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Shooting near KC Chief's parade


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4 minutes ago, Hyacinth said:

What do we know about this shooter? The motivation? The gun? 

Apparently it was a dispute among several people (AP)

I always think of the saying that goes something like "when you have a hammer every problem looks like a nail." Except now it's "when you have guns every little thing looks like something that needs to be solved by shooting." Sigh

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Just now, Pawz4me said:

Apparently it was a dispute among several people (AP)

I always think of the saying that goes something like "when you have a hammer every problem looks like a nail." Except now it's "when you have guns every little thing looks like something that needs to be solved by shooting." Sigh

That’s exactly the problem with people just carrying guns everywhere as they go about daily living.  They are right there when your angry, so easy to just pull out when your temper is hot.  

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19 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

Apparently it was a dispute among several people (AP)

I always think of the saying that goes something like "when you have a hammer every problem looks like a nail." Except now it's "when you have guns every little thing looks like something that needs to be solved by shooting." Sigh

Yep. Like this: https://abcnews.go.com/US/deputy-fires-weapon-after-mistaking-acorn-for-gunshot/story?id=107229338

Our entire backyard is lined with oak trees. Falling acorns have never once made me think of gunshots--imagine that.


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3 hours ago, Heartstrings said:

Being angry that this person or that person went to a party after a shooting is just silly when we ALL just carried on with our lives, because there is no other good option. But especially being mad at one person for being one of hundreds of other people that went to bars and restaurants at the same time, bars and restaurants that stayed open when they could have closed.

My great-aunt died last night. I loved her very much. I’ve also gone about my day as usual. I didn’t have party plans, so I guess there’s that to be thankful for. I don’t think my cousins will ever give a second of thought to what I did today. 

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3 minutes ago, Carrie12345 said:

My great-aunt died last night. I loved her very much. I’ve also gone about my day as usual. I didn’t have party plans, so I guess there’s that to be thankful for. I don’t think my cousins will ever give a second of thought to what I did today. 

I am so very sorry for your loss! Hugs

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3 hours ago, MEmama said:

Yep. Like this: https://abcnews.go.com/US/deputy-fires-weapon-after-mistaking-acorn-for-gunshot/story?id=107229338

Our entire backyard is lined with oak trees. Falling acorns have never once made me think of gunshots--imagine that.



Someone could have been killed for the love of a nut from a tree. Too many Americans think being startled or frightened of something is an excuse to lose their brains and just start randomly shooting. I am pretty certain Life, Liberty, and General Welfare are just as important as 2E. The rights of the ammosexuals does not trump that of everyone else to be alive. 

My sister and brother in law are coming this summer for a month. They really want to take a sight seeing vacation, but bil is pretty scared. 49 mass shootings this year alone, and a cop that endangers people because he is too stupid to stop and ascertain some things before shooting like Elmer Fudd chasing Bugs Bunny is NOT helping. I told him there were all kinds of wild and beautiful places in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota that we could go and avoid crowds and places that are targets.We can picnic to avoid restaurants; pay at the pump for fuel.

I am fairly certain the only thing the powers that be care about is money. Therefore, nothing will get done until everyone is afraid to go to theaters, concerts, school, sporting events, shopping of any kind, etc. When the economy tanks and the only thing the majority populace uses is grocery pick up and drive through pharmacy, that will get their attention. Certainly when the NFl and the NBA cannot fill stadiums, and all the theaters go bankrupt, retail establishments all go under and Jeff Besos can buy the United States for a song, then and only then will they pay attention.

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2 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:


Someone could have been killed for the love of a nut from a tree. Too many Americans think being startled or frightened of something is an excuse to lose their brains and just start randomly shooting. I am pretty certain Life, Liberty, and General Welfare are just as important as 2E. The rights of the ammosexuals does not trump that of everyone else to be alive. 

My sister and brother in law are coming this summer for a month. They really want to take a sight seeing vacation, but bil is pretty scared. 49 mass shootings this year alone, and a cop that endangers people because he is too stupid to stop and ascertain some things before shooting like Elmer Fudd chasing Bugs Bunny is NOT helping. I told him there were all kinds of wild and beautiful places in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota that we could go and avoid crowds and places that are targets.We can picnic to avoid restaurants; pay at the pump for fuel.

I am fairly certain the only thing the powers that be care about is money. Therefore, nothing will get done until everyone is afraid to go to theaters, concerts, school, sporting events, shopping of any kind, etc. When the economy tanks and the only thing the majority populace uses is grocery pick up and drive through pharmacy, that will get their attention. Certainly when the NFl and the NBA cannot fill stadiums, and all the theaters go bankrupt, retail establishments all go under and Jeff Besos can buy the United States for a song, then and only then will they pay attention.

