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Confession: We're dropping Latin.

Jenny in Florida

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There. I did it. I admitted it. Right out loud.


Here's the thing: My son really liked Latin when we did Minimus. And he loved Learning Latin Through Mythology. But we've done those, and there doesn't seem to be a good next step in that reading style. Everything I've looked at is just too big a jump for him.


We really like the Galore Park English series, so we thought we'd try that for Latin. It started well, but my son quickly bogged down. I can, of course, "make him" do the work, but it became clear that he wasn't really absorbing it. We had somewhat the same experience with Latin for Children earlier in this process.


At some point over the final six weeks before the holiday break, we just stopped doing Latin at all. He got very busy with dance and choir committments, and then my daughter was home from college and we just went into crisis mode, doing only the basics and keeping up with the online classes each week.


So, I had already decided to slow Latin down to half pace and do just the first half of the GP book this year. Then I had some in-depth conversations with my son about how school was going (not great) and what we could do in planning for next year to make things more interesting for him. What we ultimately decided was to streamline the number of subjects and let him tackle more challenge in each one. (Up until this year, his preference has always been to do a lot of easier things.)


And Latin is a casualty of that decision. He started Greek this year and really loves that. And he will continue Spanish. But he voiced a very strong preference for dropping Latin. Once I absorbed that, I decided it was just plain silly to try and pick up this late in the year, "catching up" and doing only half of a book we knew full well wasn't going to get finished next year.


So, there it is. We're Latin drop-outs.


Whew. I feel better!

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I've never done Latin or any foreign language. I tried to do Spanish early on but my daughter was not even remotely interested. I ended up deciding to save foreign language for high school when it would count in their transcripts. We just don't have the interest...


Well, that's not entirely true. My 7 year old wants to learn Korean. He's been bugging me about it for almost a year.

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I am so psyched about starting Latin that I spent 3 hours last night reading about Latin curricula ... and we don't even plan to star for a year and a half! I think my daughter will love it.


I think my son will hate it. I am planning Latin for his 3rd and 4th grade years, and after that, if he doesn't like it, we will drop it and pursue a modern language.


If your son can articulate why Latin is not working for him, I think it's appropriate to drop it.



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IMHO, if your ds is doing 2 :eek: other languages, a 3rd is too much.


Is there such a thing as too many languages? Calvin is doing one ancient and two modern (Latin, Mandarin and French); Hobbes started on Greek (I originally wrote 'freek', which may betray more than I would wish about his tenacious desire to learn it) having badgered me about it for a year, he is continuing Mandarin, we just started French and he will be beginning Latin in the autumn. Part of this is just because we are a language-y family; partly I am thinking about the schools that they will attend in a few years, which start French at age five and Latin at age ten.


Jenny - if it's not working, I see no problem with dropping Latin.


Best wishes



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We only lasted a few months! I think I started it too early though. I hope we'll eventually get there, but it may be high school. We are very interested in Greek and are actually making progress there. Even my first grader is loving singing the Greek alphabet and doing the "sound off". Everyday they ask me when the additional Greek products from Classical Academic Press will be ready. So, we've got some momentum.

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Jenny, now I see that you are using The Greek Alphabet Code Cracker. Don't you just love it? Both of my sons are hooked on it and it's now the first thing we do each day. This is a great product. We're getting Song School Greek as soon as it's available... in about six weeks.

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That's great he's got Latin and Greek. I personally love Latin. It seems like too much work to me to try something new, but it might be good for me.


Your ds is still young. I allowed my ds to drop Latin after 9th grade. I explained to him that the decision meant he still had to take 2 years of FL because the college entrance/high school graduation requirements stipulated 2 years in one language. Half way through his first year of Spanish he wanted to know why I let him drop Latin???!??:lol:



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