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Tackling Friday Together, 7.5.24

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Posted (edited)

I'm up early today to make breakfast for dh. He just left going to Ohio to visit his mother for her birthday. 

It's going to be another hot day, and we need rain. There was a brief shower yesterday while we were at my friend's house. There's a possibility of some this afternoon. Here's hoping so! 

  • devotion
  • coffee
  • laundry
  • work on school stuff
  • clean out/organize something (not sure what yet)
  • meals for me and ds
  • play a game or two (either 1 player versions or with ds if he'll play)
  • watch something and relax
Edited by mom31257
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7 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

It's going to be another hot day, and we need rain. There was a brief shower yesterday while we were at my friend's house. There's a possibility of some this afternoon. Here's hoping so! 

We may have gotten your rain, Amy.  It's soup out there, with what might be showers or might be just extreme humidity.  Blech.  We've had to turn on the AC downstairs to get some of the wet out of the air.


  • coffee
  • clean the house.  DS and his gf are hosting a party tomorrow.  Only right for us to clean the areas they don't usually use.
  • take ds to his last day of this camp
  • work with ds
  • dinner: they all can eat leftovers.  The roads are going to be mad today, I'm not shopping.
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Posted (edited)

Good morning! It rained here last night and is drizzly. We need the rain! 

I slept late without meaning to. I have had coffee and b’fast. Last day without Ds here; he gets back tonight. 

Pick up milk ✔️ 
Flank steak into marinade ✔️ 
Wash dog blanket ✔️ 
Update a payment method ✔️ 
PT exercises
Shop thrift  ✔️ 

Write out grad school info so compare/contrast can be clearly seen. Still waiting on a reply from one professor. 

Praxis prep

Read AP US History summer assignment so that I understand what Ds needs to do and can support him. He will begin on it by reading through the assignment tomorrow.

Check math and prep next week’s assignment sheet. May need to add a Khan Academy page for an area where he got stuck and Dh’s explanation didn’t help. 

Dinner is flank steak, slaw, green beans, and roasted potatoes. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Over this weekend, I’d also like to begin working on a basic two week meal plan rotation for the fall. Working FT will mean that I need dinner to be planned ahead and relatively simple. Will return to mostly ordering groceries and will expect Dh, who works at home, to help more than he does now. 

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Hi guys, happy Friday!

Who else wishes today was a national holiday too?

Yesterday evening was nice - I spent most of it chatting with a friend I don't see much.  Usually we meet at parties one of us is hosting, so our attention is divided among many people.  Last night was hosted by one of my businesses, but I wasn't in charge of anything, and the other guests weren't there to see me.

I'm hoping for a nice, quiet, but productive day ... we'll see how it goes.  So far, I slept in until about 10am, and it looks like everyone besides Kid2 slept even longer.  😛  (Kid2 had to work today.)  I'm pretty much done with most of my morning routine, except that I haven't done my "yoga etc."

I also skipped my exercise Wednesday & Thursday.  Last night, I told myself I should start doing my "daily" exercise about 3x a day to try to get caught up on my fitness goals.  But here I am today, sitting.  I think I need to change things up since my bedroom is so hot in the morning.  It's just not great for morning exercise in the summer.  The 1st floor isn't great because dog / hair and the basement floor doesn't really suit.)

My tooth hurts more today than yesterday.  Also, it's my "turn" to choose tonight's restaurant.  I know that my kids & housemates are hoping I'll just let them pick something, which is not unlikely.  😛  There's really nothing I want to do besides chill.

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Posted (edited)

@SKL hope your tooth stops hurting 

Like a few pthers, I slept too long and am having a very slow start. And I have a lot to do.


  • morning meds done 
  • Breakfast done 

To do

  • Laundry
  • Make hemotologist appt
  • Make gynecologist appt
  •  Make allergist appt
  • Make opthalmologist appt
  • Tax stuff
  • Insurance stuff
  • Keep track of BP
  • Advocacy
  • Shower
  • *****Fill medicine box """"" 



Edited by TravelingChris
Forgot most important items!
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Good Afternoon

I think we are getting everyones rain. The rivers and lakes are really high. I haven’t even watered the grass this summer yet. Not complaining after last years drought. It rained last night and I’ll tonight again 

Took dog on run this am

we have a rental house that needs new appliances so shopping for deals

starting to look at flooring for our house

need to choose an area to decluttering and organize 

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I cleared a bunch of uninteresting emails; my work inbox is now down below 200.  It's a start.

I did the following sign-ups:

  • Red Cross blood donation for tomorrow.
  • Changed Kid1's vision appointment to next week so her contacts won't run out before she can get new ones.
  • TKD mini belt camp for next Saturday (just me for now).
  • Continuing Education class (legal, for me).
  • 1 mile run for Kid1 (July).
  • 5K Turkey Trot for me & Kid1 in November.

