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Abbreviated May Goals


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Less than two weeks left in the month, a new low in terms of goal-setting! But life is busy...

Next two weeks: 

get open (tomorrow)

build two walls along front path to door, add soil and compost and seaweed

plant peas and potatoes and ground cover

welcome home dd from college on Monday - the siblings are going to pick her up

continue to talk with Mom every day

finish chess set - this has taken me so long! But I collected the last things I need for it when at my mother's so need to focus. I'll send it with dd when she goes to visit sister next month.

I will leave it at that, the chess set needs to get done before anything else.

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May is crazy! I foolishly thought it would not be because I don’t have a senior this year. Less so, but still very non-routine.

My simple goals:

Check in on mom frequently.

Continue pursuing job possibilities.

Order a new swimsuit.

Plant flowers at the mailbox. 

More challenging:

Exercise! I really need to be getting both cardio and strength-building  workouts. Nothing very rigorous, just consistent. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/16/2024 at 6:31 AM, Eos said:

Less than two weeks left in the month, a new low in terms of goal-setting! But life is busy...

Next two weeks: 

get open (tomorrow) Open. It was fairly smooth. I'm in the mental weeds already.

build two walls along front path to door, add soil and compost and seaweed Did these, I am happy with them. Need to fill in with compost, etc.

plant peas and potatoes and ground cover My peas didn't arrive and it might be too warm to plant them. Planted spuds, kale, onions, leeks.

welcome home dd from college on Monday - the siblings are going to pick her up She arrived and is settling in.

continue to talk with Mom every day Been doing.

finish chess set - this has taken me so long! But I collected the last things I need for it when at my mother's so need to focus. I'll send it with dd when she goes to visit sister next month. Have not done. This week I will have dh cut what I need and I'll peel the pieces that need peeling and gild and paint the board.

I will leave it at that, the chess set needs to get done before anything else.

Overall I have done what I intended these last ten days but some things are slipping away - exercise and diet need attention now. When I start my physically demanding job each summer I find myself super hungry all the time as my metabolism ramps up to the level of physical work. And having two kids home means I keep snacks and carbs in the house. Snacking does nothing good for me.

The last 5 days of May I will: 

Keep calling Mom, take dd, ds, and youngest dd to attend older dd's graduation, walk, avoid sugar and grains. Onward to June!

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First two easy ones - good.

Gonna order a suit from LE today! Flowers - prob Tuesday or Thursday.

I will begin a new schedule for the summer this week too, but not all my students are in yet. Then VBS disrupts the next week. New schedule does leave time for exercise!

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Last week I was sidelined due to an injury so very little got done. Except for healing and I guess that counts

this week 

paint baseboards

take my ds to testing for de classes 

select ds fall classes

dh will be cutting hay tomorrow if it stops raining

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Oh..if the lawn mower gets repaired, we will definitely cut grass. It's been broken for a few weeks and the grass hasn't' been cut in over three weeks. With the amount of rain we have, it's ridiculously high, so cutting the yard is going to take awhile. Dh has the part ordered from Amazon, and it should be delivered tomorrow.

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Swimsuit purchase and new plants are delayed due to budget constraints. ☹️

But saving for Ds to have a vehicle is a goal worth some sacrifice! 

I have details on my summer work schedule and am able to plan some exercise around that. Starting very, very small.  

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I got the baseboards done in the kitchen. Next room will be the sunroom (tomorrow hopefully) later in the week I’ll tackle my bathroom. The living room doesn’t look too bad, I may just do some touching up there. If my shoulder holds up. It looks so much better. The mower part should be in by this evening so we’ll probably be mowing tomorrow too.

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Last day of May. I need some things to happen in June and July so I will start the new thread tomorrow after wrapping here.

May was a bit messy. Lots of things did get done - bee hive installed, garden started, shed organized if not purged, business opened, much long-distance driving, two daughters home - but the change of season is always discombobulating. My horizon needs to narrow so quickly as the summer approaches. I think I expected this month to be less disorienting without homeschooling in the mix but maybe that will never change!

Grateful for the beauty all around me, for the birds this morning, for the turkey mama and her 8 babies squeaking through the tall grass, for the clear blue sky and the ability to go outside and enjoy it all today.

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