I think, realistically, it will take good leadership. That's the difference between this country and others--at some point in (usually recent) history, good leaders decided to do something about their gun problem. 

As long as people keep voting in politicians who hold their financial power above all else, we will continue to have this problem. Once we start living under multi layered, majority  *leadership* (ie not just one good president, or a decent governor, but all the way up and down *leadership for the people*) will we see real change. 

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3 hours ago, Heartstrings said:

Being angry that this person or that person went to a party after a shooting is just silly


This shooting happened at a parade and rally celebrating the KC football team…then one very prominent player from the team was shown going out within a few hours of someone being killed and 20 people shot.

It’s not a random complaint about a broad swath of people or situations.

The desperation displayed to excuse Kelce’s behavior is astounding.


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re sports figures / singers etc using their influence and their platform to encourage their fans to effect political change

5 hours ago, I talk to the trees said:

 The idea that mass shootings are just a part of life that we need to shut up and accept is beyond sickening to me. That said- 

 Yes, absolutely, do direct outrage and disgust at government officials who have the power to change things but don’t really care enough to. But also-

I think it is absolutely appropriate to be enraged by the poor behavior of the sports players, the singers, the movie stars, and all other public figures  because they DO have the power to reach millions by standing up and speaking out and encouraging their fans to vote the worthless, do-nothing politicians out of office! Like it or not, there are many, many sheeple out there who treat the opinions of their favorite celebrities like the gospel truth. If celebrities and influencers would kick up a major ruckus and tell their followers to vote for the candidates who will change things, it would go a long way toward making positive changes in this country. Ignoring horrible things (by shrugging your shoulders and heading out to that party, for example) that *could* be changed if they used their influence is lazy, cowardly, and selfish. 

I agree with you.

And, as @YaelAldrich  noted way upthread: that is what Colin Kaepernick did.

That is what Taylor Swift did too. 

That Taylor Swift did so, is precisely why she and he-whose-name-can't-be-spelled are so maddening to some folks today.

And as a society we don't much like that either.  "Shut up and play ball" and etc.  Leave politics to the grownups, like the governors.

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1 hour ago, pinball said:

The desperation displayed to excuse Kelce’s behavior is astounding.


As is the desperation to single him out - and him alone.

Multiple teammates were also there....why aren't they the focus of any outrage? Patrick Mahomes was not only also there, but apparently it was his idea to have the party in the first place (this decision was prior to the shooting). Yet no one is raking him over the coals.

I guess it's easier to focus one's outrage on *one* bumble-headed football player rather than the politicians who have repeatedly enabled and encouraged mass shootings by promoting constant open carry as a point of machisimo and FREEDOM (TM)?




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12 minutes ago, Happy2BaMom said:

As is the desperation to single him out - and him alone.

Multiple teammates were also there....why aren't they the focus of any outrage? Patrick Mahomes was not only also there, but apparently it was his idea to have the party in the first place (this decision was prior to the shooting). Yet no one is raking him over the coals.

I guess it's easier to focus one's outrage on *one* bumble-headed football player rather than the politicians who have repeatedly enabled and encouraged mass shootings by promoting constant open carry as a point of machisimo and FREEDOM (TM)?

It's simple. 

When I posted the original TMZ story, there was no definitive information on who Travis Kelce was going to be partying with in that bar/restaurant, so I didn't want to point fingers at anyone until other names were released. It would have been pretty awful of me to start making random, baseless accusations -- and even now, we don't know how many players or staff members might have opted out of the party, so I'm still not going to make a blanket accusation.

At this point, all I can say is that I'm sickened by Patrick Mahomes and any other Chiefs player or staff that was at that party. 

Satisfied? 🙄

Edited to add: I'm still not seeing any other specifics about who else was in attendance at that party. TMZ always seems to be quick to get this kind of info, and this is all I saw. If you have seen more detailed information, perhaps you can post a link. (FWIW, the TMZ people seemed pretty surprised that these guys were partying after a horrific tragedy at their own parade, too, and I have seen a lot of similar (and far more overtly negative) sentiment about the players posted elsewhere online today, as well. It is encouraging to see that not everyone is as callous about this mass shooting as the people here on this forum.)  

Here's the link:  https://www.tmz.com/2024/02/15/patrick-mahomes-attended-party-restaurant-travis-kelce-chiefs-shooting-kansas-city/

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32 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

 It is encouraging to see that not everyone is as callous about this mass shooting as the people here on this forum.)  


How has anyone been callous? I'm really curious where you are seeing that.

ETA: I'd really like to know the specific comments that anyone has made that makes you conclude they/we are callous about this mass shooting.


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2 hours ago, pinball said:


This shooting happened at a parade and rally celebrating the KC football team…then one very prominent player from the team was shown going out within a few hours of someone being killed and 20 people shot.

