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What did you do for your 25th anniversary?


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This year is our 25th and dh’s 50th. We are planning a short family trip to gatlinburg for his birthday, but kind of at a loss for our anniversary. We don’t have money or vacation time to travel anywhere but maybe an over night sort of locally? 

How did you celebrate your 25th?

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We went to our son's track meet and dragged dd (our youngest) and her friend.  Her friend desperately wanted to go to a track meet and then complained she was bored the whole time.  🙃  Not the silver anniversary we dreamed about, that's for sure!  

Hope you have a wonderful and special celebration!  It's such a blessing.  ❤️ 

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Said "happy anniversary" to each other and went on about our regular schedule, as far as I remember.

Can you tell we're not the sentimental types? 🤣

I hope you have a happy anniversary, whatever you decide to do (or not do 😉).

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 I would love to do something like spend the day hiking in hocking hills or something, but hiking is out. All of the things I’ve thought of would not sparkle as much for him now, like sight seeing etc. and early April is a crap shoot for weather 

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We've done something biggish every 5 year anniversary except our 15th. Our 5th we got remarried in the Catholic Church (we are converts). On our 10th we did a 10-mile hike with the kiddos in tow. On our 20th we did a 1.5 week vacation to London, Rome, and Ireland. This year for our 25th we have planned a trip to Scotland. 

Last year we did an overnight to a city about 3 hours away. We used reward points and kept it on the cheap. My go-to cheaper date night is to buy something fancy, cook it ourselves, and send the kids away. 

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7 minutes ago, saraha said:

 I would love to do something like spend the day hiking in hocking hills or something, but hiking is out. All of the things I’ve thought of would not sparkle as much for him now, like sight seeing etc. and early April is a crap shoot for weather 

Our anniversary is actually in July but our last 2 big trips we did in May because it is cheaper to travel. I say celebrate it whenever works best for your schedule.

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Comedy club, live music, maybe a spa? Couples massage? Facial, pedicure? I’m sure there are price points for those and pampering can be nice for everyone! We received a gift certificate for a spa and I was sure DH was just going to let me use it but he ended up getting a massage and a facial and really enjoyed it. There are places where you can get a chair massage for your neck if that’s more his speed. 
A favorite, or maybe a new, restaurant? 

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We celebrate our 25th anniversary this November and I would like to do something special. For our 20th, we went to Vegas which was fun, but really more his idea of a vacation. I’d like to go on a cruise or even just vacation somewhere warm, but no definite plans yet. 

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We only go on big trips for our anniversary on the years that end with 5; however, our 30th fell smack dab in the midst of Covid.   We actually spent our anniversary moving our son back into the dorm at seminary, ate some poor boys on the floor of his dorm apartment while watching the Tom Hanks film Greyhound together.   LOL.  So it varies! 

However, for our 25th, we went to Niagara Falls and then over to Niagara on the Lake. We were gone for about a week.  The kids were supposed to spend the week at the grandparents, but my FIL went to the hospital, so they just stayed home. They were 20, 18, and 13 at the time, so it worked out ok. 

Other things I have done, is met him for dinner after work and slipped him a hotel key as I left. 🙂


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We haven't decided if it will be for our 20th, which is in 4 years, or 25th but we plan on going to Ecuador and the Galapagos. We started saving for it this year. I did a 5 week trip their in college right before I met dh and have wanted to go back ever since. I'm so glad that he is excited to help make that happen

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We went to Chicago for the weekend. We visited the Lego store, Chicago Institute of Art and heard the CSO string ensemble play some Beethoven which was just lovely, and had dinner at Riva's Cafe on Navy Pier, wandered around the Pier, saw the stained glass window exhibit.

For our 30th, we ended up in the UP on Lake Superior because youngest had freshmen orientation that weekend. We dropped him on campus, got our own hotel room since he was staying at in the dorms, skipped out on all the parents stuff because this was our fourth rodeo, and enjoyed the great outdoors. We had a spectacular dinner at a 3 star restaurant and bar on the water.

35th was last summer, and we had a lovely outing planned, but an emergency with Mark's project at work ran right over that like a steam roller.

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We just celebrated ours. We are low key. We went to the place where we got married and took the kids. It’s also the place we hung out together as teens, and revisted when we were dating in our 20s. It’s a dynamic, fun, beautiful little location. We went for a nice walk, and just spent a beautiful afternoon together. We exchanged small gifts (small from me, bigger from DH this time). 

