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Wednesday, Bring it On 7/24/24

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Good morning!  I made a mess of yesterday.  DS and I both wrote down the wrong day for his event.  I ended up getting him there late, stressed, and panicky.  He also found out through social media that his best neighbor friend moved.  The kid we just had over this weekend for a sleepover and didn't say anything at all about it.  All of this means I don't have the heart to tell him that while that was going on, his camp friend was being suspended from camp for the rest of the week and he won't see him at all.  Yay.


  • pack.....something...for ds's lunch.  I need to inventory the fridge and see what I can quickly make.
  • clean the house
  • put together a curriculum sample box for a new homeschooler
  • pick up something I bought from a Facebook seller.  I had looked for these task cards (40 years out of print) off and on for a while, and they popped up randomly in a town next to me.
  • pick up ds from camp
  • tutor
  • supervise cake baking
  • dinner: ravioli/fresh bread/salad
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I should go for a walk but I don't want to. 

I have a big to-do list for today. I am hoping I can bribe my teenagers to help me get some things done. 

I have to do some boring adult things, like an appointment and pay bills. 

We need to get a load of donations to the thrift store, We need to sand the door frames in the basement and start priming those. 

The dog could really use a haircut and both showers need to be scrubbed. There is weeding to do outside as well. 

I will think of some more things as well, I did a big brain dump list last night. 

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Good Morning

Take pup to park for energy run

call land surveyor and schedule 

call a couple more contractors and schedule bids


weed whip 

cut lettuce from garden and clean

go over resumes with both ds

find cleaner for rental

a young couple signed lease last night yeah! Finish projects at rental

clean kitchen

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@HomeAgain, I’m sorry your son is having these disappointments!

I woke up with an eye burning and watering. I got up and put drops in it and came back to bed. I didn’t wash my face last night, and I wonder if I rubbed my eye and got sunscreen or eyeliner in it. 

I’m still in the bed and should get up. 

  • Devotion
  • coffee and breakfast
  • tutor 1 student online (1 cancelled)
  • go pick up E, take her to lunch then come here and do some math with her. Her mom wants her reviewing before going back to school. 
  • Laundry
  • pay bills/update checking
  • dinner
  • church
  • tidy kitchen
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning, all. 

Today I have...

...research an idea we have for our summer adventure

...finish rescheduling the 3rd grade stuff
...quilt on my friend's quilt
....dinner -- DH said he'll pick up a rotisserie chicken on the way home from boxing, and we'll make wraps for dinner
...declutter the uptop cabinet I didn't do yesterday, see if I can move the top of the fridge stuff (I did declutter my sock drawer and a cabinet in the living room instead, though....)
...take DS to church (or send him on his own?)
...grocery shop
...call & schedule haircuts??? 
....call & schedule a dentist appt???
....after church/grocery, come home, watch TV, veg out

I think that's all. 

Edited by TheReader
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I have so much to do, I can't think.

However, I still have some stomach issues so I have decided not to go into school today but get at least a few things done at home.

  • Spend at least 60 min. on actual work so I can determine what exactly needs to be done when I do go in.
  • Measure some areas of my home that need some shelving or storage options and look at what I need to get
  • One load of Laundry
  • Clean my TV/office area that is 100% MINE but now cluttered because my son didn't know where to put stuff so he shoved it in there!......grrrr.
  • Find my plastic file container where my national boards stuff used to be and see what I still have vs. what I need to print out, etc....
  • See if I can make dental appointments for my college boys before they head back to college
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Update on the friend: it was an emergency situation.  They've moved out for 2 months to do renovations.  DS feels a lot better, lol.  His friend is somewhat flighty and (imo) not telling ds he was moving would be kind of on par for how this kid processes information, but knowing it's just two months makes it easier.

My workroom is mostly clean now.  I have a few boxes to go through.  Violin is done.  10,000 steps may or may not happen today with the rain.

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Good morning!

I have done some housekeeping, had coffee, and culled my inbox. 

Meeting at church ✔️ 
Phone call ✔️ 
Trader Joe’s and WF
PT appointment ✔️ 
Take a tomato to my mom?
Meal planning

Dinner is taco salad/nachos.  ✔️ 

Finish a podcast ✔️ 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Getting kind of excited about our crazy adventure - a salt mine and a space museum in Kansas. And there's an Amish town, so quilts! Yay! (not that I can afford those, but still fun to look at)

Okay, now I need to do some actual work. 

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almost done figuring out the 3rd grade schedule (everything but the readers), need to input it and then organize it into my assignment sheets & notes for the parents

the kiddo from yesterday signed up for K - yay! That puts me at 9 for 2nd grade, 8 for 1st, and now 8 for K. Plus the private 3rd grade kid, and a tutoring kid, and I expect at least one more 2nd grader to sign up. So, pretty good year! 

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Howdie, happy Wednesday!

I am feeling so lazy!  I just want to send out a mass email saying "whatever it is, can it wait until next week?"

BUT!  Just yesterday I realized that we were down to 10 days before leaving for our 3-week trip!  Now it's 9 days!

I feel so strange this month.  It feels like July has been so long.  Yet I am behind on so many things.  I think my tooth problem and (possibly related) sleep problem has contributed.  Though, there's also been a lot in the news (I won't say more about that).

Both kids are working today again, yay!  I had to move a health appointment for Kid1 because the doc's flight home got canceled.  Thankfully, he has a slot tomorrow.  My kid really needs to receive her new contacts before we leave for our trip.  Otherwise she'll be washing and re-using daily wear lenses for 3 weeks.

