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Well-trained bodies - September

Laura Corin

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On 9/7/2024 at 10:27 AM, SKL said:

Howdie, happy September!

So far, our weather has been pretty great compared to prior weeks.  Conducive to getting outside, if one has time.

Any habits I may have developed prior to our 3-week August trip were lost.  I did some walking/hiking on the trip, but because it was so hot and muggy (even at night), and the indoor spaces were very cramped, most days I did the least possible activity.

However, my travel-mates and I feel like something about the trip was healthy.  My friend who is borderline for pre-diabetes came home to surprisingly low sugar numbers.  And my blood pressure (taken at my blood donation 8/31) was lower than it's been all year.  And we just felt good.  Was it better food in Europe?  More sun (despite it being hot)?  Or something else?

On the other hand, fighting jet-lag ... I hope I'm done with that sub-chapter.

This week I've been trying to get back into my "good habits."  Today is day 4 of doing "yoga etc." and TKD practice daily.  I walked the dog the first 2 days, but yesterday it was pouring, so I skipped that.  Hopefully today I'll take an extra or extra-long walk to make up for it.  I'm bringing Kid2 on these walks when it works.

This weekend, I plan to make a list of fall 5K runs for Kid1 & me to choose from.  She may not be able to go to all of them, because her job is now mainly on weekend mornings (with no reliable schedules), but I'm willing to sign up and forfeit her registration fees for charity if that happens.

I also need to re-teach myself most of my current TKD form.  I wasn't able to practice it on the trip because of internet, time, and space issues.  I re-learned about a third of it so far.  Once I pass this interim belt test, I need to re-learn all of the 4 forms that are required for the 2nd dan test, which I hope to pass this fall, but we'll see.  I'm expecting a big work deadline to be imposed on me by the government, though it's not yet clear when it will officially start.

I'm being better about eating fruits and veggies.  I ate a lot of them on the cruise, and now we have a bunch of leftovers from our Labor Day party.  Hopefully this becomes another good habit.  Gonna try to add daily yogurt too.

I'm also trying to be better about dental care.  So far so good.

About giving blood:  I looked it up to see whether it's good for the health of the giver.  Turns out that yes, it is.  It significantly reduces the risk of heart attack, among other things.  The only downside is that if you give more than 3x per year, it can deplete iron more than is healthy, so we need to figure out a healthy way to replenish that iron.  So that is on my list of things to do.

My current weight is about 138, which I think is roughly the same as this time last year.  It was somewhat up and down over the past year.  I still want to target 128.  Our birthday & holiday season starts in 4 weeks, so let's see what can be accomplished.

I'm so inspired and happy to hear you are working on your 2nd Dan! Lots of folks where we are seem to drop TKD after the black belt. Classes for me start tomorrow. I am looking forward to classes again, but not so much to the snotty kids at the beginning of the school year. 😕

Walked for 20 min. in the backyard this afternoon.

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I managed 2 dog walks and 30 min of yoga/stretch/strength exercises. I got the green light from the opthamologist that I can resume all my regular activities. Yay! I don't want to overdo it. I'm scheduled to play singles tennis this Saturday and my first doubles on Sunday. I'll keep working on keeping strong, linber and injury-free for Saturday! 😉 

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7 hours ago, knitgrl said:

I'm so inspired and happy to hear you are working on your 2nd Dan! Lots of folks where we are seem to drop TKD after the black belt. Classes for me start tomorrow. I am looking forward to classes again, but not so much to the snotty kids at the beginning of the school year. 😕

I think 2nd Dan should be do-able.  Not so sure about 3rd Dan, because of the board breaks.  I'll be at least 60 at that point and I'm not sure I can break that many boards at once without hurting myself.

After my kids made blackbelt, I paid for all 3 of us for unlimited classes up until we are masters.  My kids are 3rd Dans, but one of them was very resistant to continuing after that, and the other kid doesn't want to attend class without her sister.  So I am very bummed about that.  Had they continued, they could be testing for their 4th Dan this fall.  😞  This is one of my regrets.  There are things I could have done differently that probably would have led to a different outcome, but I didn't realize it then.  Of course my kids can always go back if they want to, but it doesn't seem likely.

Well anyhoo ... at least Kid2 has been walking the dog with me a few nights a week.  Kid1 will probably continue to do occasional 5Ks with me for a while.  So I'll take what I can get.

