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Tackling Sunday September 1

math teacher

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Good morning! Everything seems so still outside, that's how I know Autumn is coming. Today's plan:

more coffee


talk to my sister

clean the bathrooms


go to wal mart for boxes


water the plants

cook something for the freezer maybe

straighten up some crooked decor

do some school work

read my kindle book

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Good morning! Yesterday was a great day?   Got a lot of kaundry donem great football games, great times w 2/3 sets of our kids and their  families ( and going to third child"s house tomorrow). , graet shooting, great visiting imoressive veteran's memorial, great food all dqy, and getting cool leather coin purse w/ my initials plus low ottoman,  and more .


To do

  • Take Enbrel and my other meds today
  • Help dh makea tasty Frenh Toast and bacon breakfast
  • Watch church
  • Go to Art Museum
  • Deal w/more laundry
  • Secure accomadations,etc for mid September anniversary trip to TN area we haven't explored much
  • Wotk on paperwork for doctor visits this week
  • Maybe watch LSU game
  • Get more food for ucoming week
Edited by TravelingChris
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Welp. I tried to go for a run and just didn’t have it in me so I walked. 

went to church to sing with choir and had coughing fit that was so awful I thought I might throw up. Left the service. Decided to come home instead of try again second service.

Took a Covid test - been testing all week because DH had been positive. Negative as recently as Thursday. Popped up positive. First time I’ve had it. I was already puny all week but it wasn’t Covid. Now I have another week of feeling like crap ahead of me?!?  My phone shamed me for my activity level being so low this past week. Is there a way to yell at it that you’re sick. 


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@lauraw4321,  hopefully what you already had this past week was Covid, just too early to test positive, and you'll be hitting the tail end of it soon. Rest up! 


I've already done the hard things today -- sent Oldest off for his year-long internship. This is so good for him, and such a praise, and so wonderful....but still hard.  

With him off to camp, DS off to his church, DH and I finally returned to our church. Hopefully this becomes habit again; I miss it. 

So, for the rest of today -- 

--lunch or dinner will be the tuna meal DH never cooked yet

--catch up the sewing
--hang some pictures (the fencing frames I put together a couple of weeks ago)
--text Grandma
--text my sister, see when she gets back in town
--not sure what else

We did laundry yesterday/today already, so that's done; house is clean; school prep is done; etc. so that's most of the chores and so today/tomorrow can really be days off. Yay! 

Edited by TheReader
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@lauraw4321 feel better soon!!!

We went to church and stopped by Aldi on the way home. 

We had leftovers for lunch. 

Dh is in the midst of his fantasy football draft. 

I made a meal plan and grocery list. 

I started a load of laundry. 

I meet with a student online in just over half an hour. 

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I'm having dinner with E, the girl I tutored and became like an "adopted grandma" to. She's been having a lot of trouble at home, and is currently staying with an aunt. She is going to live at a Christian residential school that also has therapy and counseling. Since she leaves Tuesday, we want to see each other. She will get to come home after the first month, and she can have visitors. They'll put me on the list. 

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All windows have trim! (Except the laundry room, but that was never planned...maybe when we are bored and have nothing better to do). 

Floor and door trim is making progress. 

Taking the rest of the weekend "off" I need to organize meals, the first weeks activities and a few general house clean up things. 

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The computer just disappeared my paper! 4 hrs of work down the drain. I was working in MS Word online bc my LibreOffice doesn’t have an APA template. My computer went to sleep while I was on the phone and I had to restart to get my cursor back (weird glitch no one has been able to fix). No paper. Supposedly saved online somewhere, but I cannot find it. 

No visit to Dd tomorrow. Have to do all the work over again. 😢😢😢

hate my new life. 

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Oh,  no!! Hopefully you can recover it, @ScoutTN? I am so sorry.  Maybe it saved it to the OneDrive or something instead of where you normally save things? Oh, i'm so sorry. 


Got the rest of the blocks done for where I was supposed to be when I first set that goal; still more to do to get to today's point, but that can be tomorrow (and I'll work ahead some)

DS is doing some school work; DH and I watched another episode of Alone, heating up leftovers for dinner, and maybe we'll watch a movie with the @ home kids later, maybe not, depends on them. 

@mom31257, I'm glad you got to visit with E; I hope the placement is good for her, and things begin to work in her favor. I'm glad you'll be able to visit while she's there. 

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@TheReader That’s what google said, but I have no idea what or where One Drive is. Dh is trying now.

I am going out to try again on the prescriptions.

I haven’t been for a walk, seen my mom, or read a novel since this job started. I literally work all day every day, with short breaks for meals and personal hygiene.  Starting next week, I will not get to worship with my family bc I need to go to early service to leave more study time in the afternoon. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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@ScoutTN, I'm sorry you dealt with that stress but so glad you found it!! I'm really sorry you hate your new life. I pray you will find some joy in it along the way and things will settle down for you to take some time for yourself! 

@TheReader, I hope it will be good for her. I talked to her about being honest in her counseling and therapy. I shared my own sister's experience of lying to therapists because she didn't want them in her head and how she went ahead into years of trouble and didn't get real counseling until much later. She might have saved herself years of problems had she been honest at first. 

E and I went to a Mexican restaurant, so I have fajita leftovers! 

I graded two kids' homework that had come in. I only have four left for Tuesday's classes. A lot is due for Wednesday's classes.

The second load of laundry is in the dryer and a third is in the washer. 

I will go grocery shopping tomorrow. I need to figure out a different dinner tomorrow because now ds is coming home in the afternoon. 


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texted my mom, my sister, and my grandma - set up a possible visit to my mom, which is huge; checked with my sister, found out when she comes home, and let her know I was thinking of her this weekend (it's a rough date for her); chatted with Grandma about church, and what will happen when her pastor retires (4 more Sundays), and hurricane repairs

Heard from Oldest; Intern Meeting tomorrow, today was good, so that's good

heading up for a movie -- Middle actually asked when we were going to start, so that's very good; we're going to watch the original Twister, and then if they like it, we'll watch Twisters (the new one) tomorrow or next weekend

we didn't hang the pictures, but maybe tomorrow

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56 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

No luck with OneDrive, but did find the paper. Finished it and turned it in. Hooray!!!!  🎉🎈Technology is stressful for me. 

Next up: quick dinner

Then work on the next assignment for at least an hour. 

Yay!!  So glad it worked out like that.

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Ate an apple and pb.

Got some ideas for my paper written down. Enough to get me started tomorrow. I will get up early and work on it for a while before we leave, then finish it up when we get home. 

Going to bed. I’m exhausted.

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