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Niece is staying with us for a few days..what can I have her do--9th grade


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Her mom pulled her out of school as of Friday.

She is taking her Thursday to a private school to be tested and then will get her work in a couple of weeks from the school(when they get it in).

She is going to stay with us until Thursday.

I would love to find some worksheets to keep her occupied until Thursday.


Any thoughts???

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Honestly, I don't think there's a lot of worksheet stuff a 9th grader could do. You could have her research some topic she's personally interested in and write a paper-or you could have her help you. She might like to help you school. Just a thought.

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Honestly, I don't think there's a lot of worksheet stuff a 9th grader could do. You could have her research some topic she's personally interested in and write a paper-or you could have her help you. She might like to help you school. Just a thought.


I agree. Worksheets are not a good opener to homeschooling, and will feel to her like busywork. She's too old for worksheets. I think a research project is a great idea. Maybe you could also encourage her to do some intensive art project too--a still life painting or sketching an hour a day? The combination of study with a hands-on art project might fill her hours nicely and provide a good balance.

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She has been out of school since the 2nd week of December..officially pulled out as of Friday

She is suppose to be in 10th grade this year, but is still failing 9th grade(she failed all but her 2 electives last semester.

So she is ready to do some school work. That is why I mentioned worksheets.

Yes, it is busy work but that is what she is wanting right now.

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How about some good books, SOTW cds or books, interesting movies about quality books, Use the time to catch up with math drills (could go from not knowing math facts...to knowing them, if that's an issue) Science videas...How about some Moody Videos? They are pretty interesting. Or some ID videos. My 11th grader loves to watch my parents. Church libraries might have some great sources. Biographies about whatever period of history she's going to be going into...


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She has been out of school since the 2nd week of December..officially pulled out as of Friday

She is suppose to be in 10th grade this year, but is still failing 9th grade(she failed all but her 2 electives last semester.

So she is ready to do some school work. That is why I mentioned worksheets.

Yes, it is busy work but that is what she is wanting right now.


I'd still go with the research project and art, especially because she's been struggling. You've only got her for a week--you cannot hope to catch her up academically. A research project in an area of genuine interest to her could be a way of brightening up academics and helping her enjoy learning.

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I'd give her a math placement test (most of the major curriculum programs have placement tests) and the MWIA and the NRRF reading grade level test (followed by my 3 tests on that page for high school level). While you can't solve all her problems in a week, you can make a good plan and get her started.




MUS w/ videos and my online reading lessons are things she could continue doing without much help after she leaves.


Or, is it her study skills or other problems? You could work on figuring out what the issues are and getting a plan she can sign on to.

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Her mom pulled her out of school as of Friday.

She is taking her Thursday to a private school to be tested and then will get her work in a couple of weeks from the school(when they get it in).

She is going to stay with us until Thursday.

I would love to find some worksheets to keep her occupied until Thursday.


Any thoughts???


I have a few questions. Have her parents asked you to work with her on academics? Is she visiting with the expectation of doing schoolwork? Honestly, it sounds like you have good intentions, but I'm really not sure if you could get anything meaningful accomplished in one week. Also, if this isn't agreed upon in advanced, you could be in danger of stepping on toes. If I were in your position, I'd bring her to the library or book store and let her pick out a good book. I would also have her give me a hand and help with the kids. I would include her in our days as a family. I would get to know her better. I would take her out to coffee, stay up late watching chick flicks and maybe, if I earned the right, I would give her some advice if she needed it (and it sounds like she may). What I would not do is assign her any work.

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What about asking her to help by reading to your dc? Pick something on her level,something she would be expected to read, even if your dc don't totally "get" the story. Then you would be helping her, but it would seem to her like she was helping you. Plus, you know whether or not she read it.

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