It’s not a random complaint about a broad swath of people or situations.

The desperation displayed to excuse Kelce’s behavior is astounding.


But it wasn’t just him.  It was the whole team.  TMZ focused on one player, but the whole team went out.  The media said “look at this” and everyone looked, with no critical thought.  There was also hundreds of other people out that night after a shooting in their neighborhood. He didn’t go party alone.  

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34 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

It's simple. 

When I posted the original TMZ story

But why of everything out there about this would what a stupid celebrity-focused website was saying about it even be relevant or important? Of course that’s what they’re posting pictures and articles about, that’s what they do—sensationalized celebrity news, and more recently, right wing ”news”. Which is why they posted this. I don’t like football and could never even remember what TK’s name was until getting hit over the head with it enough times over Superbowl weekend that now I do. I don’t have positive associations with him, but really, he is not an important part of this awful story. TMZ reporting something doesn’t make it important. 

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1 minute ago, KSera said:

But why of everything out there about this would what a stupid celebrity-focused website was saying about it even be relevant or important? Of course that’s what they’re posting pictures and articles about, that’s what they do—sensationalized celebrity news, and more recently, right wing ”news”. Which is why they posted this. I don’t like football and could never even remember what TK’s name was until getting hit over the head with it enough times over Superbowl weekend that now I do. I don’t have positive associations with him, but really, he is not an important part of this awful story. TMZ reporting something doesn’t make it important. 

This.  Full agreement.  

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55 minutes ago, SHP said:

Why I mentioned Missouri Governor Parson, he has been pro open carry and no regulations but at the first sign of a shooting he runs away. 


A couple of articles



Maybe a personal brush with gun violence will sway him.  I won’t hold my breath but you never know. 

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Yeah I don't actually want to hear celebrities' opinions on politics, any more than they want to hear mine.

Especially since a lot these same celebrities make their fortune by sensationalizing violence, misogyny, and drug abuse.

Besides which, I see no apparent connection between artistic or athletic talent and real-world sense.

Also, the real message is, "use your influence to sway politics ... provided your politics agree with mine.  Otherwise, prepare to be canceled."

I'm proud of the individuals who stopped the shooters.  I'm praying for the injured and the families of those affected.

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1 hour ago, Heartstrings said:

Maybe a personal brush with gun violence will sway him.  I won’t hold my breath but you never know. 

My bar was much lower at "act like the elected leader you are during a crisis". Maybe he just assumed that since people think Kansas City is just in Kansas that the Kansas Governor should have stepped up? 🤔 

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37 minutes ago, SHP said:

My bar was much lower at "act like the elected leader you are during a crisis". Maybe he just assumed that since people think Kansas City is just in Kansas that the Kansas Governor should have stepped up? 🤔 

Unfortunately it seems likely that he counted on people looking at the team and specifically TK and TS to act as a distraction.  Which has worked nicely.  So many people are outraged that some celebrities didn’t perform grief correctly that no one is asking the people with actual POWER what they are doing about it all.  
Mass produced distraction.  Bread and circuses.  

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17 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Gang members carry guns.

So do people who go to church (see your above post). Good people, according to you. What’s your point? 

People carry guns to kill other people. It’s literally the only thing they are for (obligatory orher than hunting animals or farm/ranch use). They very literally aren’t used for anything else. 

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3 minutes ago, MEmama said:

So do people who go to church (see your above post). Good people, according to you. What’s your point? 

People carry guns to kill other people. It’s literally the only thing they are for (obligatory orher than hunting animals or farm/ranch use). They very literally aren’t used for anything else. 

Most teens do not carry guns.  And the people at church who shot the intruder were off-duty law enforcement, not randoms.  I was replying to Heartsings question about why teens would be carrying guns.  Normal ones who aren't criminals do not carry guns. 

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1 hour ago, Heartstrings said:

I can’t figure out why teenagers had guns at a parade.   

Here's a fun story: my oldest joined a scout troop in the fall one year.  He was there for 3 weeks when the prize for the most popcorn sold that week was handed out at the beginning of the meeting.

It was a rifle.

We were in a church.

And we were the only family weirded out by this.


So honestly, I've given up trying to figure out why people carry guns out in public.  People are weird and stupid. 

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2 hours ago, Heartstrings said:

I can’t figure out why teenagers had guns at a parade.   

As unbelievable and absolutely crazy crazy as it seems, it appears that Missouri allows kids of any age to open carry (AP article dated 2/8/23)


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri’s Republican-led House on Wednesday voted against banning minors from openly carrying firearms on public land without adult supervision.

The proposal to ban children from carrying guns without adult supervision in public failed by a 104-39 vote. Only one Republican voted in support of it.

