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Not sure how to title, something I realized tonight


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So I was scrolling Facebook on my phone when a post came up playing songs that turned 25 years old in 2024. Of all the snippets it played I only didn’t know 1 and it was some kind of metal song. I think huh, cool. Keep scrolling and later comes a post with snippets of songs turning 20 yo in 2024. Of all the songs it played, I only knew 4. I was like huh, weird.
So I mention it to dh and he says “We’ll honey, what we’re you doing in 1999?” I hadn’t thought about 25 years ago being 1999. I said “Marrying you.”
He then said, “and what were you doing in 2004?” Hadnt thought about what the actual years these song came out. And I said “I was 27 and had 4 kids.” All surprised like 🙄 and he goes “well, there you go then”

And you guys, I am having feelings about this for some reason.

Edited by saraha
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  • saraha changed the title to Not sure how to title, something I realized tonight

Yeah, one day I realized I hadn't done any personal reading in 3 years (since I adopted my kids).  It was crazy.  I had always read so much.  Ditto playing the piano.  Where did it go?

I listen to a lot less radio since having kids.  When they were little, I would put on CDs that I wanted my kids to hear, usually soundtracks or audiobooks, and in between, I'd mostly listen to the "oldies."  My time in the car decreased as they moved on to high school and now college.  And I don't listen to radio at home.  So yeah, I'm behind the times for sure.  😛  Though I do manage to know some of the songs.

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So now I’m sitting here going wow, I got married, had four kids, and moved four times in two different states all in 5 YEARS. Even though I know all this, it’s not like it’s a surprise, it’s just realizing all that happened in our first 5 years and it seems quite overwhelming.

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Haha, dh just said “Maybe that’s why we are so worn out, we didn’t pace ourselves, and, maybe that’s why we’ve made it all these years. We didn’t have time to fight the first years and when we had time to fight we were too tired” 😆

Edited by saraha
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I always say I haven't watched tv (is that even a phrase we still use?) since 1997, the year I started teaching, and it's true with a few notable exceptions.  I married in '99 and had my first child in 2004, teaching or homeschooling or sahm-ing (often all three) the whole time.  Pop culture more or less froze then for me. 

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I am being tapped for pop culture for a possible trivia night at our library and they are like, well you are young…haha, I guess I am compared to the rest of the friends of the library. Imagine being the young one at 47…😆

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13 minutes ago, saraha said:

I am being tapped for pop culture for a possible trivia night at our library and they are like, well you are young…haha, I guess I am compared to the rest of the friends of the library. Imagine being the young one at 47…😆

As a librarian, I can imagine. . . 🤣

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Pop culture has always been hit or miss for me.   It started when I grew up overseas.   Things weren't as easy to come by as they are today.  There was no internet and snail mail could sometimes take 3 months to go across the ocean.   I grew up without radio or TV, all we watched or listened to was in cassette or VHS form and was sent by someone else.   

So, I am used to just smiling as people talk about their favorite TV shows or music trends.   Sometimes I know some of it, sometimes I don't.   


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I am old and honestly have little or no interest in pop culture. And, same as y’all, I have been busy raising kids. But I have teens and they help me keep a little connected. I am interested in what they like. (But not to the point of sitting through a 21 Pilots concert next month! 😉🤣)

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I was playing a pop culture trivia game with some young adults from our church.  I said that I was born in the wrong decade for this game.  One of the young adults (who is actually a good friend) said, "You were born in the wrong century for this game." Ouch. :)

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Yeah, I lost track of a lot of pop culture while raising little kids and homeschooling. I started to feel like that wasn't such a great thing when my kids were in Scouts and on sports teams, because not knowing current music or what was on TV gave them another thing that made them outsiders - the first being homeschooled in a place where it was not popular and actually not even known by most people. So I started turning off the oldies or classical music stations and putting on more current stuff. My kids as adults still love 80s music though, along with more current music. 

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I only recognize pop songs from when I was in my teens or before. Once my 20s hit I wasn't listening so intently to pop music. Classical music is a different story, though. I've listened to way more classical music during the time my dc were growing up. 

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When I do listen to the radio (in the car), I generally choose a couple stations that play a mix of current and oldie pop music.  However, there are whole genres of music that rarely or never hit these stations, and I don't have the time or inclination to research them.

On the positive side, my kids know a lot of the songs I loved at their age, and I think that gives them a little more musical and cultural roundedness.  Maybe they'll even pass these down to their own kids while they're in their own pop culture vacuum.  😛

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