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Got in a dog walk this morning, then some gardening this afternoon. I'm heading to a special event at a local museum where we'll hear a former Olympic gold medalist speak about his experiences at the 1996 games in Atlanta, as well as his take on the Canadian sports scene. It will be cool to get into the elite sports sector for a change of pace. Plus I'll get 2 books out of it - I splurged for the 'gold medal' level tickets. 😊

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May I join in? 
I was lifting weights yesterday. Intended to do 50 minutes, but I was deadlifting fifty lbs and tweaked my back a little bit on the tenth rep. This was just a little bit too heavy to reasonably do at ten reps. I immediately used my roller recovery bar, stopped lifting and babied it the rest of the night. I used the roller bar many dozens of times and also took an epsom salt bath before bed. Today I walked three miles but didn’t do other exercise. I soaked another epsom salt bath and it seems resolved now. But I think I need to be careful of that in future. Fifty (plus the bar) might be too much at this time. 

I would be/should be set to do weights again tomorrow but I may run instead and do weights Friday. 

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Welcome @Ginevra fingers crossed your back is recovered. Sometimes it is a quick recovery with a little tweak. Ya, don't forget the bar in that counting that should be at least 35# if not 45#! 

@wintermom that sounds right up your alley. I'm sure it was a great time. 

Yesterday was a rest day for me. I did some mobility a short walk in the morning and a short walk in the evening. During the day we went to the river/creek with the nature group for the last water day of the year. 

Tuesday was upper body strength and sprints (finally got to them).

Today is full body strength. Lunges, rdl's, squats, presses, pullovers, some burpees sprinkled in for "fun" and finishing off with core. Dd2 and I are planning to do kickboxing this evening but I'm waiting to hear if she's old enough to attend. The teacher is a black belt and helped judge some of dd's TKD testings. 

Tomorrow is HIIT. I might try to hit a workout class in the evening if I can make it work for my schedule(tomorrow is supposed to be fun day at the gym and I want to play on the obstacles to prep for the spring race). We were going to try and backpack this weekend but it is supposed to rain and I don't want to backpack in the rain (besides the fact the kids have a ton of stuff to do and I don't know if I could make it work).

I think I found a bench for my home gym! I'm going to look today. I'm excited to have a bench for hip thrusts. I have a barbell now but without a chair in the basement, it has been hard to use for thrusts. ( I was just using db's with a living room chair upstairs but needed heavier). This one has a rack for bench press too so I can do that instead of chest press, with db's. Dh has been using my weights a bit so I think he'll get use out of it too but I'm going to have to get more weights. 

Food has been going well. I'm slowly working off my stress weight. I'm trying to keep the protein and strength training up to keep the muscle loss to a minimum.

Anyway-- I've got to get with it and stop procastinating! 

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

@wintermom that sounds right up your alley. I'm sure it was a great time. 

The event was so much fun! The organizers had limited the ticket sales so that there was an intimate feel to the entire event. The 'meet and greet' was cool. I got my books signed by the authors and had quick chats with both (the second author and special guest was a Governor General award recipient and best seller in Canada). She was a sweet heart and also a tennis enthusiast! 

Donovan Bailey was a super nice man and great speaker. I don't know if anyone here remembers him. He won the 100m sprint (athletics) in '96, as well as the world record, and the Canadian 4x100m relay team also won gold. The Canadian men were an incredibly strong team that year (and again this year in Paris). There was also a special event held in Toronto in 1997 - a 150m sprint between Donovan Bailey and Michael Johnson (200m specialist). Donovan won (Michael pulled a muscle). It was a really interesting rivalry, as the media tend to do to boost interest in particular events. 100m is a good one for that.

Donovan was donating his racing suit, shoes and lane marker to the museum so that all Canadians and visitors could view, and inspire other young Canadians to reach for their goals. A regular person from a sparsely populated country like Canada can become the fastest man/woman in the world. (That is a light behind his hand, but it looks like a light saber! 😂)


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Gym workout today with a friend and it was a doozy. I’m glad my back isn’t twitchy anymore. I’m puzzled about my knee, though. I fell on it hard just over a week ago. It’s functioning fairly close to normal for me (as normal as severe arthritis and impending knee replacement can be) but also has a big yellow bruise and is extremely sensitive to touch. So I am walking and squatting and stairs as usual but want to scream if I touch it. I don’t understand how it can be mobile and bearing my weight and yet so sensitive to touch.

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13 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

Gym workout today with a friend and it was a doozy. I’m glad my back isn’t twitchy anymore. I’m puzzled about my knee, though. I fell on it hard just over a week ago. It’s functioning fairly close to normal for me (as normal as severe arthritis and impending knee replacement can be) but also has a big yellow bruise and is extremely sensitive to touch. So I am walking and squatting and stairs as usual but want to scream if I touch it. I don’t understand how it can be mobile and bearing my weight and yet so sensitive to touch.