Democratic Rep. Donna Baringer said police in her district asked for the change to stop “14-year-olds walking down the middle of the street in the city of St. Louis carrying AR-15s.”

“Now they have been emboldened, and they are walking around with them,” Baringer said. “Until they actually brandish them, and brandish them with intent, our police officers’ hands are handcuffed.”

ETA from the Kansas City Beacon


In Kansas, anyone over 21 can carry a concealed weapon without a license. People under 21 get a standard concealed-carry license while people under 18 get a provisional license. There is no minimum age to get a gun and no background checks are required. 


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1 hour ago, TravelingChris said:

Most teens do not carry guns.  And the people at church who shot the intruder were off-duty law enforcement, not randoms.  I was replying to Heartsings question about why teens would be carrying guns.  Normal ones who aren't criminals do not carry guns. 

The same logic can be applied to adults who carry meaning any adult who carries is a criminal. The important thing to note in this instance is that is is perfectly legally for children and teens to carry guns in public places and at events like this in Missouri. 

Gang membership has nothing to do with it. 


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4 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

It worked in the church in Houston where the crazed woman brought her child to shoot people in the church on Sunday. 

Did the "good guys" not shoot a kid in the head in this incident? I may be thinking of a different one. There are so many to keep track of, I might have them mixed up.

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3 minutes ago, MEmama said:

So, just so I have this straight...as long as someone claims "but they're a good guy!", then it's okay? Because reasons? 

It’s ok because we view collateral damage as acceptable.   Not taking a shot because a kid is too close is “weak”.  

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1 minute ago, Heartstrings said:

It’s ok because we view collateral damage as acceptable.   Not taking a shot because a kid is too close is “weak”.  


So when does the "good guy with the gun" become the "bad guy with a gun"? When he commits a crime, or when he gets caught committing a crime? 

Same question for pedophiles, rapists and the like, most of whom seem to be "good guys" because they are pastors, youth group leaders, teachers, dads who once took their kid to the playground, etc. At what point does their status change, or does it not because they are perceived a certain way (insert the "right religion", a touch of race baiting or flat out denial here)?

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Just now, mommyoffive said:

They did shoot a kid in the head?  I hadn't heard that, but I am also not keeping up with this news.

I didn't know that either. Even more horrific that they are considered one of the good ones 😞 

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18 minutes ago, Heartstrings said:

It’s ok because we view collateral damage as acceptable.   

Right. Apparently enough people think it’s preferable to have random people shot in crossfire than it is to prevent people with criminal and serious mental health histories from having guns in the first place. 

4 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

They did shoot a kid in the head?  I hadn't heard that, but I am also not keeping up with this news.

Last I’ve seen, it’s not acknowledged yet who shot the child, but the circumstances have widely suggested that it is quite likely to have been the “good guys with guns”. The man shot in the leg was shot by the woman I read today. The child being with the shooter seems would make it difficult for her to have been the one to shoot him with a long gun, but I expect it will come out eventually. Either way, she shouldn’t have been sold that gun in December and the poor child wouldn’t have been shot in the head if she hadn’t. 

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10 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Most teens do not carry guns.  And the people at church who shot the intruder were off-duty law enforcement, not randoms.  I was replying to Heartsings question about why teens would be carrying guns.  Normal ones who aren't criminals do not carry guns. 

Hmm what about these non-gangster-looking kids? Normal ones?


[photos deleted by moderator]

ETA for those who don’t recognize these folks, these are the family Christmas cards of duly elected US Congress members Boebert (CO) and Massie (KY)

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6 hours ago, Grace Hopper said:

Hmm what about these non-gangster-looking kids? Normal ones?

[Pic deleted by moderator]


This is the problem. Treating guns like fun toys, celebrating owning them, giving them as gifts same as legos, bikes, and cameras. Sick.

We have a gun addiction problem in this country that is every bit as serious as drug addiction and a greater threat to public health and safety than drugs. These photos are about the same thing as grown adults giving kids alcohol or drugs for Christmas. No different. Don't even try to defend it. 

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1 hour ago, Faith-manor said:

We have a gun addiction problem in this country that is every bit as serious as drug addiction and a greater threat to public health and safety than drugs.

You’re so wrong it’s not even funny.

Close to 100,000 people died in 2021 from preventable drug overdoses. That number does not include suicide or homicide.

Almost 49,000 gun deaths the same year. And of the 49,000, 54% were suicide.

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2 hours ago, fraidycat said:

Did the "good guys" not shoot a kid in the head in this incident? I may be thinking of a different one. There are so many to keep track of, I might have them mixed up.

If the people providing security to the church shot the little boy, it was an accident but the fault of it lies with the person who brought him into the church and started shooting.

Everyone can make all the cutesy little jokes they want (and it’s disgusting) but it’s the fault of the criminal, not the security.

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