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Well-trained bodies - September

Laura Corin

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14 minutes ago, bookbard said:

The vine is wisteria, and the bush is Australian native thyme. I got it as a tiny seedling and had no idea it would grow so big or bright! You can use it as a herb, but it is a totally different scent/flavour than normal thyme.

Both plants are absolutely beautiful! I love the colours. 

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I did my normal Friday long swim this morning, which felt good.

There was a  woman in the lanes who was swimming more slowly.  I would overtake her - there's a whole extra overtaking lane, so no crowding. Every time I did, she would turn back early, before the wall, to put herself back in front.  Odd. In the end, I just stopped and waited until she was far in front before starting to swim again. In my experience,  it's more often men who are weird about being overtaken.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

There was a  woman in the lanes who was swimming more slowly.  I would overtake her - there's a whole extra overtaking lane, so no crowding. Every time I did, she would turn back early, before the wall, to put herself back in front.  Odd. In the end, I just stopped and waited until she was far in front before starting to swim again. In my experience,  it's more often men who are weird about being overtaken.

That would be so annoying.

I've realised another reason why my weight loss has stopped. Looking at my fitbit, it's no longer recording my walk as 'exercise', because it's not making my heartrate rise enough. In other words, I'm fitter than when I began at the start of the year. Which is good, but means I need to start running what I once walked. 

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2 hours ago, bookbard said:

That would be so annoying.

I've realised another reason why my weight loss has stopped. Looking at my fitbit, it's no longer recording my walk as 'exercise', because it's not making my heartrate rise enough. In other words, I'm fitter than when I began at the start of the year. Which is good, but means I need to start running what I once walked. 

Well done on the increased fitness!

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@Laura Corin You are a saint for not losing it on that woman! Glad you were able to get your long swim in.


I did my stress echo-cardiogram testing today. Apparently I did very well to last 9 minutes on the treadmill in order to have a high enough heart rate. The longest was a hockey player at 16 minutes. The toughest part after the treadmill bit is holding your breath right afterwards for the technician to measure stuff. What a work out! 😂

I also played 2 hrs of doubles tennis, which was easy-peasy compared to the cardio test. I couldn't seem to coordinate my eyes and arms, though, and my play wasn't so great. We did have a fun time, at least.

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I did 20 min on the treadmill yesterday. This morning I did Adriene's latest yoga with mobility in the title--seemed like a good fit. I think next week I'll try to do my normal exercise routine. I haven't done my bodyweight circuit or weights for a few weeks to let my back heal. We'll see how that goes.

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Went for an early morning dog walk with dh. Then dd and I went for an hour horseback riding lesson. It was so fun to ride again. I did one lesson about 10 years ago, but 12 years prior to that I rode regularly (before kids). I'm doing this for fun and also to really stretch and strengthen the muscles around my hips. That's my 'selling feature' for dh - this exercise should prevent a hip replacement in the not-too-distant future. 

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Went for a dog walk this morning, and extended it a little longer than normal. Then dh and I played some mixed doubles tennis for 1.5 hours. I also went for a short bike ride to help loosen up the muscles some more. Those muscles used in horse riding are sore, but I'm hopeful that things will improve with regular use.

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Last week I got in all my strength training sessions (4) and 1 HIIT session. 

I did my (short) daily walks.

I did not get to kickboxing or do sprints. My hip is still bothering me a fair amount and we had a busy week. I just wasn't up to it. 

I did 2 hours of open play at the obstacle course yesterday and it was a lot of fun. It is a nice one because there are plenty of things I can't do or are hard for me so it is a challenge. I was an idiot and wore shorts and got some rope burn coming down off the rope climb. You try not to slide but going down is still rough. There was also one obstacle with pipes that beat the crap out of my legs. 

However, I ripped my right hand open pretty badly. I was doing the peg wall. You have to move the pegs across the wall which requires hanging on one peg and pulling out the other to move it. I made it half-way across and was very pleased. I didn't even feel my hands until I got down and looked at them. I have callouses but they couldn't hold up to that much friction. I'm hoping she makes the open gyms a regular occurrence and I can get my hands healed up to start working on my hangs more to build up stronger hands. 

My period is due any minute and my body is a bit beat up so I took it pretty easy today focusing on bodyweight strength- squats, lunges, planks, push-ups. I'll probably stick to bodyweight work this week, depending on when my period shows up and how rough it is. 

I might do a bootcamp class tonight. It is supposed to be legs, so I think I can survive. My legs have some brusing and abrasions but they aren't really sore.

Edited by Soror
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1 hour ago, Soror said:

Last week I got in all my strength training sessions (4) and 1 HIIT session. 

I did my (short) daily walks.