I also called my optometrist re setting up an appointment for me, but had to leave a message.

I have a few other things I hope to snag my kids into, but I won't sign them up without their OK.  Those days are pretty much over.  😛

I am also hoping to take my kids to 2 banks this afternoon to deal with some stuff regarding their accounts.

Now back to trying to focus on my client work....

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House is clean, for now.  I expect to come home to a powdered sugar mess in the kitchen from well meaning cooks.

DS and I worked together.  Alcumus had a problem that stumped us because neither of us read it correctly.

Laundry and sheets are washed.

I checked the traffic for the route to the rink.  Conservatively, it'll take me twice as long as normal.  I'm hoping to cut that back down by going through the base and opposite of the main traffic.  My oldest was supposed to grocery shop for the party they're having tomorrow.  We warned him - go early because it won't be pretty.  Instead he slept until noon, realized that all routes to the grocery stores are over an hour each way  (usually 20 minutes) and that he made a big, big mistake.  Sucks to be you, young adult person who valued staying up until 3 over getting sh!t done.  It will be even worse tomorrow.

I signed up for the parent communication app for camp next week, per the email's instructions.  Why we cannot agree to use one single social communication platform I don't know.  Email is great.  Having 10 different apps to juggle between various places my child goes is NOT.  Dh and I started splitting them between us.  I'm the parent on Tourney, WhatsApp, and Facebook.  He gets Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.  The two of us are on some of the older ones together. 


Now to get ready to head out.

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Milk pick up was in a different place today, farther away. Not bad traffic, but still a longish drive on a hot day. Felt my blood sugar tanking while out and stopped for a hearty snack. Still feeling a bit off. Lying down and resting a bit before resuming tackling. 

New bluetooth adapter works in my car. Hooray! I will get it set up tonight, when it’s cooler. Not going back out for a bit. 

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@SKL, I've only had one crown, but it doesn't seem normal to still be hurting. Have you called and asked them about it? 

I have done three loads of laundry today so far. 

The new co-op sent an email for input on several things, so I returned my responses. They asked for syllabi with some tentative scheduling information. I've worked on Algebra 1 and Geometry, and I still need to do it for Physics. 

I watched some Little House on the Prairie and ate meals in between stuff. 

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No powdered sugar mess! I'm so surprised and thrilled.  Oldest ds cooked dinner while we were out, and by cooked I mean he ordered pizza and that still counts. 😆

Youngest ds had fun at his hockey camp.  I noticed him having more than a few words with the coach on the ice, but when I asked about it I got the standard, "nothing important."  Coach stopped me in the parking lot to tell me in detail what he said: "Ds is a leader, and such a pleasure to have on the ice.   Even if he ages out next year, he is more than welcome to sign up and continue to attend, working with the younger kids.  He should never change, because he is a kind and pretty great human being."

My heart is so happy for him.  DS is embarrassed, lol. I doubt he'll tell dh. 

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57 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

Youngest ds had fun at his hockey camp.  I noticed him having more than a few words with the coach on the ice, but when I asked about it I got the standard, "nothing important."  Coach stopped me in the parking lot to tell me in detail what he said: "Ds is a leader, and such a pleasure to have on the ice.   Even if he ages out next year, he is more than welcome to sign up and continue to attend, working with the younger kids.  He should never change, because he is a kind and pretty great human being."

My heart is so happy for him.  DS is embarrassed, lol. I doubt he'll tell dh. 

My heart is happy for him AND for you and your DH! Raising boys is hard work and yours is paying off!

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13 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

My heart is happy for him AND for you and your DH! Raising boys is hard work and yours is paying off!

He has made a lot of strides getting his self confidence back. Every inch is a mile with this kid, but we've made it to the point where people are saying things again similar to how it was before his bad year.  I don't think there are words for how happy I am.

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Would any of you mind to share your thoughts on this? I keep mulling over what to do with this class meeting once a week.

I will be teaching Hewitt Conceptual Physics in the new co-op. Here is a tentative schedule I plan to use, and I will cover a chapter (sometimes two) every two weeks. 

  • 1st week at home: Read the chapter(s), answer review questions, and watch any supplemental videos I share with the group
  • 1st week at co-op: Do math problems in class and do a lab
  • 2nd week at home: Do more math problems, more review questions, and concept practice pages
  • 2nd week at co-op: Go over homework and review for test (testing will be done at home)
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Looks good to me, Amy. Seems similar to the pace of my Dd’s 8th and 9th grade science classes at her tutorial. 


Just finished rereading To Kill A Mockingbird. Such a good story! 

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