Glad your back is recovered and your knee is functional. The yellow bruising is likely the 'older' colour bruises get with time as just part of the healing process. Pain to touch is probably more superficial rather than deeper in the muscle or joint. Hope it heals quickly! I get a lot of those kinds of superficial injuries in tennis and walking around my bed in the dark at night. There are often bruises and abrasions on my legs. 😂

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Another dog walk and yoga (my own stretching and strength work with some actual yoga poses mixed in) completed today. It is so cool to see the improvements in my hip flexibility! I'm also doing wrist strength exercises to prepare me for getting back to tennis on the weekend.

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10 hours ago, wintermom said:

Another dog walk and yoga (my own stretching and strength work with some actual yoga poses mixed in) completed today. It is so cool to see the improvements in my hip flexibility! I'm also doing wrist strength exercises to prepare me for getting back to tennis on the weekend.

That's smart to prepare!

1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm heading towards a yoga weekend, but hoping for a hike on the way.  I suspect I won't have much signal during the weekend though.

Have a wonderful time!

Kickboxing was good last night. Got my HR up decently could have been somewhat harder to me. (Except core which was brutal)

No HIIT this am I'm too short in time. I've got to change my schedule to do rest day on Fridays. We have to leave early for co-op and it's too tight. 

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm heading towards a yoga weekend, but hoping for a hike on the way.  I suspect I won't have much signal during the weekend though.

Have a wonderful weekend!! Take som photos along the way where you hike, please! The scenery is always so amazing!

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I need to lose some weight, so I plan to work out more often this month, thinking 4 times a week will be enough to get started. I used to be more consistent with my fitness routine, but life got in the way. Now, I’m ready to get back into it. I’ve heard good things about EOS Fitness, but I’m checking out reviews first at https://eos-fitness.pissedconsumer.com/review.html to see if it’s worth joining. Hopefully, by sticking to my plan, I’ll see some results soon.

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Hikes and a lot of furniture moving for me, the countdown to my mother arriving to live with us is at T minus 10 days...

The weather is so perfect right now, sunny but slightly cool and crisp. Did a super fun bushwhack with my bestie yesterday and it did such good things for me. My BP has gone up again so I need to go back to my regimen. Moral hazard is a real thing for me, apparently.

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I did Adriene's Gentle Yoga this morning. I gingerly try everything to see if it's ok on my back. The "cat" of "cat-cow" is going better than it did 10 days ago. Down dog and child's pose were fine. I did a half plank instead of a full plank. There were no standing moves or forward folds (and I don't think I want to try one yet). So mobility is returning, healing is happening. I'm having a tough time fitting in any workout longer than 20 minutes during the week. I might just have to wake up 10 minutes earlier. I think that's what I was doing last year. I just don't want to. I've been thinking I can eat and get my mocha while dh is still sleeping and then get on the treadmill at 6:00. I think I'm getting a little messed up on anything food related just taking longer right now. Go to the laundry room, get the dishes. Go back to the living room to the refrigerator, get the milk and oatmeal. Go back to the laundry room, microwave the milk. Etc. It all just takes longer without a kitchen. I'm not getting my food done until almost 6:00 and I don't hit the treadmill until 6:15ish.

We've had youngest home this week--she goes back to CA today. Drywallers were supposed to be here Wed, didn't start until yesterday, and now we have to let them work on a Saturday to stay on schedule. We'll see how that goes.

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@Harriet Vane Gorgeous photos! I love the ocean, and to have that view right from my house is a dream!! Enjoy your vacation!

@Ali in OR Great job on all your physical activity! It's so nice to see improvements, and great to be able to adapt as needed. Enjoy your week with your youngest!

@Eos All the best with the last preparations for your mom coming.  Enjoy your hiking, and I hope your BP settles down.

@Soror Kickboxing sounds like fun! So great you are able to do this intense activity! 

@Laura Corin Hope your yoga retreat is going well!

@knitgrl Hope you are still loving TKD! It's a really great activity. I do miss many elements of it - particularly the team atmosphere and support.


I got in an early morning dog walk today. The weather was nice and the walk was beautiful. Sadly, both young pup and my tummies are poorly. He threw up twice and I haven't yet - but then I didn't eat the caca and he did. 🤪

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I'm feeling a lot better today. It was wise to take it easy yesterday. I've done the morning dog walk in the woods, and enjoyed the wildflowers display. There were a ton of little daisy-type flowers of light purple all in bloom now, as well as some cornflower blue flowers. I don't know any of the names, but I love the colours!

I'm playing some mixed doubles tennis today. I hope I survive ok. My eyes are quite painful now because I'm off the pain-med eye drops. I may need to use them a little again. 