I did not get to kickboxing or do sprints. My hip is still bothering me a fair amount and we had a busy week. I just wasn't up to it. 

I did 2 hours of open play at the obstacle course yesterday and it was a lot of fun. It is a nice one because there are plenty of things I can't do or are hard for me so it is a challenge. I was an idiot and wore shorts and got some rope burn coming down off the rope climb. You try not to slide but going down is still rough. There was also one obstacle with pipes that beat the crap out of my legs. 

However, I ripped my right hand open pretty badly. I was doing the peg wall. You have to move the pegs across the wall which requires hanging on one peg and pulling out the other to move it. I made it half-way across and was very pleased. I didn't even feel my hands until I got down and looked at them. I have callouses but they couldn't hold up to that much friction. I'm hoping she makes the open gyms a regular occurrence and I can get my hands healed up to start working on my hangs more to build up stronger hands. 

My period is due any minute and my body is a bit beat up so I took it pretty easy today focusing on bodyweight strength- squats, lunges, planks, push-ups. I'll probably stick to bodyweight work this week, depending on when my period shows up and how rough it is. 

I might do a bootcamp class tonight. It is supposed to be legs, so I think I can survive. My legs have some brusing and abrasions but they aren't really sore.

Wow! That sounds like a really impressive obstacle course to practice on! Good for you. Hanging with all your weight on one hand is amazing! Your upper body strength must be really good! 

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I got the dogs out for a nice long walk in the woods this morning. My inner thighs are still screaming after the horseback riding. I'm hoping that they calm down soon. Dd and I are hoping to ride again later this week/early next week.

I also have some mixed doubles tennis lined up for this evening. Looking forward to it! 

I've been much more successful at keeping up with regular stretch and streng work lately. It helps that I build in some deep breathing and time for relaxation. I'm also seeing my sleep improve. I'm not sure if the two are linked, but I'm happy that my sleep is better!

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I did my bodyweight circuit x2 for the first time since August, then a 10 min yoga stretch. I think I'm feeling the lunges already, but in a good way. So far my back is ok--the squats I was aware of the location of where my back pain was, but it wasn't really hurting. Just an awareness--yep, that's the spot.

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Hikes, walks, last of the projects getting ready for my mother's move-in. Postponed from yesterday to Saturday.

I borrowed a wheelchair and a walker from a volunteer place and hope to take her on walks, but the reality of not being able to go hike or walk without her or arranging a sitter is settling in. I am envisioning myself running really fast while she naps.

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On 9/25/2024 at 5:58 AM, Eos said:

Hikes, walks, last of the projects getting ready for my mother's move-in. Postponed from yesterday to Saturday.

I borrowed a wheelchair and a walker from a volunteer place and hope to take her on walks, but the reality of not being able to go hike or walk without her or arranging a sitter is settling in. I am envisioning myself running really fast while she naps.

This is really rough. If I remember correctly she will be with you short term, for six months or so? Your hope is for a transition to a care facility? 

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This past weekend we drove out to spend time with our grown-up kids. Friday was housework and driving. Saturday morning my back kicked up again--so frustrating. I was getting dressed, lost balance a little and in trying to right the ship my back just shifted as it has done several times since August. Walking like a granny again. So discouraging. 

By Monday my back was probably about 75%. I didn't go to the gym, just took a walk on the lane. 

Tuesday gyrotonics. My trainer there helped with some exercises to help tug the system back into place. I walked out feeling so much better, not listing to one side anymore.

Yesterday I was a slug--just a busy day and I wasn't proactive in fitting in exercise.

Today I was back at the gym and did pretty well there. I am pretty sure I've got a herniated disc or something like that--I know the exercises to do and have to just keep strengthening when my back will cooperate. I am going to try to get in with the spine doctor just to document this and make sure my instincts are accurate.

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Over the past few days, I've managed some walks. Yesterday I made 3 rounds of the back yard without getting too tired. Monday it was rainy and miserable out, so dh got me set up the indoor bike, and I did that for 15 minutes, which was OK, but tiring.

Right now, I'm in the waiting room for an MRI. I've had 1-2 migraines every other week all summer long. When I mentioned it to my oncologist, she set me up with an MRI and an oncologist neurologist. And I got my appointments within a month, instead of nine months like normal people. I guess cancer sometimes has its perks.

Edited by knitgrl
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1 hour ago, Harriet Vane said:

This past weekend we drove out to spend time with our grown-up kids. Friday was housework and driving. Saturday morning my back kicked up again--so frustrating. I was getting dressed, lost balance a little and in trying to right the ship my back just shifted as it has done several times since August. Walking like a granny again. So discouraging. 