We go to NYC every ten years, and those tend to be bigger celebrations. 

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2 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

For our 30th, we ended up in the UP on Lake Superior

We spent our first anniversary in the UP!

We stayed at some crappy snowmobiler "cabin" with very loud drunken snowmobiles doing stupid stuff outside all night, and re-watched the Lost Boys because it was the only thing on the ancient tv. During the day we went cross country skiing before getting our truck stuck in icy muck, which required me to flag down the sole vehicle that drove along the rapidly darkening road (of course they rescued us and were very nice). lol

Its so beautiful up there, despite the weirdness of our adventure we just loved it.

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3 minutes ago, MEmama said:

We spent our first anniversary in the UP!

We stayed at some crappy snowmobiler "cabin" with very loud drunken snowmobiles doing stupid stuff outside all night, and re-watched the Lost Boys because it was the only thing on the ancient tv. During the day we went cross country skiing before getting our truck stuck in icy muck, which required me to flag down the sole vehicle that drove along the rapidly darkening road (of course they rescued us and were very nice). lol

Its so beautiful up there, despite the weirdness of our adventure we just loved it.

It is gorgeous. Lots of Michiganders call it "God's Country". It is the only place in the US that reminds me of the Atlantic Coast in Maine. Presque Isle Park in Marquette feels like some of the scenic turnouts we walked when I was a kid and we traveled all along the coast. I think we ended up spending a week in Boothbay. Some of my best childhood memories!

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3 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

It is gorgeous. Lots of Michiganders call it "God's Country". It is the only place in the US that reminds me of the Atlantic Coast in Maine. Presque Isle Park in Marquette feels like some of the scenic turnouts we walked when I was a kid and we traveled all along the coast. I think we ended up spending a week in Boothbay. Some of my best childhood memories!

Yes! It's very similar, only missing the sea air. I'm an ocean girl, and Lake Superior helped make Minnesota an almost ideal place for me to live despite being so far from the sea. 🙂 

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We didn't do anything special as far as I remember. This year we celebrated our 30th last month and are going on a month long trip to Scotland and England. We're going in May because January is not a month that Floridians want to be in the UK lol but we're still calling it our 30th anniversary trip.

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Trip to Hawaii-- thankfully it perfectly coincided with an award (trip to Hawaii all expense paid) that DH won at work!  We did go a few days early and spent a few days at a cool BnB on the Hilo side of the Big Island-- then work-award part of trip was at the Four Seasons on the Kona side...

We got to watch the volcano go off at night--lava flowing into ocean-- VERY COOL!



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Lol It’s great to hear others are as exciting as us. We were supposed to do something big. We had a budget honeymoon bc dh was headed to grad school. Then every big anniversary the plan was to go somewhere nice bit I was  nursing or something. This year was 25 and we moved—with a salary cut while having two kids in college. Not the year for a splurge. So, we, uh, went to a hotel by the mall and ate at Applebees. (Because dh has a food allergy and has a dish he can eat there.) At least it was something….

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Well....It was this past December and I sat next to DH's bedside in high care in hospital while he was delirius. During a more lucid moment around that time he told me that he loved me 95% of the time. I pried a bit and asked him about the other 5% and he answered that then I really annoy him (in more flowery language)!!

He had major surgery to cut out oesophagal cancer and has been in hospital for 10 weeks due to a string of complications. We are going to use the dread disease insurance payout to go on a luxury train trip with dear friends.

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Our 25th is next year. Usually we just go out to dinner, but I think we’ll plan a trip for this one. We *never* go on trips, unless it’s camping/amusement parks with my parents and kids. (Because my parents usually pay, lol.)  But he’s had a lot of health issues that he’s overcome; maybe we should splurge.  He’s never been to the Grand Canyon and would like to. I’m partial to relaxing, spa-like, all-inclusive resorts…

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5 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

But he’s had a lot of health issues that he’s overcome; maybe we should splurge.  

We've always saved for "one day". With dh's health issues (which aren't yet over an recovery will be long), we've realised how important it is to enjoy the moment. Splurge!

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14 minutes ago, Hannah said:

Well....It was this past December and I sat next to DH's bedside in high care in hospital while he was delirius. During a more lucid moment around that time he told me that he loved me 95% of the time. I pried a bit and asked him about the other 5% and he answered that then I really annoy him (in more flowery language)!!

