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Tackling Tuesday Together, 1.30.24


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Good morning!

I made dh's breakfast and packed his lunch. Then I went back to bed for a bit. 

  • Bible study
  • exercise
  • shower and get ready
  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • 1 in-person student
  • meals
  • schoolwork for tomorrow
  • tidy house
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!

Yesterday was my LONG day -- oof! This new Monday schedule is ridiculous. (Co-op all day, home for an hour-ish, take Middle to his college class 45 mins away, go to fencing 45 mins a diff direction, pick up Middle, go home - means aside from that hour-ish home, I'm out of the house from 7:30 when I leave to co-op, home from 4:30 to 5:45, then out until 10:15/10:30.....). But, that's DONE, and now, on with the easy part of the week! 

Today I have:
...feed dogs 
...feed birds
...trash/recycling out
...start dishwasher

....unpack the fencing bag (didn't do it last night)
...unpack my lunch bag (didn't do that yesterday either)
...change my ink cartrdige
...print some stuff for tutoring & the PreK kiddo

...call my dr to refill some meds, so I can pick those up after the PreK kid
...go do PreK

...hopefully pick up my meds (if not, pick them up tomorrow)
...stop at the grocery - Middle wants specific veggies for dinner tonight
...come home, eat lunch, nap???

...fold some laundry, see what still needs washing, do that
...go tutor 
...come home, eat dinner, talk to DH sometime

...veg out, go to bed

I think/hope that's all?  Keep up w/the kids and make sure everyone is doing what schoolwork they need to be doing. Otherwise, that should be it. 

Have a great day, everyone! 

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Good morning!

  • laundry started
  • violin next
  • work out
  • print out materials for ds
  • book store for audio books in the car
  • pick up ds
  • snack/work on maths together
  • first dinner: leftovers
  • try to encourage him to miss on of his activities tonight.  It's outside.  It's 25 degrees.  It's down a dark dirt road with no facilities for waiting parents and frankly, I just don't want to do it.
  • take him to the rest of activities
  • second dinner: dh got him an Italian sub sandwich.
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Happy Tuesday!

Both of my kids decided to stay home from school today.  One says she's sick, the other decided she needs a mental health day.  Another person in the house also says she's sick.  I can't afford to be sick right now, so I hope I don't catch whatever it is.

I have a dentist appointment and also a bunch of things I really should send out before said appointment, ugh.

I will try to come back and update when I have more time.

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Laundry switched over.  I didn't find what I was looking for at the book store, but I did find two to add to our reading list.

I am struggling with ds 24's gf.  She lives here.  She has no comprehension of the fact that every sound she makes can be heard by the entire house.  Even things that should be naturally quiet are done with such vigor that it defeats the purpose of the action.  Like, I'm not sure what is going on in the bathroom right now but I do know dh is going to be waking up after 4 hours of sleep and not understand why.  Everything possible has been dropped at least once in there, I think.

Yesterday she came in and told me the end of my show.  A show I was very much looking forward to enjoying.  And then turned on videos on her phone right next to me.  I find myself avoiding her rather than appreciating what my son sees in her.

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Home - did the PreK, went by the grocery store and got a few things, got home and answered a few waiting emails/messages/texts, waiting on a parent to call me back. 

Calling my doctor now, to pick up the refill tomorrow (wasn't time before PreK). 

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6 minutes ago, TheReader said:

@HomeAgain, that sounds so rough. Are you able to talk to her at all and clue her in to these things? Maybe she is just honestly oblivious, and would appreciate knowing so she can correct things. 

I'm usually a pretty blunt person.  The first several times I stated the issue and course correction.  We are at a point where if I continue to acknowledge it I'm mean.  But I honestly have used up my manners pointing out obvious issues:

Dump day is Thursday or Friday.  Don't bring down a ton of trash on Saturday and be upset you missed the 3 announcements because you slept in those days.

10pm is a reasonable hour to not expect screaming at a video game.  So is 11, 12, and 1am.  By the last I will not be the least bit kind about it and you're lucky if I'm nice about the first on a school night.  This finally stopped when I decided reveille was an appropriate morning song to wake ds14 to, and brought it to full blast after he was definitely awake.  He gets up at 5:30am.

Cologne/body sprays are used sparingly.  Many people in public cannot handle an avalanche of layered scents (both 20-somethings guilty here).  One person in this house, me, will end up with a migraine.  It's not new, and it's something our own child is well aware of, but he says "gf likes this cologne on me". Great.  Get out.

Shoes should be put on next to the front door.  We don't wear winter boots upstairs, for many reasons. Like  the noise and that they carry fresh snow and mud. (both 20-somethings)

DH is sleeping.  Please take phone conversations away from right outside his door, which isn't an appropriate place to be on the phone even if he was awake. 


It isn't just the noise, although that's the worst of it.  It's a full on case of early 20s obliviousness.  It is also unsustainable long term.  But the more I say something, the more I feel like I'm always saying something because it never changes.  I feel like a harpy.

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Well, the mom called back, and the problem was what I thought -- we have a new student in 1st grade, who I'm pretty sure has undisclosed non-NT issues going on. I have my suspicions, but am not a diagnostician or expert.  But, it did force my hand and so I went ahead and penned the email to the parent of the new kid, to broach the subject and seek her help in navigating things w/her kiddo. We'll see. 

I do have plans for next week to help - I was already planning some changes before the phone call, so was able to detail those to the concerned mom and alleviate some of her concerns, so that's good. 