At work, I have several big transactions in various stages of negotiation.  Several people are asking for conference calls (I hate conference calls).  Some of my clients are in the middle of moving banks.  I have a couple open government requests for issues that are affecting deadlines.  And my quarterly and semiannual reporting are coming due.  Just a few of the things slowing down more mundane but still important work.

The kids need to get their college onboarding stuff done.  I was going to work with Kid1 on hers today, but now she's working so we'll see if it happens in the evening.

I should really make a list of things I need to do today, this week, and pre-8/3.  I will probably do that later today.

I should probably try to go to TKD class tonight.

Right now, after another quick look at my work emails, I plan to go downstairs and find something reasonable food-like to eat, along with a cof-fee refill.

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3 hours ago, TheReader said:

Getting kind of excited about our crazy adventure - a salt mine and a space museum in Kansas. And there's an Amish town, so quilts! Yay! (not that I can afford those, but still fun to look at)

Okay, now I need to do some actual work. 

Ooh! We went to both of those! Strataca was where we discovered one of my kids is claustrophobic. We enjoyed the Cosmosphere in Hutch more than we enjoyed Cape Canaveral!

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Cheering you all on!! We’ve been finishing up big projects this summer so I havent had as much time on the boards. 

We finally finished our wood floors and steps! I have a tiny bit of trim work to do in a bathroom, but that’s done.

We did a huge cleanout of the garage with a lot of cleanup because we had been running a saw out there—dust everywhere! 

I refinished our front door.

This morning I tackled the landscaping at the entrance to our neighborhood. 

I finished up all of our homeschool stuff, and donated the bulk of it. Youngest is off to school in the fall, and I am prepping to head back into the workforce.

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1 minute ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Cheering you all on!! We’ve been finishing up big projects this summer so I havent had as much time on the boards. 

We finally finished our wood floors and steps! I have a tiny bit of trim work to do in a bathroom, but that’s done.

We did a huge cleanout of the garage with a lot of cleanup because we had been running a saw out there—dust everywhere! 

I refinished our front door.

This morning I tackled the landscaping at the entrance to our neighborhood. 

I finished up all of our homeschool stuff, and donated the bulk of it. Youngest is off to school in the fall, and I am prepping to head back into the workforce.

Oh wow, big life change.  Congrats.  So nice to be able to just donate all the HS stuff.  Sounds like you are doing a lot of decluttering  which must feel so good!!

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1 hour ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Ooh! We went to both of those! Strataca was where we discovered one of my kids is claustrophobic. We enjoyed the Cosmosphere in Hutch more than we enjoyed Cape Canaveral!

Oh, that's good to hear! (well, not the claustrophobia part! eek!) A friend of ours is going up, and it's the first we heard of the Cosmosphere, and it sounded pretty interesting, so we started looking around, and the Strataca just sounds super fun!  We have a lot of cave/tunnel/stuff experience, so I think we're good on the claustrophobia thing. 


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Yeah, Strataca has tall ceilings and even a tram that drives you around….it was just the notion of lots of mass above his head that sent my kid over the edge. He’s since been able to do cave tours. 

Heads up that Roy’s BBQ is one of the better places in town (brisquet > smoked turkey, fwiw), but once they sell out of meat, they close the doors. Sometimes they shut down during lunch. Plan ahead, iykwim.

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Day is mostly done!  Picked up ds, tutored, and now there's dinner to make. It's just the two of us, so I'll leave it up to him to decide what he wants.

We're skipping cake baking.  He had a grueling day at camp.  The one rule is: don't leave the changing room a mess.  Welp, it took a few weeks, but people left their trash.  So they ran.  And did wall sits. And carried medicine balls.  And anytime someone screwed up, the whole group had to start over.  DS was pretty tired, but hopeful to get camper of the week tomorrow based on his performance.

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Got about half of the stuff entered for the new/final/revised 3rd Grade schedule. 

Heard that the kid from yesterday signed up, but it hasn't shown on my end yet, BUT in checking I did discover a new 2nd Grader - it always surprises me when it's someone I've never met/heard of/don't know how they found me! 

DH is cooking dinner, and then we need to decide to take DS to church or send him alone.

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Did laundry, ate dinner, culled my inbox, and did a practice test. Put trash and recycle bins at the corner. 

Ds is so tired from 2-a-day football practices that he fell asleep within minutes of getting home. He got up briefly and asked about youth group, but fell back asleep. SO tired! I closed his curtains, made sure his bedside table has a water glass, and covered him with a blanket. I can’t make breakfast smoothies now because the racket will wake him - will just do it (and wake Dh) in the morning. 

I am tired too. Wondering how I am gonna survive this coming year with my first year teaching and grad school. Sending some emails tomorrow morning regarding timing of grad school and some of the state licensure requirements. 

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@ScoutTN - def. the family (DH) will need to step up and take some of the other things off your plate while you do that. Hopefully he's on board with that.  Mine has taken over all of the laundry (I fold/put away just the whites), and he & one of the kids cook most nights when I'm in school/working. Next year's dinner schedule is Monday - DH cooks, Tues - crockpot, Weds I cook, Thurs DH cooks, Fri the kid cooks, weekends are free for all. No way it works otherwise. 

BUT, that does get some of the tired off your shoulders. It will be hard, yes, but not long term. The reward in the long run will be worth it. 

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Went for a nice long-ish walk with my kid and my dog.

Did not go to TKD.  It's OK.

I think part of my feeling tired and unmotivated today and yesterday is because I skipped my morning "yoga etc." sessions.  I will try to do better the rest of the week & see if it feels different.

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