while speeding down the highway comes to mind. Good times, good times. :confused:


Plenty of other things, but maybe I should keep quiet and sell them as a novel. :tongue_smilie:

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Deer shining is not poaching (not the way I've done it, anyway). You just take a strong flashlight (like a maglight) and walk through the woods. When you shine the flashlight on a deer, it kind of "freezes" in the light. You get a very good look at them.


Now, that does sound a bit cruel, waking deer up and scaring them, but it is a far cry from hunting or poaching.


Why did he have a rifle? To use the scope, maybe?


In my region it is illegal to hunt this way.


I have nothing at all against hunting, BTW. In fact if my kids were starving I would think nothing of poaching.

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Deer shining is not poaching (not the way I've done it, anyway). You just take a strong flashlight (like a maglight) and walk through the woods. When you shine the flashlight on a deer, it kind of "freezes" in the light. You get a very good look at them.


Now, that does sound a bit cruel, waking deer up and scaring them, but it is a far cry from hunting or poaching.


Where I grew up, they called it spotlighting. People did it as the fall went along to see what deer were where, what their antlers looked like, etc. Often around golf courses, meadows, open field areas and farms.


It was discouraged but not illegal, I think mostly because those same folks would then try to hunt on the farmer's property or near other residential areas.


Excellent story, though, Elizabeth!

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