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Tackling Friday Together, 2.9.24


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Good morning! 

Today is Night to Shine at our church!! We'll have around 200 guests, and the oldest is 81. I'm going later this morning to help in the prom dress room.  We'll have hair and nail stations, too. 

  • pack dh's breakfast
  • take him to school so I have a car
  • shower and get ready
  • coffee
  • Bible study
  • some school work
  • head over to the church
  • pick dh up from school and come home to get ready to go back to church
  • enjoy the main event


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Good morning!

Today I have:

....prep a week ahead for school -- we have a LOT Of tournaments coming up, and I'll need that buffer
....go tutor my 2 Friday girls -- we'll be missing a few weeks as their main caregiver is going out of town for a few weeks

....come home, eat lunch
....make sure DS gets off okay - his GF is picking him up for a lunch date, now that her parents have decided they can "date" (now they both have licenses)
....go with DH to a fencing lesson he has 
  Skipping this to nap/sew
....come home, try to get some sewing done 
....tonight....not sure. I would love to sometime get more involved and go to "Nerd Nights" at our fencing club, but DH doesn't want to, so we won't. So figure out what we *are* doing here at home - probably board games here. Or maybe a movie. 

Have a good Friday!

Edited by TheReader
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The sun is out today!!  

Last night tornadoes touched down and some bad storms came through.  It altered our night, but we got through it safely.  I think it is the first tornado in WI in Feb.  

Gotta get lots done today.  The week was so busy and the house suffered because I was so busy. Sigh.  

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Good morning!    Yesterday I got quite a lot done at home,  So far, I have decided where we are going on a short vacation, made coffee and had breakfast and meds, and  made an clothing order.

To do

  • Instacart order
  • Put away laundry 
  • Get reservations for mini-vacation 
  • Bank stuff
  • Set up my tiny med box
  • Set up my medical bag
  •  Get list on paper for Dr visit
  • Undo dishwasher 
  • Be ready at 2 for Access Ride
  • Get blood drawn 
  • Concierge doctor visit
  • Call for Access Ride home
  • Go out to dinner w/ dh, ds, dsil, dgs and I don't know if any of the granddaughters will be there 
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@mommyoffive Glad you are ok and have sun!

I got to sleep in and have done some things:
dropped Ds at my mom’s
laundry is working
Ds has begun packing 
picked up Rx
got something from church 
packed three boxes to mail
texted Dd a reminder 

About to go enjoy lunch with friends. 

Haircut and new running shoes for Ds
Mail boxes?
Make sure Ds is packed
Check soup ingredients 

Drop off Ds for the retreat- meet his friend from school’s mom - make sure youth leaders have Ds’ Rx. 

Dinner is leftovers

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@mommyoffiveglad you made it through the storms- a tornado in February is a record. When I was out yesterday I was watching the clouds and even thought they looked like tornado clouds but figured couldn’t be since didn’t have the fronts.

The beautiful spring weather has moved on.

finally got old couch moved out of house. It’s in garage so now to get rid of it.

the old Lowry organ is much heavier so may gut it inside before moving out. 

take pup to vet for heart worm test I need to remember a bag of tasty smelly treats. She’s been anxious lately around new people so hoping it goes well

Relax tonight

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@history-fan Yes it is a record that I am not happy is being set.  I know the weather report in the morning said it could happen, but I am surprised it did.  Just makes it a longer season that we have to worry about them.  We have had a bunch really close to us.   I don't think we had any hail damage to our cars, so there is that. 

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@mommyoffive, so thankful you are okay! I'm sorry this makes it a concern for longer. Tornadoes are so scary! 

@LifeLovePassion, I'm sorry he is still dealing with issues and pray they can get it all resolved and treatment going that helps soon. 

I spent the day at the church, and I picked up dh from work.

I just had a snack because I don't know how late we'll eat. I know we'll have Chick-fil-A for the volunteers. One of the local owner/operators goes to our church. 

Dh's getting a shower before we go back tonight. 

Ds and some of his fraternity guys are helping tonight and tomorrow morning with the cleanup, so I'll get to see him tonight. 

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@LifeLovePassionhope your medical team is able to get answers and develop a health plan for you ds.

@mommyoffiveawesome news for ds. We live in a tornado area as well. Taught the kids since little how to watch the sky and seek shelter when needed. We used to watch The Twister Sisters the storm chasers and learned even more.

Survived the vet visit. I brought lots of treats to keep her busy. She didn’t make a peep with the blood draw. So she’s in a protect my mom phase that we need to work on. Vet wasn’t too concerned said age appropriate.




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@mommyoffive - yay!!! Congrats to the kiddo!! 


We survived DS's first "date" (how is he, our youngest, the first one to go out on solo dates???) -- he got home about 20 mins late, so we talked about that. But, it went well, and that's done, so, yay. 

Got a lot of sewing done -- I had the strips cut already for the next fencing kiddo baby quilt, so sewed the first set together, cut those, sewed the second set, cut those, and sewed the 3 sections together to make the body of the quilt; the 4th section of strips becomes leaves to applique on, but that involves ironing on the fusible, etc. 

Remembered I need to bring sample transcripts, etc., for our Open House next week as I'm also on the College Prep panel. Ha. I'm not sure they really want me there...."so, my advice is, if your kid is at all unsure, take your time, don't push them, know that college isn't for everyone, protect their mental health....." Etc.  ha!!! But, I shall go, having actually sent 2 homeschool kids to college (vs. many of the other teachers/directors, who are close to preparing for that, but not there yet).  So, doing that while I grab a quick snack. 

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I really should do some work on my computer, but don’t feel like it. Dark, dreary rainy day sucks my energy away. 

Only one thing left today before I can relax in my pjs with a book. 

Ds is packed. 

Listening to a podcast.

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Dinner was good - good chat with Middle, which was nice.  Navigating all the ins & outs of parenting this kiddo....it's complicated. But I love my kiddo. 

The family went upstairs to play video games after dinner, so I restarted my solo "farm" on Stardew Valley. That's been fun (I was ready for a break from TV, and didn't want to return to sewing yet). 

Heading to bed shortly, then we fence tomorrow, nothing on Sunday, school on Monday....see y'all Tuesday!

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