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It would be wrong

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to host a "post a picture of your husband's butt" contest on my blog, wouldn't it?


We used to laugh about the fact that Ree's great Pioneer Woman blog featured many pictures of many fine men's butts as her husband and other workers did their ranch work.


Yesterday I posted a picture on my blog of my husband clearing snow off our roof. We have a crazy amount of snow here and he got up on the shed to pull some off of our high roof. The picture ended up featuring his butt. THat's what made me think of it.


I'll be truthfull - I'm out of good ideas for contests. I usually give away books, but I've done cash and games, now, too. What next? And what contest to run? Should I make people work for it? Or just pick a person randomly?


Any suggestions? The blog is here. BTW - the pic of dear husband is down the page....

Edited by JennifersLost
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Why not? Out of curiosity, why do you have contests at all? Is it to drive readership up? Is the blog a source of income for you? How much can one make off of a well read blog? How does one even begin to make anything off of a blog?


Feel free to answer any or none of these questions if I'm being too nosey. Just something I was wondering about.

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to host a "post a picture of your husband's butt" contest on my blog, wouldn't it?


We used to laugh about the fact that Ree's great Pioneer Woman blog featured many pictures of many fine men's butts as her husband and other workers did their ranch work.


Yesterday I posted a picture on my blog of my husband clearing snow off our roof. We have a crazy amount of snow here and he got up on the shed to pull some off of our high roof. The picture ended up featuring his butt. THat's what made me think of it.


I'll be truthfull - I'm out of good ideas for contests. I usually give away books, but I've done cash and games, now, too. What next? And what contest to run? Should I make people work for it? Or just pick a person randomly?


Any suggestions? The blog is here. BTW - the pic of dear husband is down the page....


Honestly? I think it's one thing to post a general picture and happen to notice how nice he looks, but something altogether different to feature someone's butt and encourage others to do the same.

I'd be rather upset, for example, if my husband and his friends shared and compared pictures of their wives' butts. Wouldn't you?

Maybe I'm more prudish than I thought.

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Honestly? I think it's one thing to post a general picture and happen to notice how nice he looks, but something altogether different to feature someone's butt and encourage others to do the same.

I'd be rather upset, for example, if my husband and his friends shared and compared pictures of their wives' butts. Wouldn't you?

Maybe I'm more prudish than I thought.


No, I don't think it's prudish- I think the difference is where you stated: It's one thing to notice a good butt, another to focus on that as the main intention.


And anyways............

Some of our men don't have butts.:tongue_smilie:


I am just hoping my dd takes after my side of the family in the butt dept.- she is going to need it to balance out the booKs she inherited from me!

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Wow. Look at all that snow! :D


(And thanks for the flashback to my childhood, where I spent a whole lot of time with my dad screaming frantically through about 8,000 layers of glass for me to get.the.hell.away.from.the.house!!!!!!!!!! You know, before the 8,000 lbs of snow came off like a freight train, probably carrying some very old, sharp slate pieces with it.)

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I'd never even think of that, Cindy! Gosh you racy woman you.


Okay, I'm NOT serious about the butt contest.


But I'd still like some ideas for other contests. And why do I do them? Well, it is one way to attract attention, but I also like giving stuff away - it's totally fun. I'm not making a dime on this blog and I don't know if it's possible to do so. I have thought that if I could blog consistently throughout the year (and knowing that people are reading it helps tremendously with the motivation), then at the end of the year I'd be most of the way to having written a book about the experience.


I've always thought that if somehow I didn't have any family and I did have money, I'd travel from place to place, listen in on sad people's conversations and then give them anonymous presents to help out. And I'd wear a superheroine costume while I did it, although that would make me pretty conspicuous, so I wouldn't put it on until after I'd overheard what they need.


Since that's not likely to happen, I run a blog giveaway instead.

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But, Cindy realilzed her mistake after her eyes ravenously searched the blog for the "picture". ;)

I read the posts before I went to her blog. It was the "look at all that snow" response that tipped me off. :lol:


I was actualy trying to determine whether to post that such a contest would be "morally wrong" or "okay as long as dh knows and doesn't mind". :o


I am overtired...:leaving:

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I read the posts before I went to her blog. It was the "look at all that snow" response that tipped me off. :lol:


I was actualy trying to determine whether to post that such a contest would be "morally wrong" or "okay as long as dh knows and doesn't mind". :o


I am overtired...:leaving:



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to host a "post a picture of your husband's butt" contest on my blog, wouldn't it?


We used to laugh about the fact that Ree's great Pioneer Woman blog featured many pictures of many fine men's butts as her husband and other workers did their ranch work.


Yesterday I posted a picture on my blog of my husband clearing snow off our roof. We have a crazy amount of snow here and he got up on the shed to pull some off of our high roof. The picture ended up featuring his butt. THat's what made me think of it.


I'll be truthfull - I'm out of good ideas for contests. I usually give away books, but I've done cash and games, now, too. What next? And what contest to run? Should I make people work for it? Or just pick a person randomly?


Any suggestions? The blog is here. BTW - the pic of dear husband is down the page....



Now see... pictures of butts with the intention of "showing off" your guy's butt are ... hmm... shall we say tacky? IMNSHO. Perhaps I'm just of the meh opinion about that blog's particular butt displays because I think it's a meh kind of butt. I'm lucky enough to see a truly spectacular example of masculine gluteus maximus on a daily basis, thankyouverymuch. :tongue_smilie:


On the other hand, a good picture where one happens to notice (but not be pointed to notice) a very attractive behind are rather nice.


So rather than a "pics of your man's butt" contest, perhaps just a "really good inspiring pic of your man" contest? On another forum I'm on, a bunch of us posted fave pics of our guys. Not a single butt featured, nor even visible, come to think of it, yet there were some really wonderful pics of some really wonderful guys there. Just a thought...

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Honestly? I think it's one thing to post a general picture and happen to notice how nice he looks, but something altogether different to feature someone's butt and encourage others to do the same.

I'd be rather upset, for example, if my husband and his friends shared and compared pictures of their wives' butts. Wouldn't you?

Maybe I'm more prudish than I thought.


I think this may be one of those differences between men and women. I bet a lot of men would be thrilled that their wives entered them into a "nice butt" contest, and I can't imagine very many women would be the same. My own DH can be a prude, so I am not saying all men would feel one way and all women the other, but in general, I doubt as many men would be offended as women.

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I shouldn't admit this, but...













































I thought at first you meant bare butts.




I wonder what that make me?



who still thinks her dh resembles Bruce Springsteen in that department.:tongue_smilie:

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You guys are too funny.


Maybe a "take a picture of your wonderful man doing something wonderful" contest. Men hugging babies. Men shoveling roofs (Oh, already got one of those, and would you believe he's back up there today shoveling again????)


But the contest doesn't have to be about men at all!

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