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Moms of twins and late talkers? (oh and please note, we still don't sleep)

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I’m just coming back to this to mention that EI in many places is short on therapists and backed up on Evals, so getting on the list now is a good idea instead of waiting.

Each area has their own method of who to call to request the eval. Here it’s run through the county but paid for by districts. You don’t need a doctor to refer, parents can refer. But the dr office would know who to call.

I wouldn’t trust a pediatrician saying not to worry and not call because of that- this is not their specialty and they very often give the no longer recommended “wait and see” advice.

Edited by Hilltopmom
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Early intervention is amazing. When looking at speech/language evaluations, they look at a few different areas. Receptive, expressive, pragmatics, and oral expression. It sounds like their receptive and pragmatic language are all developing just fine, and the only potential areas of concern would be oral expression and expressive language. 

This is a neat table: https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=age-appropriate-speech-and-language-milestones-90-P02170

They're doing great with things like expressing themselves with gestures, answering nonverbally, attending to sounds/voices, recognizing facial expressions, etc, but they may or may not benefit from play-based therapy to help with expressing themselves verbally. 

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