Sent a few other texts I needed to send, so finally having lunch and a nap before I have to go do the afternoon stuff. 

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@HomeAgain  Holy cow that is so hard to deal with.   And she has been at your house a long time right?  Are they moving out anytime soon?  

Man I feel like you are in such a hard spot.  How to get her to respect your house "rules" .  I say it like that because they are just to me like low down rules that you have gotten your kids to follow as they grew, but are pretty much unspoken at this point because it is just how your family works now.  Is there anything you can do for helping the sleeping people sleep?  Ear plugs, noise machines, or something else?  I know it shouldn't be like that, she should be respectful of living in someone else's home.    The stuff she is doing would drive me over the edge and make me feel like a prisoner in my own home.  I am sorry.

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Good afternoon! Today totally got away from me.

Boy to school
Second trip to school - Chromebook he forgot. It’s only 1.5 miles away.

Bible study, a project, and lunch at church.


Next up:
Dog to vet for checkup, vax, and Rx. ✔️ 

Tutor online ✔️ 
Make dinner?! ✔️ 
Check up on homework/grades?
Help Ds fix his phone? Unsuccessful. Will wotk on it again tomorrow. Emailed the phone tech support with what we tried that didn’t work.

Later: Listen to a podcast and read. 

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Helped DS with his school stuff, made sure he's keeping on track - he is

Checked in with Middle - maybe he will do what he's supposed to do, perhaps

Folded laundry, put away my stuff, put the next load in the wash (about ready to move to dryer)

printed the stuff for tutoring and have that ready to go

texted w/DH on some stuff

doctor's office called, I can pick up the meds tomorrow

vet called, the mutt's growth was benign and not a big deal at all - whew

remembered I need to prep some stuff for the craft for tomorrow, so tonight after dinner will do that -  make a sample and prep the pieces for the kiddos

grabbing a snack while I wait to go tutor

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Beautiful Day here

went to the park, walked around. Pup still needs practice or I should say I need practice with pup

2 meetings done

drove around figuring out all the road changes and finding different walking paths. The city I live in has at least 25 roundabouts and double diverging diamonds. 

dog class tonight



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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

@HomeAgain  Holy cow that is so hard to deal with.   And she has been at your house a long time right?  Are they moving out anytime soon?  

Man I feel like you are in such a hard spot.  How to get her to respect your house "rules" .  I say it like that because they are just to me like low down rules that you have gotten your kids to follow as they grew, but are pretty much unspoken at this point because it is just how your family works now.  Is there anything you can do for helping the sleeping people sleep?  Ear plugs, noise machines, or something else?  I know it shouldn't be like that, she should be respectful of living in someone else's home.    The stuff she is doing would drive me over the edge and make me feel like a prisoner in my own home.  I am sorry.

That is exactly how it feels, I think.  It's a culture clash.  We all very much value our privacy here and wouldn't dream of sharing phone calls or personal media or anything like it.  Even my violin is tucked into a basement room for my own enjoyment.  Like, what i think is common sense/common courtesy.......isn't.  And it's really hard to keep having those conversations without being exasperated.

No plans to move out soon.  DS just got promoted so I'm hoping within the year. DH has another week on night shift, and he does use a white noise machine, but it only does so much.  I found out what the noise was earlier.  She had decided to clean hers and oldest ds's bathroom by literally dumping the drawer contents on the floor. I'm sure shutting the door would have helped quite a bit, and given her the privacy to listen to her audiobook above the noise.  There are great acoustics in there.

Good news:

DS's first activity was cancelled due to his advisor not being available, so he had a 10 minute wait outside until I arrived.  That was just long enough to convince him that tonight's meet wasn't worth going to.  Yay!

Workout is done.  I'm slowly going through the ones on Netflix

Logic math with ds is done. 

Dh  and I enjoyed a cup of coffee and a tv show while ds took his own personal time (popcorn, cocoa, magazine).

Laundry is all folded and put away.

Up next: dinner, last activity for ds, second dinner and bedtime routine

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Made the executive decision to let DS stay home from his co-op class tomorrow (normally, DH brings him at his class time; he'd have to go in early w/me this week). If he goes, he'd sit for 2 hours playing on the Switch or something until class. If he stays home, he can actually work on his other classes (they are online, but students cannot get on wifi at the co-op). His class at co-op is creative writing, which he can keep working on from here. 

Everything on the original list is done, but now I need to make the sample craft/prep that stuff for 2nd grade, and make my lunch for tomorrow. So, taking the craft stuff to the living room and will do that while I watch TV, then veg until bedtime. I'm in my PJs already, and talked to DH for close to an hour, which was nice. 

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Dinner was good. Kitchen is tidy.

Thought about tomorrow and did a little prep. Still need to find time to prep my lesson for tomorrow night church, but not tonight. 

Jammie time. Next up: podcast about a Dorothy Sayers mystery. 

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Got the craft prepped and ready to go. Whew. Glad I figured that out - worked out some kinks, so that's good. 

Oldest came home - possibly/maybe someone siphoned gas from his car yesterday. :sigh: So now I need to figure that out - locking gas cap, I guess? And he keeps the key to that on his key chain? I hate that we have to think about this. What a world.  He noticed when he left dinner last night that his gas cover & gas cap were both open. :sigh: He doesn't remember what his fuel level was before, though, so.... :sigh: 

I guess I'll pick up a locking gas cap tomorrow for him.

Now vegging out and will make my lunch in a bit. Goodnight, all. 

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