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Tackling Wednesday Together, 5.15.24

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Good morning!

Dh is off to work with his breakfast and lunch. 

  • Bible study
  • coffee
  • shower and get dressed to go out
  • get Saturday Sacks from church and deliver them to the elementary school
  • lunch out with a friend
  • possibly walk with another friend if she is free
  • work on office
  • laundry
  • dinner
  • clean kitchen
  • talk boys into playing a game?
  • watch something and relax 
Edited by mom31257
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I've already gotten ds off to school, with everything he needs for state testing.

Next up:

  • coffee
  • finish schoolwork
  • work on math
  • 3 mile walk
  • grocery shop
  • fill the gas can for the lawnmower
  • tidy the house
  • dinner: no idea yet
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Posted (edited)

Good morning!

Today DH is off to work at the office for the morning, then taking the kids to a boxing/exercise class, so he's out & about until after lunch. Makes it a good day for me to work on quilt stuff.

So, today:
...electronic chores
...add stitching details to DS's grad quilt

....wake the boys/kids up on time to go with DH to the boxing class (mainly Middle; DS will get up on his own)
...keep working on stitching details
....eat lunch/take a nap
....if it's going to stay sunny today, maybe break in the afternoon and spray paint my wheelbarrow for the fairy garden
...if not, keep working on quilting stuff
....go tutor the afternoon girls - check with mom about whether YES I come tomorrow & next Weds and that's it, or NO, she wants more than that??? 
...come home, eat dinner
...take DS to church
...grocery shop
...pick DS up from church
...come home, veg out (maybe Forged in Fire w/the kids?) (Maybe Oldest is going to call tonight?)

Have a good day, all! 

Edited by TheReader
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I found the grading scale for my class.

A "like" is worth 1.2 points.  An approved post is worth 1 pt.

I am so done.  No matter the percentage of points for daily classwork, I still have a solid A even without the last few assignments.

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34 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

I found the grading scale for my class.

A "like" is worth 1.2 points.  An approved post is worth 1 pt.

I am so done.  No matter the percentage of points for daily classwork, I still have a solid A even without the last few assignments.

This is absolutely absurd. Egads. 

I'm so sorry your class is that ridiculous. :sigh: 

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6 minutes ago, TheReader said:

This is absolutely absurd. Egads. 

I'm so sorry your class is that ridiculous. :sigh: 

I'm really not a fan of it.  The entire vibe reminds me of my son's history teacher last year who was so focused on "Kre8tive" assignments that graded on artwork above all else.  It detracted so much from the actual point of the material that my kid checked out.  I'm feeling the same.  I just completed a 30 second video on "light pollution: what can my community do?" with pictures from around town last night.  I don't care.  I'd rather have done a unit on examining the parallax of a star or writing a paper on planetary formation.

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Yea, that really stinks, @HomeAgain.  I get adding in some creativity, or stuff meant to engage this "younger generation" but still....keep a balance of assignments, and for crying out loud, don't make outside validation worth more than the actual assignment. Makes me grateful my kids teachers haven't pulled stuff like that yet. 



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Okay, tried to take apart the wheelbarrow, got 2 nuts off and couldn't get the next two - they are rusted in place. One is rusted to the screw (bolt?), so that the whole thing turns when I try to loosen it. The other is just rusted so tight it won't turn.  

I did not try the ones for taking off the wheel - will let DH tackle that for me this afternoon, or I'll try again in a while. If he can get it apart when he gets home from boxing, I'll still have time to paint before I tutor, and still plenty of sunshine/daylight for it to dry before tomorrow's rain in the evening. 

Did my electronic chores as well, grabbing a snack/drink and heading up to sew. 

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Posted (edited)

Doing literacy assessments at a Waldorf school this morning. Interesting school, but not very organized. Waiting on my 8:00 student.

Buy plastic knives; cut brownies ✔️ 
Make salad ✔️ 
Ds from school to practice ✔️ 
Tutor ✔️ 
Lacrosse team dinner ✔️ 
Check in with Dd ✔️ 
Make sure I have quiche ingredients for tomorrow. ✔️ 

Edited by ScoutTN
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I'm not completing the last two.  I took some time to paint some math cards, and I have a kid coming over this afternoon for tutoring.  I'm okay with not doing the two assignments even after getting on my kid for not doing his work this week in English. 😄  And if he cites a double standard I can cite our GPAs.

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This was the last time I took the Saturday Sacks because my schedule next year won't work for it. 

Lunch out was nice. 

I took my car and had the tire tread checked, and I definitely need 2 new tires on the front. I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. 

I shopped a bit at Walmart for a few things. 

I started a load of towels, and I have some other laundry sorted and ready to go. 


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Tutoring is done.  Actually, I wish I could call it tutoring but I don't feel like it is anymore. 😄  He's one of mine that has been with me for a while, is doing excellent, and I'm mostly just moral support and a homework buddy that has him slow down.  We touch on small issues he has but it's genuinely nice to see him so relaxed and confident now.


DS came home.  The rain started, and I never made it to the grocery store.  I guess tonight's dinner is a "whatever you want to eat" night.  🙂 

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took a nap

got one character all detailed-up on the quilt

DH could not get the bolts off either, on the wheelbarrow, so new plan is to wrap/protect part while spray painting, let that part dry, wrap the other part, etc. This weekend??? 

A friend came by and brought a fresh loaf of bread - yum!! 

Everyone enjoyed the new exercise class - DH wants them to go 2x/week, so that would be good

Freshening up and heading to tutor for almost the last time. Two more after this, I think? I hope. I'm ready to be done. 

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The lax team dinner was fun. Only a handful of parents showed up, and a few players were missing, but everyone had fun. The food was good and the coaches appreciated their gifts. 

I chatted with Dd, packed a lunch, washed a load, prepped stuff for the morning, and reminded Dh that he is doing the morning school drive. 

Gonna read and go to bed. Tired!

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