By Monday my back was probably about 75%. I didn't go to the gym, just took a walk on the lane. 

Tuesday gyrotonics. My trainer there helped with some exercises to help tug the system back into place. I walked out feeling so much better, not listing to one side anymore.

Yesterday I was a slug--just a busy day and I wasn't proactive in fitting in exercise.

Today I was back at the gym and did pretty well there. I am pretty sure I've got a herniated disc or something like that--I know the exercises to do and have to just keep strengthening when my back will cooperate. I am going to try to get in with the spine doctor just to document this and make sure my instincts are accurate.

So sorry your back has flared up. Hope it settles down completely really soon. It's crazy how fragile our bodies are that we get injured getting dressed. 🤪

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Tennis last night was really fun. The dog walk this morning was dry compared with yesterday. I have more tennis tonight, and then a break from it tomorrow. 

My body soreness and sleeping have both benefitted from the stretching and breathing exercises I've been doing lately. It's wonderful to sleep multiple hours at a stretch! 😊

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1 hour ago, knitgrl said:

Over the past few days, I've managed some walks. Yesterday I made 3 rounds of the back yard without getting too tired. Monday it was rainy and miserable out, so dh got me set up the indoor bike, and I did that for 15 minutes, which was OK, but tiring.

Right now, I'm in the waiting room for an MRI. I've had 1-2 migraines every other week all summer long. When I mentioned it to my oncologist, she set me up with an MRI and an oncologist neurologist. And I got my appointments within a month, instead of nine months like normal people. I guess cancer sometimes has its perks.

I hope everything is ok! That must be so rough. Big hugs.

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2 hours ago, knitgrl said:

Over the past few days, I've managed some walks. Yesterday I made 3 rounds of the back yard without getting too tired. Monday it was rainy and miserable out, so dh got me set up the indoor bike, and I did that for 15 minutes, which was OK, but tiring.

Right now, I'm in the waiting room for an MRI. I've had 1-2 migraines every other week all summer long. When I mentioned it to my oncologist, she set me up with an MRI and an oncologist neurologist. And I got my appointments within a month, instead of nine months like normal people. I guess cancer sometimes has its perks.

I pray all is well and that there is a simpler route to fixing those nasty headaches.

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2 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

I pray all is well and that there is a simpler route to fixing those nasty headaches.

I am thankful that someone is taking them seriously. Maybe 5 years ago, I was having headaches every day and the gp just said eat more salad. I walked away with the impression that he didn't see daily headaches as a big deal. Anyway, the MRI results in the patient portal seem to be largely unremarkable, so that's good. There was mention of some mucous build up in the nasal cavities, so maybe it's allergies? 🤷‍♀️

It was a beautiful day, so I got outside and made it around the yard 3 times, and I didn't feel particularly tired afterward, so that's good. Four times tomorrow!

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2 hours ago, knitgrl said:

I am thankful that someone is taking them seriously. Maybe 5 years ago, I was having headaches every day and the gp just said eat more salad. I walked away with the impression that he didn't see daily headaches as a big deal. Anyway, the MRI results in the patient portal seem to be largely unremarkable, so that's good. There was mention of some mucous build up in the nasal cavities, so maybe it's allergies? 🤷‍♀️

It was a beautiful day, so I got outside and made it around the yard 3 times, and I didn't feel particularly tired afterward, so that's good. Four times tomorrow!

My darling mil used to get terrible, month-long headaches. I think they were migraines but she called them sinus headaches. When she started doing a daily sinus rinse routine (similar to a neti pot), she saw dramatic improvement of her headaches. I have not idea if this would help you or not, but I wonder if something like a NeilMed sinus rinse routine might bring improvement.

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20 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

This is really rough. If I remember correctly she will be with you short term, for six months or so? Your hope is for a transition to a care facility? 

Yes, thanks. The day I posted this the retirement community that she's applied for sent an email that they have an opening and want to "interview" her next week! Fingers crossed...

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Tennis was really fun last night. I played well, and am feeling like I'm almost back at my pre-cataract level. Sadly, I hit my knee while filling car up with gas and it's still tender today. Hopefully this will clear up very soon as I have tennis tomorrow.

Got in the morning dog walk. It was lovely, sunny crisp fall air.

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Mom arrived! In good spirits after leaving her home of 70 years. The weather is gorgeous today and I hope to get out for a fast walk, possibly with her in a wheelchair if she will allow that.

I just realized my animal hunger that takes over when I'm working really hard like this summer has turned into straight up stress eating. I took this week off from making pies to get the house in order and found myself eating excessive amounts of carb, sugar, and fat. This weeks fitness goal will be to reinstate my veggie levels, cut the carbs, and chill the stress.

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