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Howdie, we've hit the halfway mark for September!

I've been pretty good for the past 1.5 weeks, with daily yoga, TKD practice, and dog walking (except one night when it was pouring).  Also, with eating fruits & veggies daily.  I'm starting to feel a difference in my ab muscles.

I'm not at the "it's a set habit" stage yet.

I haven't returned to TKD class yet.  For one thing, I am still re-learning my form.  Besides that, the class options are limited and clash with other things.  But I'm still hoping to return next weekend somehow.

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@Harriet Vane Happy Anniversary! What a lovely weekend.

@Ali in OR transitions are hard and you have two going on with back to school and remodeling. Best wishes getting it sorted.

@wintermom I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. The flowers are lovely.

@Eos it is unfortunately much easier to fall out of habits than into them. Good for you for being on top of it, instead of letting it slide. 


Friday and Saturday were both rest days- I just did walking and mobility. 

By Friday evening my hip was absolutely killing me. I couldn't move without pain. I finally gave in and took a bunch of ibuprofen. It was somewhat better Sat morning and I did a slow walk to work out the kinks. It progressively got better as the day went and I wasn't too bad at all this morning. I was able to do a modified workout this morning. I think it was a combo of too much driving time and moving a heavy piece of furniture. 

I got a bench! When I went to pick it up he just gave it to me. It was dirty but otherwise fine. I found some plates on Marketplace yesterday for a good price. I have enough weights for the barbell to last me for a while. I'm still looking for a squat rack because I'd like to have one but I can be patient and wait for a good deal. I found a nice price on one this morning but it had already sold. 

My sleep has been pretty decent lately. I'm having some off days but overall I can't complain. 

This week's plans (assuming my hip continues to be ok):

We aim for daily walks and hit that most days. I only missed Friday last week. I try to do twice a day several days. I'm doing mobilty when I think of it sprinkled throughout the day and more on rest days.

Sun: lower body strength- quad focused

Mon: upper body strength- shoulders focused

Tuesday: lower body strength- glute and hamstring focused


Thurs: Full body strength + PM kickboxing

Sprints -Friday or Saturday

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A good weekend but quite tiring  - four hours of yoga a day, but not all asanas. There was quite a lot of breathing work and more philosophy than I usually explore.

My Friday hike was a bit of a rush - the path was overgrown and I was concerned about being late for check in/first session, so I didn't take any photos. Saturday was very rainy on my walks. The sun came out on Sunday to allow me to take a picture of the Tibetan Buddhist temple complex where I was staying.


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6 hours ago, wintermom said:

There were a ton of little daisy-type flowers of light purple all in bloom now, as well as some cornflower blue flowers. I don't know any of the names, but I love the colours!


The purple ones are some kind of aster. Hard to ID to species as there are some many of them. The light blue one looks like chicory.

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Tennis was really fun. I didn't play too badly considering it's been nearly 3 weeks since I played last and now I have new lenses. My fitness isn't quite as good as 3 weeks ago, either, but I did ok. It was so fun to be back on the court smacking tennis balls! 

I also did a brilliant 'life hack' borrowed from my ds18 and his competitive volleyball team. They all use a roller to stretch our their muscles before and after games and practices. I did it today, and it felt lovely for my muscles to be supple and ready to move. I'm packing the roller with my tennis gear as essential equipment now. 😊

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I did a five hour hike with a dear friend yesterday that was the third installment of a series. It felt great! I forgot my knee brace(s) and they didn't twinge at all. About half way through we had to decide whether to bail out and go back to the car drop or risk not making it to the other car for her finish time but instead we picked up the pace and flew. 

Continuing with pies and stairs and lugging heavy things.

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I played mixed doubles tennis last evening for 2 hrs. It was challenging, but very fun! The lighting did weird things for my eyesight, so in future I really need to wear night driving glasses to minimize the glare. I also had an optometrist appointment only an hour before playing, so the pupil dialation was still affecting my vision. Needless to say, the sweet spot of my strings did not see much action, though the rim of the racquet got much use! 😂

I got in the morning dog walk, and will do some light exercise later - likely more 'yoga' and a little bike ride.

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I came down with covid Sunday. It's not hitting me as hard as last time, but it's not great. I'm tired and mostly hanging out in bed reading and watching dumb stuff on tv. Every hour I get up for a few minutes of stretching with an app I have on my phone, which is helping. Tomorrow, I imagine I'll feel good enough to go around the backyard once or twice, and slowly ramp it up.