He had major surgery to cut out oesophagal cancer and has been in hospital for 10 weeks due to a string of complications. We are going to use the dread disease insurance payout to go on a luxury train trip with dear friends.

I'm so sorry about your DH!  😞

Can you tell me more about the train trip?  I might be interested in something like that.  I hope your DH is home soon.  That's a lot on both of you.

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We went to Washington, D.C., in July of that year (our anniversary is in October).  I had a quilt hanging in a show up there, which was a huge deal to me, so we combined going to see that with a trip (just us) to D.C. (we'd never been). We had to pay for flights, hotel, and rental car, but most of the things we did were free (everything, I think? Maybe one thing we did had an entrance fee....).  DH is a pro-shopper for all travel things, so it wasn't too bad. 

We don't always do big things, it just worked out that way that year.  On the actual anniversary we probably just had dinner or something at home. 

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**Well, and, there's a fencing tournament annually in New Orleans that's around our anniversary weekend -- we've gone to that the last two years, which would have been the 25th & 26th anniversaries (but the "main" anniversary celebration was the D.C. trip), and probably will for the foreseeable future. 

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Well, it was during Covid so our plans of a dinner cruise were thwarted.   We still haven't gone.  Last I checked, the dinner boat still wasn't sailing.   We still hope to do it though.

Other than that, nothing.

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6 hours ago, Kassia said:

I'm so sorry about your DH!  😞

Can you tell me more about the train trip?  I might be interested in something like that.  I hope your DH is home soon.  That's a lot on both of you.

We live in South Africa and it's www.rovos.com. We're looking at the Pretoria to Vicoria Falls journey and will stay on to enjoy Zimbabwe. It has been a lifelong dream to do it, but we could never justify the cost.

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We didn't go anywhere. My daughters threw a lovely party for us, including a display board with wedding photos and of our lives over the 25 years, and found a mannequin to display my wedding dress on. And Mr. Ellie bought me a diamond engagement ring which he picked out on his very own that was perfect in every way. ❤️

Our 50th anniversary is this coming November. We'll probably go to Disneyland, even though we've been there elebenty hundred times already 🙂 but we'll stay at the Disneyland Hotel, and maybe do the VIP tour of the park. And we've talked about Disneyland Paris. Or Hawai'i. We'll see what actually happens. 🙂

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On the actual day of our anniversary, DD was in town for a visit (she was working overseas) and she invited some of her friends over for a dinner party.  We planned to take a Baltic cruise that summer--but that was cancelled because of COVID.  

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2 hours ago, Ellie said:

My daughters threw a lovely party for us, including a display board with wedding photos and of our lives over the 25 years, and found a mannequin to display my wedding dress on. 

Our 50th anniversary is this coming November.

I had forgotten all about my gift to DH for our 25th until I read this.  I collected a bunch of photos from our 25 years together and gave them to ds1 and he created a slideshow set to music - it was about ten minutes long.  I watched it with DH and he cried!  He was so surprised and touched.  

50 years is amazing!  ❤️ 

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We wanted to do a trip but with a bunch of expenses due to having children so we disn't plan amything. Plus it was the summer of rain. Crazy number of rainy days! 

The sun was out for a couple days so I said it is now or never and spur of the moment we hit the trails with our mountain bikes and had a burger afterwards. It was lovely. 

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14 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

Said "happy anniversary" to each other and went on about our regular schedule, as far as I remember.

Can you tell we're not the sentimental types? 🤣

I hope you have a happy anniversary, whatever you decide to do (or not do 😉).

A kindred spirit! Although that's even more than dh and I have done since after the first or second year. Those first 2 years...whew, we were just crazy newlyweds! We actually thought to say, "Happy Anniversary" to each other, although only in passing and at about 11:58pm. And that wild behavior ended pretty quickly - it was just too much effort. I think we may have given each other a thumbs up in passing on our 25th. That milestone called for something more special, hence the purposeful action. lol

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I had a jeweler friend make a silver-plated set of 5 dice and I made some personalized Yatzee score sheets for dh e.g. "All kids are home - Full House - score 25" "Tractor starts the first time - Large Straight - score 40" and we played Yatzee over zoom with our far-flung kids.

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Ours is in 2027. Our older two kids will have graduated and our younger two will be 17 and 15, so in theory we could go away. We have not ever done a trip without the kids. Otoh, we will be paying for college for 4 kids over the next 10 years so we will probably do nothing.

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