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On 9/17/2024 at 4:11 PM, knitgrl said:

I came down with covid Sunday. It's not hitting me as hard as last time, but it's not great. I'm tired and mostly hanging out in bed reading and watching dumb stuff on tv. Every hour I get up for a few minutes of stretching with an app I have on my phone, which is helping. Tomorrow, I imagine I'll feel good enough to go around the backyard once or twice, and slowly ramp it up.

That's too bad. I hope you recovery quickly and fully. 

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I was asked for some Spring pics, so here's one of our place, if this works. Definitely nicer to walk in warmer spring weather among the flowers, plus my boy is trying to grow radishes so we're carrying water in a bucket up and down the hill from the tank without the pump. 


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@bookbard Gorgeous flowers! Are any of those lilacs? They look a little like them, but also not quite the same - and the leaves on the bush are different.


I got in the morning dog walk in the woods with dh, and then had 1.5 hours of singles tennis in the evening. It was really fun! My fitness level isn't as bad as I thought it would be, so that was an added bonus!

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@bookbard - gorgeous wisteria.  I planted one at our last house.  I'm going to have to creep back in a couple of decades to see where it has got to.


A busy week at work.  I didn't manage to swim on Tuesday or Wednesday, and my only exercise was walking to and from a meeting yesterday and to and from the bus stops.  I barely stirred on Tuesday.

Today should be better. I'm working from home and I am meeting a friend for a walk at lunchtime.

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4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@bookbard - gorgeous wisteria.  I planted one at our last house.  I'm going to have to creep back in a couple of decades to see where it has got to.


A busy week at work.  I didn't manage to swim on Tuesday or Wednesday, and my only exercise was walking to and from a meeting yesterday and to and from the bus stops.  I barely stirred on Tuesday.

Today should be better. I'm working from home and I am meeting a friend for a walk at lunchtime.

I'm sorry for the busy week. We have wysteria we planted at the base of our deck and it has climbed all the way up our posts and covered the top of our pergola. I love the shade it provides. Mine doesn't flower as much as @bookbard's. I have another wysteria on a trellis in a flower bed out front and it has gone crazy. 

12 hours ago, bookbard said:

I was asked for some Spring pics, so here's one of our place, if this works. Definitely nicer to walk in warmer spring weather among the flowers, plus my boy is trying to grow radishes so we're carrying water in a bucket up and down the hill from the tank without the pump. 



I love the bright spring colors. 

15 hours ago, knitgrl said:

I walked around the backyard twice, about 4/10 of a mile. I feel a lot better today, but get tired easily. I needed a rest after putting lunch together. Maybe tomorrow, I'll get around the yard three times.

I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. 

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Workouts this week have been meh. My hip hasn't been 100% and I'm just feeling blah. I had one night of terrible sleep (in large part b/c my hip was hurting) I'm doing the best I can. Some weeks are like that. 

Mon- upper body/ Tues- lower body/ Wed- HIIT/ Thurs- Full Body

Tonight is supposed to be kickboxing. 


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I woke up feeling worse than yesterday, but took some otc medicine, which helped. So I just did two loops around the back yard instead of three.

Sigh. My dad is nearly 80. He knows I have covid. But, he is very much an extrovert. The pandemic lock down just about killed him. He stopped by our house today at lunchtime and walked into the kitchen. Dh, was like, we have covid here, (because now he has it, too). And my dad wouldn't leave. After a few more attempts, my dh firmly told my dad to leave right now. And so he did. We had dd14 call out to him that we could give him the thing he was looking for outside on the patio, but he just drove off. I immediately tried calling him twice but he wouldn't pick up. I called a few hours later, and had to leave a voicemail apology, along with the info he was looking for. He has never been mad at me before. It is unsettling. 😔

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@knitgrl Hope you and your family recover quickly. Parents can be a handful sometimes! I'm sure your dad will calm down when he remembers that you only have his best interests at heart.

@Harriet Vane Great job on the lunges! It must feel great to have more movement with comfort!

@Soror I hope you and your hip feel better really soon. I'm grumpy today, too, due to too little sleep. 

@Laura Corin Hope you had a great 'work from home' day with lots of time for walks!


I got in a morning dog walk and then a decent bike ride to get groceries. My backpack was loaded on the journey home, but I felt strong and comfortable. I'll do some strength and stretch exercises later this evening. 

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20 hours ago, wintermom said:

@bookbard Gorgeous flowers! Are any of those lilacs? They look a little like them, but also not quite the same - and the leaves on the bush are different.


The vine is wisteria, and the bush is Australian native thyme. I got it as a tiny seedling and had no idea it would grow so big or bright! You can use it as a herb, but it is a totally different scent/flavour than normal thyme.



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